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McQUESTEN, b 1684 in Scotland,[It is believed the
Scottish family name was McUisthon] and emigrated to Ireland,
and later to New England about 1730, and settled in Litchfield
NH abt 1735-44. A deed shows that on March 5, 1744, Willm McQuistian,
Laborer of Medford MA sold to John McQuistian, brickmaker of
Medford MA, for 1000 pounds in good bills old tenor, 2/5 parts
of a Lot of land in Litchfield NH, "which I purchased of
John Richey of Londonderre." William died 26 August 1769,
aged 84 years; and married about 1719 to Margaret Arbuckle.
She b. 1688 in Londonderry NH, and d. 29 July 1776, aged 88
years. Their tombstones were removed with the bodies from the
River Cemetery [when that cemetery land was washed away] to
the North Cemetery. He remained a few years at Malden or Medford,
Massachusetts, probably the latter, and removed to, and settled
in Litchfield, NH when his son William was quite a small boy
(actual date unknown). They had 3 sons and five daughters
Children of William & Margaret (Arbuckle) McQuesten:
1. John, b. 1715-16 in Litchfield NH; d. 10 March 1800 in his
85th year; possibly married 18 Oct 1757 to Margaret Henry [marriages
in Boston, Federal Street Church, show a marriage of John MacQuistion
and Margaret Henry on that date]. Some genealogies state he
died unmarried, and both state he had no children.
2. Jean/Jane, b. 1725 in Medford MA, d. 22 Oct 1803 in Boston
MA, buried Copp's Hill Cemetery, Boston MA; m. 7 Oct 1842 in
Medford MA to Robert HENDRY/HENRY. Resided Boston MA; had issue.
3. Elizabeth, b. abt 1726 in Litchfield NH. Possibly married
Thomas BROWN [Medford MA records show a marriage 6 June 1734
of Elizabeth MacQuistian to Thomas Brown. Intentions of marriage
in Boston, read Thomas Brown and Agnes McHuiston, May 6, 1734.
Copp's Hill Cemetery in Boston show inscription: "In Memory
of/Mrs. Elizabeth Brown/wife of Mr. Thomas Brown who died July
ye 19th/1765/aged 37 years. Mr. Thomas Brown/who died March
ye 11th/1760/aged/43 years and Elizabeth Brown/dau. to Thomas
& Elizabeth Brown who died/January ye 9th/1765 in the 20th
year of her age.
4. Anna b about 1730 in Litchfield NH; m. John BURNS
5. +William-2, b. 1732 in Medford MA; married Margaret
6. Agnes, b. abt 1735 in Litchfield NH; ?m. Duncan Sinclare
[Boston marriage records, First Presbyterian Church, August
21, 1746, Duncan Sinclare and Agnes MacQuestian, both of Boston].
7. Margaret, baptized 3 March 1737 in Medford MA by Rev. John
Moorhead. Nothing more is known of her.
8. +Simon-2, b. 1739 in Medford MA
McQUESTEN, (William-1) b. 1732 in Medford MA, baptized 9
Aug 1733 by Rev. John Moorehad of the Federal Church in Boston
MA; lived in Litchfield; d. 28 Oct 1802; m. 13 June 1765 in
Litchfield NH to Margaret Nahor of Litchfield NH. She was b.
25 May 1738 and d. 13 Oct 1796. It is believed she was the dau
of James & Jane Nahor. The NH Provincial Deeds show that
William's father deeded him the homestead, June 1, 1758, and
that he served as major in the Sixth Regiment of Militia, during
the American Revolution. He probably married 2) abt 6 March
1799 to Ann/Anna (Osgood) Parker, widow of Philip Parker [he
applied for a license on that date at Chelmsford MA].
Children of William & Margaret (Nahor) McQuesten:
1. +David-3, b. 27 Sep 1757 in Litchfield NH; m. 1786;
d. 29 July 1829
2. +William-3, b. 24 Feb 1759, m. 28 Dec 1790; d. 23
Nov 1848
3. +James-3, b. 6 Aug 1761 in Litchfield NH; m. 17 June
1788; d. 19 Nov 1834
4. Margaret (Lucy) b 1764 in Litchfield NH; m to Judge Clifton
CLAGGETT. He b. 3 DEC 1762 at Portsmouth NH, son of Wyseman
and Letitia (Mitchell) Claggett. On 28 Oct 1787 Clifton and
Margaret were received into the church at Merrimack NH. He practiced
law in Litchfield NH; removed to Amherst NH in 1811; was sent
to US Congress 1812-16-18; was Judge of the Probate Court of
Hillsborough County for many years. He died 25 Jan 1829; she
died 17 Oct 1842, aged 78 years. Children [CLAGGETT]: Wyseman,
Susan, William, Elizabeth, Emma, Frances Gordon, Harriet, Frances,
Margaretta, Lucretia and Cornelia C.
5. Sarah, b. 1766; unmarried.
6. +John-3, b. 1768; m. 5 Jan 1809; d. 5 Sep 1828
7. Jane, b. 3 Nov 1771 in Litchfield NH; m. 30 Sep 1790 (Merrimack
Church records) to Wentworth CLAGGETT. He b. 29 Nov 1765 at
Portsmouth NH, son of Wyseman and Letitia (Mitchell) Claggett.
Wentworth and Jane were received into the Covenant at Merrimack
Church, 15 March 1792. After residing at Litchfield and at Merrimack
NH where he owned at large estate (at Reed's Ferry), he moved
to Newport NH and settled on the R.P. Claggett farm, where he
lived until his death 18 Nov 1825. He was justice of the peace
for many years. No record of her death. Children [CLAGGETT]:
Margaret, Caroline, William, Catherine, Rebecca McGaw, Rufus
P., Frederick, Clifton, Eliza, Alonzo, Erastus, and Harriet.
8. +Hugh Nahor-3, b. 16 Apr 1774 in Litchfield NH; m.
31 Aug 1801 to Fanny Parker; d. 30 APR 1830
9. Mary, b. 16 APR 1776 in Litchfield NH; m. 11 June 1797 (Merrimack
NH church records) to Nathan PARKER.
He b. 1 Jan 1767. He settled in Merrimack NH, was a farmer who
kept a hotel and stage station at Reed's Ferry [Merrimack] NH.
All his sons in turn kept hotels and most of them settled on
land around him. At one time he caught pigeons and sold them
in Boston MA. He died 31 Aug 1849. She d. 4 June 1861 both on
their old homestead. Children [PARKER]: William McQ, Frances,
Nathan Jr., Matthew, Adaline Eliza, Elkanah Phillip, James,
Harriet, Thomas, Marietta Rollins.
10. Martha, b. 16 APR 1776, died young
11. Elizabeth, b. 26 July 1778 in Litchfield NH, m. 17 DEC 1801
(Merrimack church records) to the Hon. William CLAGGET. He b
10 June 1776. They resided in Londonderry NH. Dates are from
his own bible while in possession of Miss Libby S. Clagett of
Nashua NH. Elizabeth died 23 Nov 1854 and is buried in Edgewood
Cemetery, Nashua NH. He died 12 May 1858. Children [CLAGGET]:
Wyseman, Elizabeth, Francis, Melinda, Susannah, Clarissa Parker,
Lettice Margaret, Priscilla, William, Mary, James P.
McQUESTEN, (William-1), b. 1739 in Medford MA, d. 14 May
1816; m1) 1761 in Litchfield NH to Esther Harall/Harvall/Harvell.
She b. 1738 in Amherst NH and d. 2 May 1776, in her 38th year.
Five sons were born to her; Simon m2) 13 June 1779 in Litchfield
NH to Rosannah Nahor. She b. 30 Jan 1748 in Litchfield NH, dau
of James and Jane Nahor. She d. 28 APR 1795. She had 2 sons
and 2 daughters. The name is spelled "Macquesten"
on her tombstone. He m3) 9 DEC 1790 in Portsmouth NH to Mrs.
Lettice (Mitchell) Clagett. She b. 1742 in Portsmouth NH, dau
of Dr. Mitchell and widow of Hon. Wyseman Claggett (whom she
married 14 Aug 1759, and he d. 4 DEC 1784) and She d. 2 APR
1827 at Bedford NH; The Provincial Deeds record purchases of
land in 1762 and in 1767 by him. The State Deeds record a lease
made in 1787 and a deed made 4 Feb 1792 showing he bought land
in Litchfield NH. On Oct 7, 1793, Simon McQuesten of Litchfield
gave 110 acres to his son John McQuesten Jr. and Agnes his wife;
on Oct. 7, 1793 he gave land in equal shares to his sons Simon
Jr. and William Jr. In 1802 he sold land to James McQuesten
Jr., Blacksmith and Robert McQuesten, Yoeman, both of Litchfield.
The gravestones of Simon Macqueston, Esther, Rosannah and the
daughter Esther were among those recovered from the river [after
a freshet washed away the riverbank cemetery] and are now in
the Litchfield Cemetery
Children of Simon & Esther (Harvell) McQueston
1. +John-3, b. 29 Feb 1765 in Litchfield NH; m. 14 Feb
2. +Peter-3, b. 23 Nov 1766; m. 18 May 1792; d. 27 Jan
3. +Simon-3, b. 15 DEC 1768 in Litchfield NH; m. 10 March
1810; d. 5 May 1832
4. +William-3, b. 1 APR 1771; m. 16 Nov 1797
5. James, b. 9 March 1774; d. 6 Oct 1778, buried South Litchfield
Children of Simon & Rosannah (Nahor) McQuesten:
6. +James-3, b. 14 March 1780; m. 14 May 1807; d. 12
Feb 1810
7. Esther, b. 16 Aug 1781; unmarried; d. 29 March 1809
8. +Robert Henry-3, b. 15 APR 1783; m. 25 DEC 1810; d.
14 May 1848
9. Margaret, b. 20 June 1784; m. Robert Chase of Derry NH. He
b. 24 April 1785. They settled in Leroy, Gennesse County NY
and died there.
McQuesten (William-2, William-1) b. in Litchfield NH 1757,
and d. in Bedford NH 29 July 1829; m. 1786 to Margaret Fisher,
of Londonderry NH. She was b 18 APR 1760 in Londonderry NH,
dau of Samuel & Sarah Fisher. She died 13 April 1833; They
lived in Litchfield NH until they settled in Bedford NH in 1793-5.
The deed, made July 4, 1794, shows that David bought a lot of
land from Robert MacGregor of Goffstown for 217 pounds, containing
45 acres. They attended the Presbyterian Church in Bedford,
where David became an Elder in 1803. Both of them are buried
in the Bedford (formerly known as Piscataquog) Cemetery, and
had eight children. All lived to adult age.
Children of David & Margaret (Fisher) McQuesten:
1. +William, b. 29 Nov 1787; d. 4 Oct in 1818; he married
Clarissa Gove.
2. +Samuel, b. 11 June 1789 in Litchfield NH; m. 23 Jan
1838; d. 5 Aug 1861
3. Sally Barber, b. 10 July 1791; m. 6 DEC 1824 to Stephen SAWYER,
d. 31 DEC 1857. Had issue (SAWYER): Luther Dimmick, Samuel Foster,
Mary E., and Stephen Payson.
4. +David Jr., b. 13 Sep 1793 in Litchfield NH; m. 15
July 1824 Pamela Richardson; d. 21 May 1850
5. Margaret Nahor, b. 12 Feb 1796; unmarried. d. 9 June 1893;
resided her entire life in Bedford NH, dying in the room where
she was born.
6. Eliza, b. 13 Aug 1799 in BEDFORD NH; m. 5 Aug 1835 to Jonas
VARNUM Jr. who was b 13 APR 1785 at Dracut MA. He d. 15 Nov
1864 and is buried in Oakland Cemetery, Dracut MA (this was
his 2d marriage). She d. 7 APR 1877. Children (VARNUM): Hannah,
Edward Payson, Jonas Parker and William Bentley Oliver. The
children were born in Dracut but brought up on a small farm
in Derry NH. 1877
7. +Calvin, b. 7 Aug 1801; married 3 times; d. 20 Oct
8. Mary Parker, b. 28 Feb 1804; unmarried.; d. 5 Sep 1825
9. Mary, b. 5 March 1806; d. in infancy.
McQUESTEN (William-2, William-1) born 24 Feb 1759 in Litchfield
NH; married 28 DEC 1790, Sarah POTTER, dau of Capt. Daniel and
Sarah (Gould) Potter. She baptized 3 DEC 1775 at Ipswich MA.
William and Sarah lived on a farm in Londonderry, NH where he
was a farmer and High Sheriff of Rockingham County. He d. 23
Nov 1848 and is buried in Litchfield NH. She d. 6 Nov 1849 in
Goffstown NH at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eliphalet (Sarah)
Children of William & Sarah (Potter) McQuesten:
1. Sarah Gould, b. 1791 probably in Londonderry NH; m. 25 Jan
1816 to Eliphalet RICHARDS who was b. 3 APR 1790. They kept
the hotel in Goffstown NH and owned considerable real estate.
He died April 1859. She predeceased him, dying 30 July 1858.
Had issue [RICHARDS]: Perry, Sarah.
2. +William, b. 8 Feb 1792; m. 28 DEC 1819; d. 4 DEC
3. +Daniel Potter, b. 1796, m. 2 DEC 1818; d. 20 Sep
4. +Samuel Potter, m. 23 Aug 1832; d. 1849
5. Nyhre, unmarried, d. in the 1870's and buried at Goffstown
6. Fanny Potter, b. 1 Jan 1806 in Londonderry NH; m. 1 Nov 1827
to Isaac WHITTIER. He b. 25 May 1800, fourth son of Joshua and
Abigail (Farrington) Whittier [a second source says he was the
son of Isaac & Rhoda (Sargent) Whittier]. After their marriage
he became a merchant in Goffstown, Union Bridge and East Tilton
NH. At Northfield NH he was postmaster. He kept a country store
there and served as the town clerk. He d. 1 Nov 1878, and she
d. 7 Feb 1882 at Dracut MA. Children (Whittier): Nyhre Frances,
Isaac Newton, Daniel Braynard, William C., Mary Lizzie, Sarah
Tilton, Corban Curtice, and Mark Woodbury. Reportedly one of
their sons settled in Kentucky (unproven)
McQuesten (William-2, William-1) was born 6 Aug 1761 in
Litchfield, NH and d. 19 Nov 1834; he m. 17 June 1788 in Litchfield
NH to Ann MOOR, dau and sixth child of Col. Daniel & Ann
(Cox) Moor, and a descendant of John Moor and his wife Janet
who emigrated from the parish of Aghadowey, Co. of Londonderry,
Ireland to Londonderry NH in 1723-4. She b. 3 June 1769 in Bedford
NH (on the old Beall's homestead) and d. 21 Nov 1845 in Litchfield
NH. He was a farmer and a lifelong resident of Litchfield. 23
May 1789, James and Ann were received into the Church in Merrimack
NH. They are buried in the North Litchfield Cemetery.
Children of James & Ann (Moor) McQuesten:
1. +Daniel Moor MCQUESTEN b. 3 DEC 1789 in Litchfield,NH;
married twice; d. 14 September 1872
2. John baptized 22 MAY 1791 in Litchfield,NH; d. 1791
3. +William b. 8 JAN 1792 in Litchfield,NH, m. 9 APR
1826; d. 1845
4. +James b. 28 FEB 1794 in Litchfield,NH; married twice;
d. 21 AUG 1853
5. +John b. 14 FEB 1796 in Litchfield,NH; m. 26 DEC 1826;
d. 6 Oct 1880
6. Clifton C. b. 7 FEB 1797/99 in Litchfield, NH; baptized 4
May 1799; d. 31 AUG 1803
7. Jane Gay b. 23 AUG 1800 in Litchfield,NH; d. 1800
8. Jane Claggett b. 16 July 1801 in Litchfield, NH; d. 3 MAY
1893 Sunapee NH; m. 1 March 1826 to William BEAN, son of Joseph
& Hannah (Wadleigh) Bean; He b. 8 Nov 1800 at Sutton NH
and d. 16 Sep 1859/69 in Sunapee NH. They lived at Sutton and
Sunapee NH. Had issue [BEAN]: Daniel, James M. Joseph, Mary
Ann., Franklin P., Nancy, Hannah Jane, and Martha Moor.
9. +Henry b. 14 AUG 1804 in Litchfield, NH; d. 24 FEB
10. Nancy b. 10 SEP 1806 in Litchfield, NH; baptized 15 Nov
1807; unmarried; d. 3 July 1873 at Goffstown NH; buried in Litchfield
11. Mary Shirley b. 28 MAY 1809 in Litchfield, NH; married 1
APR 1828 to her first cousin, Daniel MOOR. He b. 23 Feb 1801.
He was a descendant of John and Janet Moor, and was a school-teacher
and town clerk, and selectman. She d. 29 FEB 1840 and he died
13 Aug 1850. Children, born at Bedford NH [MOOR]: William DeWitt,
James Clifton, Martha Jane, Daniel Leroy, George Burnham, Joseph
12. Martha M. b. 22 OCT 1811 in Litchfield, NH; m 12 June 1832,
to her first cousin, Capt. John Colley MOOR. He b. 7 APR 1805.
She d. 30 APR 1887. He died 21 Nov 1887 while on a visit to
Weare NH. He had been a captain in the old militia. He, too
was a descendant of John and Janet Moor. Children born at Bedford
NH [MOOR]: Mary Shirley, Susan Jane, Martha Ann, Abel Fletcher,
and David Rollins.
McQUESTEN (William-2, William-1), b. in 1768 in Litchfield
NH; married 5 Jan 1809 in Plymouth NH, Prudence Willey [sometimes
called Prudence Knopp) of Compton NH, who was born in 1771.
They lived in Plymouth NH from 1809-1821, and returned to Litchfield
NH where he was drowned 5 Sep 1828 in the Merrimack River. Prudence
was found dead 19 Aug 1851 of heart disease. She was in the
habit of walking several miles through the woods to visit relatives
and was not missed for several days.
Children of John & Prudence (Willey or Knopp) McQuesten:
1. Mary, b. 13 Sep 1810 in Plymouth NH; married 1) 1828 to Robert
Davis WHITTEMORE. He b. 25 May 1806, the second child of David
and Mary (Nichols) Whittemore of Litchfield. They had one son
and one daughter, and he had several children by a former wife.
Mary married 2nd) 11 Feb 1842, William MURDOUGH. He b. 23 May
1785 in Hillsboro NH, son of Samuel and died 26 March 1866 at
Goshen NH. He had been a tanner and shoemaker of Washington
NH. No record of Mary's death. There was a son and daughter
by Mr. Whittemore and a daughter by Mr. Murdough. [The daughter
MURDOUGH was named Fidelia, b. 23 APR 1849]
2. +Robert or Joseph Wells, b. 27 APR 1812; m.
1840; d. 7 Nov 1852
3. Margaret Nahor, b. 5 Oct 1815 at Plymouth NH; m. 19 June
1836 at Nashua NH to Ezra VICKERY. He b. 6 Sep 1815. She d.
26 Sep 1868; he died 2 APR 1888. They are buried at Nashua NH.
Children [VICKERY]: Joseph D., John Heartland; Clifton E., Frank
A., George B., Emma, Nellie, and Kate B.
4. +George Brinley, b. 12 Feb 1821; m. three times; d.
10 Feb 1905
Nahor-3 McQUESTON (William-2, William-1) born 16 APR 1774
in Litchfield NH; married 31 Aug 1801 (Merrimack Church Records)
to Fanny PARKER. She b. 1 DEC 1775 and d. 5 July 1823. He was
in the War of 1812; at one time was sheriff of Hillsborough
County. He d. 30 APR 1830 and is buried in Amherst NH.
Children of Hugh N. & Fanny (Parker) McQuestion:
1. +Matthew Parker, b. 16 Jan 1802; m. 3 Oct 1826
2. +Hugh Nahor Jr., b. 22 Feb 1804; m. 2 APR 1829; d.
13 Feb 1889
3. Frances, b. 26 March 1807 in Litchfield NH; m. 23 Feb 1829
to Zophar JONES. He b. 20 June 1799 and d. 21 APR 1834. She
m2) --- Houghton who died; She d. 11 Sep 1839; Children [JONES]:
Frances Ann, Clarecy, Zophar Jr. and James.
4. Margaret, b. 18 March 1809 in Litchfield NH; m. 22 Feb 1835
at Lowell MA by Rev. Thos B. Thayer to Jonas M. DAMON of Lowell
MA. He b. 12 June 1805; She d. 22 Sep 1842 and he d. 29 APR
1880. Children [DAMON]: Daniel, Margaret Ann, and George H.
5. Lydia P., b. 28 APR 1811; we have the following from the
Massachusett's records, it possibly is Lydia: "Married,
Nov 11, 1835, Mr. Reuben Barrett to Miss Lydia McQuesten, both
of Lancaster."
6. Elizabeth, b. 15 March 1813; m. 29 DEC 1851, Stephen KENDALL.
He b. 13 Aug 1803 in Groton MA
7. Mary Jane, b. 20 Jan 1818 in Litchfield NH; m. in 1830 to
Isaac FORD. He b. at Manchester ME. They lived in Massachusetts,
Maine, Illinois and Kansas. She d. 20 Jan 1883. He d. 30 Oct
1883 in Oregon. Children [FORD]: Mary J., Charlotte H., Isaac
N., Zophar J., Edgar A., Zophar N. and Anson M.
McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b. 29 Feb 1765 in Litchfield
NH and d. 1850 in Litchfield NH; m. 14 Feb 1790 (Merrimack NH
church records) to Elizabeth KENNY, dau of Stephen and Sarah
Kenny. She b. 11 March 1770 in Nottingham West [Hudson] NH,
and d. May 1850. He died before 1850 in Litchfield NH, date
Children of John & Elizabeth (Kenny) McQuestion [may be
more children]
1. +John Jr., b. 18 DEC 1790 in Litchfield NH; m; d.
1 Oct 1848
2. Betsey, b. 16 March 1792; d.
3. +Simon Oaks, b. 6 Aug 1794 in Litchfield NH; d. He
d. Aug 1850 or 1 Sep 1849; m. 23 Oct 1825 in Litchfield NH to
4. James, b. 14 May 1796; d.
5. Ralph, b. 1 May 1800; m. 29 APR 1824 Peggy GLOVER who d.
11 Feb 1873 in her 77th year. He d. Aug 1850. In 1830 and 1840
US Censuses both living in Litchfield NH, no children in those
censuses. The 1850 US census mortality schedule shows him dying
May 1850 in NH of consumption, occupation, laborer.
6. +Robert, b. 20 March 1802; m. 22 March 1834; d. 11
Sep 1878
7. Lucinda, b. 24 APR 1805; m. 22 APR 1827 to John Taylor Gilman
CHASE. He b. 15 May 1800 and d. 9 May 1840. After his death
she went to live with her daughter, Mrs. DOAK. She d. 23 DEC
1875. Children [CHASE]: John Stark, Samuel, Henry Gage, Daniel,
Gilman, Sarah Elizabeth, William Walker and Harriet Frances.
8. Sarah, b. 28 APR 1807, d.
9. Esther, b. 8 Aug 1809; m. 24 Aug 1837, her cousins JOSEPH
McQuesten. She d. 12 DEC 1839. She is buried on the lot with
her grandfather, Simon, also her daughter, Esther, who died
May 17, 1839.
McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b. 23 Nov 1766 (O.S. Nov
11) in Litchfield NH; went to Plymouth NH in 1790 and was a
blacksmith with his home on Ward Hill. He married 18 May 1792
to Judith GREENOUGH. She b. 9 DEC 1771, dau of William and Hannah
(Wells) Greenough. The Masonic records show that Peter joined
the Plymouth Lodge in 1803 but must have taken his degree before
coming to Plymouth. In the same record mention is made of John
McQuesten who took his Masonic degree in Plymouth and afterwards
became Grandmaster of the lodge. Peter died 27 Jan 1814, of
spotted fever. Judith maintained the home, reared her children
and died 7 December 1858 at Plymouth NH, being the oldest member
of the Congregational Church. They are buried in Trinity Cemetery
in Holderness NH. The dates are from the old family Bible in
possession [1936] of Rev. B.C. McQuesten, and have been verified
by the cemetery dates. Children born at Plymouth.
Cemetery in Wentworth NH, MacQuesten plaque on tombstone. |
b. Agryllshire Scotland 1680
moved to Colereraine Ireland 1741
immigrated to Londonderry NY 1743
Died in Litchfield NH 1769
buried in Litchfield NH
son of William McQuesten and Margaret Arbuckle
born in Argyllshire Scotland 1789
Died in Litchfield NH 1816
Buried in Litchfield NH
son of Simon MacQuesten and Esther Harvell
Born in Litchfield NH 1766
Died in Plymouith NH 1814
Buried in Holderness NH
donated by Bernie Hughes, Bridgewater, NH,
of Peter & Judith (Greenough) McQuesten: [born at Plymouth
1. +Simon, b. 3 DEC 1792; m. 28 Nov 1822; d. 3 March
2. +William Danforth, b. 15 Jan 1795; m. 8 July 1825;
d. 10 DEC 1855
3. +Alvah, b. 3 March 1797; m twice; d. 2 March 1880
4. Valeria, b. 2 March 1799; unmarried; d. 11 Sep 1816
5. Charles Clark, b. 17 Feb 1801; unmarried; d. 23 APR 1828
6. +Greenough, b. 5 June 1804; m. 28 Sep 1828; d. 24
Aug 1890
7. Peter Rockwood, b. 27 Aug 1806; unmarried; was taxed in Plymouth
NH 1828-29. He went to sea, fell from a mast and was lost; d.
25 Jan 1830
8. +Oliver Spaulding, b. 2 Feb 1809; m. 11 Sep 1831;
d. 31 May 1870
9. Relief Judith, b. 30 Oct 1811; unmarried; d. 14 Feb 1827
McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b. 15 DEC 1768 in Litchfield
NH; married in Litchfield NH 10 March 1810 to Elizabeth COTTON.
She b. 27 Feb 1789 and d. 7 July 1859. He died 5 May 1832. They
are both buried in the Unitarian Cemetery at Nashua NH.
Children of Simon & Elizabeth (Cotton) McQuesten:
1. Clymena, b. 1810; d. 29 May 1815
2. +Joseph, b. 29 Nov 1812; m. twice; d. 17 APR 1882
3. Gorham, b. 1815; d. 27 June 1815
4. +George, b. 4 June 1817; m 1853; d 6 June 1892
5. Samuel, b. 18 March 1823; m. 8 Nov 1849 to Sarah Jane WADLEIGH
who d. 5 July 1864, aged 37 years. He d. 21 July 1864.
6. Daniel, b. 4 DEC 1825, d. 22 Nov 1831.
McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b 1 APR 1771 in Litchfield
NH. He married 16 Nov 1797 (Merrimack Church records) to Henrietta
"Rittie" CLAGGET, dau of Hon. Wyseman & Lettice
(Mitchell) CLagett. She b. 1778 in Litchfield NH. The Litchfield
Church Society Book has this record, "Henrietta McQUesten,
propounded 1817, May 11; voted 1817, June 6. William McQuesten
voted 1821, April 3." He died in 1823 in Goffstown NH.
She d. 11 Nov 1861 in Boston MA and is buried at Manchester
NH. Children born in Litchfield NH.
Children of William & Henrietta (Clagget) McQuesten:
1. Albert, b. 18 June 1799, was an M.D. The date of his birth
is from Capt. Isaac McQuesten's notes and that of his death,
26 May 1847 is from the Evangelical Church Records of Revere
in Chelsea Deaths. He is buried in Garden Cemetery, Chelsea,
MA. Unmarried.
2. Lettice, b. 18 DEC 1801 in Litchfield NH; m. 5 Nov 1837 by
Isaac Willey to Andrew BUNTON. He b. 8 DEC 1801 and d. 21 APR
1860. He was a stonemason. They resided at Manchester NH. She
d. 6 Oct 1893. Child [BUNTON]: Andrew Jr., b. 6 Aug 1846, d.
18 June 1897
3. +Edward, b. 18 APR 1804; m. 9 Nov 1830; d. 15 APR
4. +Salah Temple, b 2 June 1808 in Litchfield NH; married
twice; d. 14 Aug 1882
5. Caroline F., b. 16 March 1812 on the Simon Homestead in Litchfield
NH; m. 3 March 1835 to Robert MARTIN. He b. 1807 in Goffstown
NH. His residence at the time of marriage was given as Dunbarton
NH. He was a farmer. Later in life he sold the farm and moved
to Wilton NH. She d. 23 June 1874 and he d. 29 APR 1879, both
in Wilton NH. Children [MARTIN]: Julia A., Harriette, Caroline
F., Albert G. Hannah L., Letitia Clagett, and William R.
6. Harriet, b 1 Nov 1814; married James V. SULLIVAN of Boston
NH. Child [SULLIVAN]: James Albert, John V., Henrietta C. (who
m. Francis Murdock of Newton MA).
McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b. 14 March 1780 in Litchfield
NH; went to Plymouth NH for about two years and then moved to
Bedford NH, where he was a merchant. He married 14 May 1807,
Margery GREENOUGH, dau of William & Hannah (Wells) Greenough
[and sister to Judith]. She b. 6 March 1783. James died 12 Feb
1810, after which his widow settled the estate and returned
to Rumney NH where she married 2nd) Edward HALL, by whom she
had two children, Daniel and Phebe Hall.
Children of James & Margery (Greenough) McQuesten:
1. +James Milton, b. 1 March 1808; m. 10 May 1835; d.
28 May 1875
2. Judith, b. 21 Jan 18--; d 14 Aug 1821; buried in Forest Hill
Cemetery, East Derry NH
Henry-3 McQUESTEN (Simon-2, William-1) b. 15 APR 1783 in
Litchfield NH; he lived there all his life. He married 25 DEC
1810 to Lydia BARRETT, dau of Isaac and Rhoda (Marsh) Barrett
of Hudson NH. She b. 20 Feb 1790 at Hudson NH, and died 7 Oct
1839. He died 14 May 1848 [Deaths from Litchfield Records, births
from Capt. Isaac's notes and children's births from the family
record]. Children were born in Litchfield NH.
Children of Robert H. & Lydia (Barrett) McQuesten:
1. + Capt. Isaac, b. 18 Oct 1811; m. 29 DEC 1842; d.
3 DEC 1896
2. Susanah, b 2 Sep 1814; m. 2 July 1835, by Reuben Greeley,
Esq., to John H. MERRILL of Hudson. She d. July 1836.
3. Robert, b. 25 October 1816; d. 25 DEC 1872 at Manchester
NH; buried in Litchfield NH.
4. Charles b 6 APR 1820; d. 6 March 1826 from a fall on a picket
5. Elizabeth "Betsey", b. 6 June 1822 in Litchfield
NH; m. 8 Nov 1849 to James SANDERSON, son of Isaac & Eunice
(Bolton) Sanderson. He b 19 May 1824. She d. 30 Jan 1903. Children
[Sanderson]: Clarence Eaton (b 1865), Eugene James and Mary
L. (who m. Leander C. Sanderson)
6. Mary Nahor, b. 27 May 1825 in Litchfield NH; m. 6 Oct 1848
to Samuel Harvey ANDREWS, son of Samuel Whiting & Eliza
(French) Andrews. He b. 15 Nov 1822 at Claremont NH and d. 20
DEC 1907. She d.19 Feb 1902. Child [ANDREWS]: Mary Ella "Lizzie,"
b. 26 July 1851 Claremont NH, clerk and teacher; m. 9 June 1888
to William Wesley Poole of Cornish NH. He d 15 Nov 1891 and
she m2) 30 DEC 1899 Henry Lyman FLETCHER of Claremont NH, who
d. 13 June 1929.
7. +Thomas, b. 16 Oct 1830; m. 17 May 1860; d. 19 Feb
McQuesten (David-3, William-2, William-1) was b. 29 Nov
1787 in Litchfield NH, and d. in 1818. He married 26 APR 1813
to Clarissa Gove, dau of Dr. Jonathan and Polly (Dow) Gove.
She b. 17 March 1792 in New Boston NH and d. in Goffstown NH
25 May 1837. After William's death, she m2nd) 10 July 1832 John
RICHARDS of Goffstown, who died 10 Aug 1844 [it was his third
marriage] She had children by both husbands. William died 4
Oct 1818 and is buried in Westlawn Cemetery, Goffstown. Clarissa
died 18 March 1883 age 91 years. The History of Weare NH states
that "William had the first loom in Weare, to weave twilled
Children of William & Clarissa (Gove) McQuesten:
1. Eliza McQUESTEN, b. 8 Aug 1814, d. 30 June 1909, m. 28 DEC
1838 Harrison Hobston/Hobson of Nashua NH; d. 30 June 1909.
Harrison was b. 11 APR 1814 at Oil Mill Village, Weare NH and
d. 17 June 1897 prob Nashua NH. They are buried in the Unitarian
(formerly Indianhead) Cemetery in Nashua NH. Had issue [HOBSON]:
Sarah Josepha who m. W.A. Robinson; and Harry Mack.
2. +Charles Frederick Gove, b. 1 APR 1816; m. 30 DEC
1841; d. 10 Oct 1873
3. William, b. 31 Oct 1818; d. 3 Sep 1826 [dates from Westlawn
Children of John & Clarissa (Gove-McQuesten) RICHARDS:
4. Lucien RICHARDS, married Cynthia Wadleigh of Weare NH. She
b. 30 Oct 1840
5. Clarissa RICHARDS
6. --
McQuesten (David-3, William-2, William-1) was born in Litchfield
NH 11 June 1789, and died 5 Aug 1861 in Manchester NH. He is
buried in Bedford Cemetery; He married 23 Jan 1838 to Lucinda
Silsbee Foster, dau of Dr. Samuel & Mary (Colcord) Foster
of Candia NH. She b. 5/9 Sep 1805 and d. 16 June 1891 and is
buried in Bedford NH. He was a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church
of Bedford NH, 1832-45. They and their sons are buried in the
Bedford Cemetery. There is a story regarding two of their sons:
David and his brother John attended school in the old school
house, District #1 in West Manchester (now the site of Trinity
Church). One night they made a wager as to who could reach home
first. Each started at his utmost speed. David, as he rushed
into the house, had only time to say, "I've done it,"
when he fell at his mother's feet, lifeless. In 1850 living
in Manchester NH with wife Lucinda S., children, Samuel F, John
K, and David, and mother Margaret.
Children of Samuel & Lucinda S. (Foster) McQuesten:
1. Samuel Foster, b. 4 May 1839; unmarried d. 13 June 1863 in
New Orleans LA; served in Co. G, 16th Regiment, NH Volunteers
during the Civil War as a musician. Died in the service.
2. +John Knox, b. 27 May 1842; d. 2 June 1920; married
3. David, b. 2 Jan 1846 in Bedford NH; d. 10 DEC 1860 in Bedford
NH (reportedly after racing home with his brother, John).
David-4 McQUESTEN (David-3, William-2, William-1) b. 13
Sep 1793 in Litchfield NH, d. 20 May 1850 at Washington NH,
and is buried in Goffstown NH; m. 15 July 1824 Pamela Richardson.
She b 6 Aug 1797 in Stoddard NH and d. March 1889 at Hackettstown
NJ. He studied medicine at Dartmouth College and settled at
Washington NH in 1820-21; had a large practice there and in
the surrounding towns.
Children of David & Pamela (Richardson) McQueston:
1. Julia, b. 22 APR 1825 at Washington NH; married 3 times;
d. 21 Sep 1883; m1) DEC 1844 Dr. Austin NEWTON; m2) Frederick
CHAPIN; m3) 23 March 1876 William F. NEWTON. Had issue by her
first husband (NEWTON): David A., and Dixie C.
2. Lucretia, b. 10 May 1827; m. 25 DEC 1885, William F. NEWTON;
resided at Newport NH
3. Lucelia, b. 14 March 1830; m. 8 Sep 1853 William HOLT. He
b. 6 DEC 1829 at Washington NH; they resided Washington NH.
She d. 5 Aug 1883 in Hackettstown NJ
4. Margaret, b. 1832; unmarried.; d. 9 March 1853, buried at
Washington NH
5. +William Wirt, b. 28 DEC 1833; m. 16 May 1866; d.
19 Jan 1905
6. +John Quincy Adams, b. 22 Aug 1835, m. 1 May 1860;
d. 5 APR 1919
7. Jane, b. 10 DEC 1836 at Washington NH; m. 9 July 1856 to
Milton P. CURRIER; She d. 8 APR 1914. They resided at Great
Falls PA. Had issue including Hattie, Edward/Eddie, Charles/Charlie,
Frederick, Jennie L and Herbert W. In 1860 residing in Sunapee
NH; in 1870 in Northumberland, Coos Co NH; and by 1880 in Great
Bend, Susquehanna Co. PA
8. Samuel, b. 2 July, 1839; d. 17 June 1840
9. Charles A., b. 10 July 1841 at Newport NH; m. Ellen Brown
who was b. at Windsor. He enlisted 28 Aug 1861 Co. H., 4th Reg.
NH Vols, mustered in Sep 1861, transferred to CO H. 241 C; re-enlisted
10 DEC 1863, discharged 19 Jan 1866 at Washington D.C. He d.
19 Aug 1892 in the hospital in Dedham MA. Had one known ch,
an infant daughter, who was b. and d. 26 DEC, 1859.
10. Harriette/Hattie S., b. 10 Oct 1843 at Washington NH, d.
9 Nov 1894; m. 9 Aug 1865 to James Jacob RUSLING, son of Robert
& Mary (McCracken) Rusling. He b. 30 July 1843 and d. 2
APR 1899. Had issue. They resided in Hackettstown NJ. In the
1870 US Census living in Hackettstown NJ (James J., Hattie S.,
son Wm H., age 3, and mother Permelia McQuesten age 72, and
William & Lucelia Holt). In the 1880 census of Hackettstown
NJ, children shown are William H. (age 13), Lewis C. (age 8),
Woodbury D (age 3), and mother Pamelia McQueston (age 83).
11. Infants who lived only a few hours.
Calvin-4 McQUESTEN (David-3, William-2, William-1) b. 7
Aug 1801 in
Bedford NH; graduated from Bowdoin College in 1829 as a doctor
medicine, beginning his practice at Sanbornton Bridge NH; remained
a short time, removing to Brockport NY. In 1837 he removed to
Ontario (Upper Canada at that time) Canada and established Hamilton's
first foundry, the business of McQuesten and Fisher, with his
cousin, John Fisher, also from NH--this was the pioneer manufacturing
of harvesting machinery and implements in that province. The
business later became the Sawyer-Massey Company (still in existence
in 1930) making road-making and agricultural machinery. He married
1) 8 Nov 1831 in NH,
Margarette Barker LERNED [or LEARNED per the 1800 U.S. Census],
dau of Dr. Ebenezer LERNED [LEARNED] of Hopkinton NH. She was
b. 3 June 1809 and died 13 July 1841 at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
[they had 3 sons]; He m2) 11 Sep 1844 in NH, Estimate Ruth Esther
BALDWIN, dau of Isaac Baldwin. She was b. 26 Oct 1816 at Antrim
NH and d. 27 APR 1851 in Hamilton [they had 2 sons]. Dr. Calvin
married 3) 22 DEC 1853 to Elizabeth FULLER, who d. 10 May 1897
in Petersburg, VA. He predeceased her 20 Oct 1885 and is buried
at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. MORE on this family at
Children of Dr. Calvin & Margarette B. LERNED [LEARNED]
1. Calvin McQuesten Jr., b. 15 Aug 1834; d. 25 Aug 1834
2. Dr. Calvin Brooks McQuesten, b. 27 Oct 1837; unmarried; graduated
Dartmouth College (NH) as a doctor of medicine; served during
the Civil
War as a surgeon; practiced in Asbury Park NJ from the end of
the Civil
War to about 1908, when he returned to Hamilton, Canada, where
he d. 19
Feb 1912.
3. James Barker McQuesten, b. 10 July 1841, d. 29 July 1841
Children of Dr. Calvin & Estimate R.E. (Baldwin) McQuesten
4. +Isaac Baldwin McQuesten, b. 26 Nov 1847; m. 18 June
1873; d. 7 March 1888
5. David McQuesten, b. 12 Nov 1849, d. 8 DEC 1854
McQUESTEN (William-3, William-2, William-1) b. 8 Feb 1792
in Londonderry NH; was drafted in the War of 1812 but did not
see service; m. 28 DEC 1819 to Mary Burnham JAMESON. She was
b 20 Oct 1796 at Dunbarton NH. The family lived in Manchester
NH before moving to Saco ME. Mary died 8 Nov 1881 in Saco ME,
he d. 4 DEC 1882 in Saco ME and both are buried there. [Children,
except the youngest were born in Londonderry NH]
1. Harriette Amizida, b. 12 July 1841 at Londonderry NH; m.
27 June 1841 Henry T. WENTWORTH; She d. 29 APR 1849, and is
buried at Wakefield, Carroll Co. NH. They had 5 children, all
died young. He remarried, had a family, and d. 11 DEC 1862.
2. Daniel Jameson, b. 21 Aug 1823; d. 2 Oct 1825
3. Clarissa Courtner, b. 10 oct 1825 in Londonderry NH; m. 14
DEC 1852 to Moses PAGE, who was b. 1 Oct 1829 and d. 12 March
1876. Issue (PAGE): Ida May, George E., and Elmer Ellsworth.
4. Helen Orcutt, b. 25 June 1828 at Londonderry NH; m. 20 APR
1858 to Joseph H. MERRILL, who was b. 1 Aug 1826 and d. 6 June
1870; She d. 16 July 1849 and are buried in Valley Cemetery,
Manchester NH. Issue (one child, MERRILL): Eugene, b. and d.
5. Mary Jane, b. 6 Aug 1830 in Manchester NH; m. 17 DEC 1850
at Saco, ME to Samuel CHASE, son of Samuel & Martha (Webber)
Chase. He was b. 2 DEC 1827 at Parsonfield, York Co. ME. Had
issue (CHASE): Frank and Helen Martha.
6. Hannah Frances, b. 2 Aug 1833 in Londonderry NH; m. 1 Sep
1853 at Saco, ME to James McNEALLY; She d. 26 Feb 1899 at Saco
ME. Issue (McNeally): Eugene Warren, Harry Albert, James Walter,
Mary Etta, Frank Chase, Herbert G. and Minnetta Florence.
7. +Solon Frederick James, b. 20 Oct 1835; m 3x; d. 4
APR 1905
8. Henrietta Theresa, b. 26 may 1838; m. 31 May 1859 to Gilbert
BERRY. He b. 24 Nov 1812 at Saco ME, d. 26 APR 1892 Old Orchard
ME where they lived. She d. 17 DEC 1921 and is buried at Saco,
ME. No children.
Potter-4 McQUESTEN (William-3, William-2, William-1) b.
1796 in Londonderry NH; moved to Haverhill MA and married there
2 DEC 1818 Dolly Igersol JOHNSON, dau of John and Ruth (Ingersol)
JOHNSON. She was b. 28 March 1800 and d. 6 DEC 1831 and is buried
in Greenwood Cemetery. They had one son and two daughters born
in Haverhill MA. In 1834 Daniel P. was a State Representative
from Haverhill. He married 2) 10 Oct 1835 at East Haverhill
NH to Mary Ann BRADLEY, dau of Samuel & Abigail (Pike) Bradley.
She born 23 DEC 1807 at New Sharon ME. [She was a DAR member--DAR
ID Number: 8902-- Descendant of Samuel Bradley, Jr., of Massachusetts.
Daughter of Samuel Bradley, Jr., and Abigail Pike, his wife.
Samuel Bradley, Jr., 1775, with his brother Wingate, turned
out from Haverhill in Capt. Micajah Gleason's company. In 1776
they enlisted in the privateer service and after taking many
prizes were captured and confined at Halifax until the close
of the war.] Daniel P. died in 1851, at the age of eighty-seven.In
1835-6 they moved to Bangor ME where he became a prominent lumberman
and where he d. 20 Sep 1862, aged 66 years. After his death,
his widow went to Alameda, California, to live with her son
and daughter. She died there 22 Sep 1899. She was an honorary
member of La Puerto Del Oro Chapter (San Francisco) DAR and
enjoyed the distinction of being the first "real daughter"
of a Revolutionary Soldier on the Pacific Coast. Samuel Bradley,
her father, age the age of ten years and eleven months together
with his brother, Wingate Bradley, "fifer," fifteen
years old, enlisted at Haverhill MA on the "Lexington Alarm"
and served in the Revolutionary army and navy for seven years.
She was the oldest member of the Congregational Church of San
Children of Daniel P. & Dolly I. (Johnson) McQuesten:
1. John Johnson, b. 25 Jan 1820 at Haverhill MA; m. 19 Oct 1845
prob Haverhill MA to Abigail P. Bradley who was b. 1822 at Dover
ME [her mother's name was Lucretia Spaulding]; It is believed
that John died in the Civil War. She d. 22 Nov 1903. Child:
Warren I., b. 14 Feb 1847 and d. 3 Jan 1853.
2. Dolly, b. 19 March 1822 at Haverhill MA, m. 27 Oct 1841 at
Bangor ME to Dudley Frank LEAVITT; She d. 23 Feb 1899 at Brookline
MA; Children [LEAVITT]: Helen, Mary, Bertha, Frank, John, Carolyn
3. Frances Parker "Fanny P.", b. 26 Oct 1823 at Haverhill
MA; m. 10 May 1844 at Bangor ME to Charles F. WHITTIER, son
of Benjamin & Nancy (Hathaway) Whittier. She d 12/21 May
1890 at Bangor ME. Had issue [WHITTIER]: Frank, Asa, Julia,
Belle, and Mary Emma.
Children of Daniel P. & Mary A. (Bradley) McQuesten
4. George W., b. 23 Oct 1837 in Bangor ME; d. 24 March 1848
5. Emily Patten, b. 21 Jan 1839 Bangor ME; unmarried. d. 17
Feb 1924 in San Francisco CA, at the home of Dr. Charles A.
6. +Charles Augustine, b. 19 Nov 1841; m. 29 Feb 1896;
d. 30 APR 1930
Potter-4 McQUESTEN (William-3, William-2, William-1) b.
in Londonderry NH; married 23 Aug 1832, Julia Ann ELLIOT, dau
of William and Rebecca Elliot born 12 Jan 1811, both of Thornton
NH. Samuel P. died about 1849 and did not remarry after his
wife died.
Children of Samuel P. & Julia A. (Elliot) McQUesten:
[may be more]
1. Julia, possibly went west, possibly married.
John-4 MCQUESTEN (James-3, William-2, William-1) b. 14 FEB
1796 in Litchfield,NH and d. 6 Oct 1880; Lived in Bedford NH
when he married. He was a pioneer of Lyon County, Minnesota,
and made several trips across the plains with oxen and horse
teams when gold was discovered in California. In 1852, in the
first census taken for California, he is in Nevada County, age
56, occupation miner, birthplace NH, residence Wisconsin. There
is also E.B. McQuiston, age 23, occupation miner, birthplace
NH, residence Wisconsin, probably meant for his son, Varnum
B. He served one year in Co. A., 41st Regt. Wisconsin Volunteers
during the Civil War. He went from Wisconsin to Grandview Township,
Lyon County, Minnesota in 1872. In 1880 census living with his
son Orlando in Grand View, Lyon Co. Minnesota. He resided with
his son Orlando C until his death, 6 Oct 1880; his remains lie
in a little cemetery half a mile out of the village of Ghent
in Grand View Minnesota. In one instance his residence was given
as Galena, IL. He married 26 DEC 1826 in Bedford, NH to Mary
Louisa BUTLER. She b. 9 June 1808 and d. 15 Sep 1859 at Plattsville,
Children of John & Mary L. (Butler) McQueston:
1. Varnum Butler, b. 11 Sep 1828 in Litchfield NH; in 1849 he
with his cousins, William and Harry Wingate McQuesten, went
West; they separated, Varnum B. going to Montana where he spent
the most of his life mining and where he died 24 Feb 1895. Another
source says he died and is buried in Hot Springs, South Dakota.
2. Clinton, b. 1 July 1830 in Litchfield NH; d. 20 Oct 1843
3. +John Adams, b. 7 Aug 1834 in Litchfield NH; m. 26
APR 1864; d. 12 DEC 1867
4. +Leroy Napoleon, b. 9 July 1836 in Litchfield NH;
m. 2 Sep 1882; d 4 Sep 1909; known as "Captain Jack;"
and "Father of Alaska"
5. Jerome B., b 1 March 1838 in Galena, Jo Daviess Co., IL;
d. 31 DEC 1843
6. Mary Louisa, b. 25 APR 1841 in Galena, JO Daviess Co. IL;
married 17 Jan 1861 Galena, JO Daviess Co. IL to Richard M.
Schackleford. He b. 17 Jan 18-- in Washington County KY. They
resided at Pasa Robles, California. They adopted a son, Otto,
born at San Jose, California; Mary died at Hartsdale.
7. +Orlando Clinton, b 10 Aug 1844 in Galena, JO Daviess
Co., IL; m. 12 Sep 1869; d. 31 Jan 1922
Moor-4 McQUESTEN (James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1)
b. 3 DEC 1789, baptized 23 May 1790 in Litchfield NH; as a young
man established himself in the manufacturing of brick (that
was shipped to Lowell MA by canal boat). The Concord Railroad
was built, ending his boat business and he gave up his brick
making business. He then engaged in the lumber and real estate
business. One of his grand-daughters stated, "He was a
funny, old fellow," and that reportedly he kept two jugs
of rum containing two grades of liquor under the bed. He treated
the Democrats out of one jug and the Republicans out of the
other. Daniel M. married 23 DEC 1818 Alice Bryant/Briant, dau
of Johnathan & Anna Bryant. Alice was b. 15 DEC 1797 at
Leicester MA. On 17 June 1842, Alice, wife of Daniel McQuesten
was received by profession of faith into the church at Merrimack.
She d. 4 Nov 1846. Daniel married 2) 27 Jan 1848 to Susan CROFT.
She b. 3 DEC 1804 at Washington VT and d. 21 May 1870. She had
one son who died very young. Daniel purchased the family farm
and resided there until his death. All are buried at the North
Litchfield Cemetery. [Dates of children from the old Daniel
bible printed in 1811]
Children of Daniel M. & Alice (Bryant/Briant) McQuesten:
1. +Charles, b. 18 Nov 1819; m. 20 Sep 1847; d. 16 Sep
2. Tryphena Wait, b. 16 APR 1822; d. 28 DEC 1823
3. Daniel Moor, b. 9 March 1823, d. 18 Aug 1825
4. Nancy Jane, b. 31 July 1825; unmarried; d. 24 Nov 1855
5. +Joseph Bartlett, b. 17 June 1827; m. 30 Oct 1856;
d. 29 Sep 1885
6. Mary A. or M., b. 3 Aug 1830; unmarried; d. 25 March 1852
7. +Daniel, b. 17 July 1832; married twice; d. 14 APR
8. +James, b. 17 Oct 1834; m. 10 Sep 1856; d. 11 Nov
9. Daniel Moor, died young.
McQUESTEN (James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1) b. 8
Jan 1792 in Litchfield NH; married 9 APR 1826 to Judith OAKES.
He was a teacher at Mooresville, Limestone Co., Alabama, at
the time of his death in 1845. One source states a rumor that
he had owned a plantation and slaves in Alabama. Judith was
appointed guardian of a minor son, Thomas Oakes. She remarried
2) Mr. McCowen and died at Rockport, MA.
Children of William & Judith (Oakes) McQuesten:
1. William T., unmarried; died 1862 at Rockport MA; On 14 Oct
1862 Henry Clark was appointed administrator of the estate of
William T. McQueston of the county of Rockport, Mariner, deceased,
2. Thomas Oakes, b. 1840; received in 1861 his share of his
father's estate. May 3, 1864, Henry Clark, Admr., prayed that
the distributive share of John McQueston being one sixth of
the balance of the estate of William T., may be paid to him,
John McQueston, an uncle of the said intestate.
James-4 McQUESTON (James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1)
b. 28 Feb 1794, baptized 15 June 1794 in Litchfield NH, was
prominent in the militia, and gained his title of General in
that service. He married 1 APR 1817 to Elizabeth C. YOUNG. She
b. 9 Jan 1797 at Manchester NH and died 26 Oct 1835. He married
2) at Derry NH 4 Aug 1836 to Dorcas WALLACE. She b. March 1792.
He died 21 Aug 1853 and is buried with his family in Merrill
Cemetery, Litchfield NH. Dorcas died 21 APR 1874. General James's
Bible was in the possession of Mrs. Mary Hoit of Goffstown NH
on 3 Jan 1898 (Wm. W. Moore); General James' sword is in the
possession of Lambert McQueston.
Children of Gen. James & Elizabeth C. (Young) McQueston:
1. Mary Ann, b. 15 DEC 1817 in Litchfield NH; m. 1 Sep 1849
to James Gilman WAITE. He b. 1 June 1817 and d. 3 Nov 1891;
She d. 3 DEC 1902. Had issue [WAITE]: Aldis L., Abby Jane, John
2. William, b. 13 Aug 1819; unmarried. d. 22 Nov 1853.
3. +Johnathan Young, b. 13 July 1821; m. 12 Nov 1850;
d. 9 DEC 1901
4. +James, b. 10 DEC 1823; m. 11 March 1847; d. 25 May
5. +Clifton Claggett, b. 19 Aug 1825; m. 27 March 1851;
d. 12 Oct 1901
6. John, b. 20 Aug 1827; d. 4 Oct 1827
7. Cyrus, b. 18 Nov 1829; m. 18 DEC 1830
8. +Jerome Bonaparte, b. 23 Jan 1831; m. 15 Nov 1854;
d. 29 March 1866
9. Leroy, b. 23 APR 1833; m. 1 Jan 1855, Clentina Parker. She
b. 2 Oct 1833; he enlisted in the 1st NH Vol. Light Battery,
Aug 20, 1861; mustered in Sep 26, 1861 as private; discharged,
disabled 28 may 1862, Falls Church VA; d. 17 Nov 1870. no children;
His widow remarried, in Nov 1873 to Samuel Center. She d. 3
June 1878. After her death Mr. Center went to Oregon.
Children of Gen. James & Dorcas (Wallace) McQuestion:
10. George W., b. 13 DEC 1837; d. 11 APR 1842
McQUESTEN (James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1) b. 14
Aug 1804 in Litchfield NH; m. 7 July 1829 Elizabeth Wingate
CHASE. She b. 14 Sep 1801 in Litchfield NH. He bought land from
his father in 1826 and spent the active part of his life farming;
served the town as selectman and held various minor offices,
was a Republican, and a Universalist as a church member. His
death, 24 Feb 1861, was caused by falling from an apple tree.
His widow died 17 Nov 1886.
Children of Henry & Elizabeth W. (Chase) McQuesten:
1. Benjamin Chase, b. 11 DEC 1829; was killed 19 Feb 1847 by
a tree falling on him in the woods; he had gone with dinner
for the workmen.
2. +William, b. 15 March 1831; m. 4 Nov 1868; d. 19 Nov
3. +Henry Wingate, b. 7 Jan 1834; m. 10 DEC 1863; d.
28 July 1902
4. +James Franklin, b. 7 March 1835; m. 24 Sep 1863;
d. 19 Sep 1864
or Joseph Wells-4 McQUESTEN (John-3, William-2, William-1),
born 27 APR 1812 in Plymouth NH; married in 1840, Fanny S. Pottle.
She b. 16 May 1823, dau of Samuel and Mary (Pottle) Pottle.
There is some confusion as to whether his name was Robert or
Joseph, and whether it was Weed or Weld. His daughter-in-law
thinks it was Wells after the mother of Margery Greenough, who
married James McQuesten. He died 7 Nov 1852. His widow married
2) James Luddington. She died 21 Nov 1888.
Child of Robert/Joseph Wells & Fanny S. (Pottle) McQuesten:
1. +George Wells, b. 15 Sep 1841; m. 15 June 1874; d.
16 Nov 1908
Brinley-4 McQUESTON (John-3, William-2, William-1) was born
12 Feb 1821 at Plymouth NH; married 21 March 1843, Lydia L.
MANTER. She b. 12 Feb 1821, dau of Jabez and Eliza (Holt) Manter.
They had four children. He married 2) 22 June 1867, Tryphoso
L. Chase, b. 29 May 1831 and d. 2 APR 1886, dau of Thomas and
Mary (Giles) Chase. She had one daughter. He married 3) 22 Nov
1888 at North Londonderry NH, Mrs. Lucy J. (Drew) Cross who
died 16 Jan 1908, aged 78 years. She had 6 children by Mr. Cross
and they went by their step-father's name. He was sometimes
called Knopp; lived part of the time at Manchester NH. He died
10 Feb 1905 at N. Londonderry NH. All are buried in Stowell
Children of George B. & Lydia L. (Manter) McQueston
1. Manford J. b 3 Sep 1844, d. 28 APR 1849
2. Victorine E., b. 27 Nov 1847, d. 11 Sep 1849
3. Infant, b. 1 Sep 1850
4. Cleland, b. 31 May 1859; d. 25 Aug 1859
Children of George B. & Tryphoso L. (Giles) McQueston:
5. Florence, b. 17 June 1868; d. 27 Aug 1868
Parker-4 McQUESTEN (Hugh Nahor-3, William-2, William-1)
born 16 Jan 1802 in Litchfield NH; married 3 Oct 1826 (Merrimack
NH church records) to Maria McCONIHE, dau of Samuel & Isobel
McConihe. She b. 15 March 1803 at Windham NH. One reference
to him as "Colonel."
Child of Matthew P. & Maria (McConihe) McQuesten:
1. Frances, b. 1827 ; m. 16 Feb 1848 at Lancaster MA, by Rev.
G.M. Bartol, to Horatio N. SWEET. He b. 29 Sep 1823. His occupation
on his marriage license is "manufacturer." In 1864
he bought a tract of 14 acres in Litchfield NH, being one half
of an undivided section belonging to the heirs of Hugh McQuesten
of Litchfield. No record of their deaths. Child [SWEET]: George
N., b. 28 Nov 1849.
Nahor-4 McQUESTEN (Hugh Nahor-3, William-2, William-1) born
22 Feb 1804 in Litchfield NH [History of Mont Vernon states
he was born in Merrimack NH]; married 2 April 1829 at Reading
MA to Sarah Frances HARTSHORN, dau of Thomas and Sally Hartshorn.
She b. 29 Oct 1804 at Reading MA, and died 18 DEC 1877/78. He
d. 13 Feb 1889 at Milford NH. They resided at Merrimack NH.
[History of Mont Vernon states he lived on the farm where Martin
L. Wheeler was living in 1907, in the East District].
Children of Hugh N. & Sarah F. (Hartshorn) McQuesten
[born in either Milford or Mont Vernon, depending on the source]
1. +Henry Newton, b. 15 Feb 1830; m. 10 Nov 1858; d.
6 June 1862
2. +Thomas Hartshorn, b. 8 May 1832; m. 4 July 1861;
d. 26 Aug 1896
3. Harriet J., b. 11 Jan 1836, d. 13 March 1846
4. Nathan P., b. 18 Oct 1838; d. 26 March 1846
5. Sarah Frances, b. 23 Feb 1844 in Merrimack NH; m. 8 May 1873
to William GRAFTON. He b. 25 Sep 1846 at Friendship ME; She
d. 12 Nov 1886 at Milford NH; he d. 20 Oct 1916. Child [GRAFTON]:
May Lillian Frances, b. 10 Aug 1874; m 1 Jan 1894 Sidney A.
RIDDLE, Milford NH.
6. Mary A., b. 22 Feb 1846; unmarried.; lived in Groton MA;
d. 19 DEC 1893; buried at Milford NH.
John McQUESTEN-4 Jr. (John -3, Simon-2, William-1) b.
18 DEC 1790 in Litchfield NH; married Mrs. Ednah (Barnes) Quigg,
She b. 28 Nov 1796 in Litchfield NH. He d. 1 Oct 1848 in Litchfield
NH and she d. 9 Nov 1881. Children were born in Litchfield NH,
the dates are from the family bible
Children of John & Ednah (Barnes) McQuesten:
1. John, b. 6 Oct 1819, d. 30 Nov 1820
2. Joseph, b. 1 Aug 1821; unmarried; d. 7 Nov 1852
3. Mary Jane, b. 30 APR 1823; d. 26 Jan 1836
4. Sally, b. 3 APR 1825, d. 17 Oct 1838
5. Lucinda, b. 28 June 1826; unmarried. d. 12 Aug 1850
6. George, b. 15 APR 1828; unmarried. d. 23 Oct 1848
7. +Robert, b. 28 March 1830 in Litchfield NH; m. 16
July 1854; d. 15 Oct 1892
8. Charles, b. 9 Jan 1832; unmarried.; d. 25 July 1860
9. +John, b. 2 Jan 1834; m. twice; d. 1 July 1901
10. +Benjamin, b. 22 March 1836; m. 31 DEC 1863; d. 15
DEC 1885
11. Sarah Jane, b. 28 Sep 1838; d. 15 Nov 1839
Oaks-4 McQUESTEN (John -3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 6 Aug
1794 in NH, probably in Litchfield; married 23 Oct 1825 in Litchfield
NH by Reuben Greeley, Esq. to Rhoda GLOVER. She b. in 1802.
He d. 1 Sep 1849 in Hudson and is buried in Litchfield; she
d. 29 Nov 1870 at the home of her daughter, Mary Jane, and is
buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Nashua NH.
Children of Simon O. & Rhoda (Glover) McQuesten:
1. Caroline, b. at Hudson NH; married Albert FLETCHER who was
b at Amherst NH. Child [Fletcher]: Albert Fletcher Jr.
2. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 4 March 1831 at Hudson NH; m. 18 DEC
1853 to William McNEIL. He b. 26 June 1823 at Hudson NH and
died 1 June 1904 at Hillsboro NH. She d. 9 March 1897 and is
buried in Deering NH. Children [McNEIL]: Anna J., Mary Lizzie,
George, Clara.
3. +George Edward, b. 9 Aug 1832; m 3x; d. 23 DEC 1904
4. Clymena, b. at Hudson NH; married Albert STEVENS who was
b. at Deerfield NH. She Jan 1927 at New Boston NH. Children
[STEVENS]: Charles, Albert Jr. and Frank.
5. Mary Jane, b. 19 DEC 1836 at Hudson NH; m. 10 Nov 1861 by
Rev. Geo. L. Putnam to George HIDDEN. He b. 26 Oct 1840 and
d. 31 May 1909, killed while employed as a driver in Steam Fire
Co. No. 2, while exercising the horses. She d. 15 Sep 1924.
They are buried at Woodlawn Cemetery. Child [HIDDEN]: George
S., b. 13 Sep 1862, m. Aldah M. --, resided Nashua NH.
6. Hannah Frances, b. 14 May 1842 in Hudson NH; married 1) B.A.
ROBBINS who was killed in the Civil War; she m2) Edward MASON,
who was b. April 1833 a member of the 1st MA Heavy Artillery.
He d. 25 Feb 1897, she d. 14 March 1900. Children: Caroline,
b May 1858, d. 6 Nov 1869 and Alma who m. Edward Jenkins.
7. +Charles Daniel, b. 1845; married twice; d. 21 June
8. Esther, b. 6 May 1849; m. 5 July 1880 Joseph LANDRY. He b.
15 Nov 1851 and died in 1929. She d. 30 Jan 1904 and is buried
in Woodlawn Cemetery.
McQUESTEN (John -3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 20 March 1802
in Litchfield NH; conducted a store in Rowley MA; married 22
March 1834 at Nottingham West [now Hudson NH] by Rev. J. Davis,
Emily MITCHELL. She b. 9 DEC 1809 at Bradford MA and d. 12 June
1847 near Nashua NH. Robert died 11 Sep 1878. Children, b. both
in Newbury and W. Newbury MA. [NOTE: One source states this
is Emily HOVEY, dau of Luke and Hannah (Kimball) Hovey who was
b. 9 DEC 1809 at Bradford MA.
Children of Robert & Emily (Mitchell) McQuesten:
1. Simeon, b. 16 May 1835; m. Mrs. Sylvia A. Bixby. She b. 15
July 1832, d. 15 Feb 1903. He d. at Dartmouth, MA 15 Nov 1901.
While a student at Dartmouth College he wrote a letter to a
schoolmate, telling of welcoming home their principal, "Uncle
Sam" Taylor from Europe. The letter was written 17 Sep
1856 and published in a late Alumni.
2. +Henry, b. 8 Jan 1838; m. 13 March 1865; d. 13 Jan
3. Luther, b. 16 June 1841; unmarried; d. 22 June 1868
4. Clinton, b. 5 Aug 1843; unmarried; enlisted in the 20th Regiment
at West Parish; was taken prisoner at Ball's Bluff; suffered
a long imprisonment. After his release he rejoined his regiment
and was shot through the heart while fighting. "A braver
and more patriotic youth never laid his life upon the altar
of his country."
McQUESTEN (Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 3 DEC 1792 at
Plymouth NH; lived in Milford NH when married 28 Nov 1822 to
Hepsibah LUND, dau of Daniel and Hepsibah. She b. 17 June 1796.
He died 3 March 1837. She died 7 Aug 1860. They are buried in
Evergreen Cemetery, Nashua NH. The children were born in Dunstable
[Nashua] NH.
Children of Simon & Hepsibah (Lund) MCQuesten:
1. Sophia Farwell, b. 6 March 1824 in Dunstable [Nashua] NH,
in a house on the west side of Main Street, not far from the
present site of the Hunt Home. At that time the only business
conducted was a bakery and houses were few. She resided in Plymouth
NH for ten years and returned to Nashua NH where she m. 20 DEC
1854 to Samuel BROWN. He b. 17 Sep 1824 at Fairhaven VT. Mr.
Brown was a blacksmith until injured while shoeing a colt, then
he ran a large farm in Whitehall NY. From there they removed
to Merrimack NH where they lived many years. The last years
of their lives were spent in the John M. Hunt Home in Nashua
NH, where they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
She d. 27 Oct 1905 in Nashua NH and he, the next year, 18 June
1906. Child [BROWN]: Joseph, b. 2 DEC 1857, d. 22 March 1873.
2. Valeria Jane, b. 12 Feb 1828 in Dunstable [Nashua] NH; She
m. 17 June 1851 to Samuel CHASE. He b. 12 Jan 1830, son of John
Taylor Gilman Chase and Lucinda (McQuesten) Chase. She d. 21
May 1857 and he d. 24 Aug 1857. Children [CHASE]: Frank Gordon
(adopted by Peter K. Chandler), Charles Augustua (adopted by
Samuel & Sophia [McQueston] Brown), George U.
3. +Charles R., b. 28 Nov 1831; m. 16 Nov 1865; d. 14
Jan 1904
4. Mary Elizabeth, b. 15 July 1834; d. 3 Jan 1838
5. Ellen Augusta, b. 30 Oct 1836; d. 3 Jan 1838
Danforth-4 McQUESTEN/MacQuesten (Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. 15 Jan 1795 at Plymouth NH; was known to his neighbors as
"Sheriff Dan" or "Uncle Dan;" was a merchant,
sheriff and the first railroad agent at Wentworth NH. He moved
to Wentworth NH about 1820. He was selectman 1838-39 and representative
1844-45. He acted as agent for the town in several law suits,
and as an auditor. He married 8 July 1825 to Charlotte Haines,
of Wentworth NH. They lived in the house "facing the village
common, later owned by Mrs. Taplin. She b. 15 July 1804 and
d. 17 Oct 1849. He d. 10 DEC 1855. All are buried at the Wentworth
of William D. & Charlotte (Haines) McQuesten:
1. Charles, b. 28 Jan 1827; d. 31 Aug 1830
2. Mary, b. 3 APR 1830; d. 2 Sep 1831
3. Martha, twin, b. 3 APR 1830 at Wentworth NH; m. 1855 to Newell
STANYAN Jr. He b 10 Jan 1826 and d. 12 May 1885, aged 59. She
d. 19 June 1905. They are buried at Wentworth NH. Children [STANYAN]:
Frank, Charles Picket, Edna Pike. For twenty years or more was
the organist at the village church in Wentworth NH.
4. +Charles Danforth, b. 19 Feb 1833; m. 3 Oct 1857;
d. 14 July 1864
5. William Danforth Jr., b. 18 APR 1840; unmarried; at seventeen
was an apprentice in the printing office of the "Statesman"
in Concord NH. He d. 23 May 1857.
McQUESTEN (Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b 3 March 1797 at
Plymouth NH; was the pioneer in the preparation of leather and
the manufacture of the Plymouth Glove; was deacon of the Congregational
Church 1834-67 and trustee of Holmes Academy; married 30 DEC
1823 to Abigail Woodman CHASE, dau of Stephen & Abigail
(Gilman) Chase of Northfield NH. She b. 5 DEC 1799 and d. 15
May 1863. He married 2d) 29 July 1866 to Mrs. Abbie C. Low who
was b. 31 Jan 1810; he removed to Roxbury MA the next year after
his marriage, and died there 2 March 1880. Mrs. Abbie C. McQuesten
died 3 Feb 1892. Children were born at Plymouth NH.
Children of Alvah & Abigail W. (Chase) McQuesten:
1 & 2. Son and daughter b 2 Oct 1824, d. 4 Oct 1824
3. son, b 25 Feb 1826, d. 26 Feb 1826
4. Relief Judith, b. 17 June 1827 at Plymouth NH; m. 17 DEC
1853 at Plymouth NH to Charles Greenough CHASE, son of Charles
Greenough Chase of Northfield NH. He b. 5 July 1827 and d. 9
Oct 1894. She d. 6 May 1901 in Washington DC. [She made a trip
through Scotland and on the boat returning home met Adaline
Sophia McQuestion who married in Canada, J.B. Chambre.] Children
[CHASE]: Mary, Charles Percy, Walter Greenough (b 30 Jay 1859
Boston MA, physician, grad Harvard 1882, Harvard Medical School
1900, m. 20 Oct 1906 Frances Scott Hubbard, resided 483 Beacon
St. Boston MA].
5. son, b. and d. 1 Jan 1829
6. son, b. 15 Jan 1830, d. 16 Jan 1830
7. Abigail Chase, b. 28 June 1831 in Plymouth NH; m. 28 Nov
1858 to Joseph Warren LANE. He b. in 1831. They lived at St.
Joseph, MO at one time. She d. 11 June 1915 at Hannibal, MO.
Children [who did live at Davenport Iowa, LANE]: Lizzie (b 2
Feb 1864 m. -- Doening] and Mary Esther (b. 4 Aug 1878).
8. Alvah Aretas, b. 9 May 1833; m. 11 July 1861; known as "Rete;"
m. Carrie CHASE who d. 15 Jan 1896 St. Louis Mo. He d. 23 APR
1912 at Ottawa KS; had resided at Springfield IL, and St. Louis
9. +Benjamin Chase, b. 18 May 1835; m. 5 Sep 1860; d.
30 Jan 1921
10. Mary, b. 7 March 1840, d. 29 Aug 1843
11. Garaphelia Burnham, b. 3 Nov 1842; m. 15 Aug 1889 in Boston
to Joseph A. WATSON; d. Easter 1924. Her body was cremated and
her ashes buried in the Old Holderness Cemetery near Plymouth
NH. "She was an unusual woman and everyone who knew her
loved and admired her."
McQUESTEN (Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 5 June 1804 at
Plymouth NH; married 28 Sep 1828 to Myra CHASE, dau of Stephen
& Abigail (Ambrose Nee Gilman) Chase. She b. 14 DEC 1801
at Northfield NH and d. 28 DEC 1888 in Concord NH. He was associated
in trade with Isaac Whittier in Northfield NH and was later
a clerk in various stores in Tilton NH. He returned to Plymouth
NH and lived there 1834-41. During those years he was treasurer
of Holmes Academy which was later Plymouth Normal School. In
1850-53 he was postmaster at Penacook (Concord area) NH and
his daughter Myra was his assistant. He entered the employ of
the Concord Railroad as bookkeeper in their constructions shops
at Concord NH, until his old age. He was a deacon in the Congregational
Churches at Tilton and Concord NH. He resided 7 Wall Street
Concord NH in 1876. He died 24 Aug 1890.
Children of Greenough & Myra (Chase) McQuesten:
1. +William Greenough, b. 5 June 1829; m. 17 July 1856;
d. 29 Jan 1880
2. Myra Chase, b. 24 APR 1831; unmarried; d. 29 March 1891
3. & 4. son and dau, twins b. and d. 4 DEC 1833
5. +Evarts, b. 9 March 1837; m. 24 Sep 1863; d. 2 Jan
6. +Peter Rockwood, b. 29 Sep 1839; m. 18 May 1866; d.
23 March 1914
Spaulding-4 McQUESTEN (Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 2
Feb 1809 at Plymouth NH; was one of the early manufactures of
gloves as well as being a merchant there. He married 11 Sep
1831 to Charlotte W. ELLISON, dau of John and Mary (Craig) Ellison.
She b. 15 May 1808 and d. 8 Sep 1877. He d. 31 May 1870.
U.S. Census > 1850 United States Federal Census > New
Hampshire > Grafton > Plymouth
Oliver S. McQuesten 41 M Glove Maker 1200 NH
Charlotte M. McQuesten 42 F NH
Charles O. McQuesten 17 M Glove Maker
Henry H. McQuesten 15 M Farmer
Hariett L. McQuesten 8 F NH
George M. McQuesten 5 M NH
Senelene Roger 16 F NJ
Children of Oliver S. & Charlotte W. (Ellison) McQuesten:
1. +Charles Oliver, b. 7 Oct 1832; m. 4 Jan 1860; d.
20 Jan 1907
2. +Henry Hutchinson, b. 25 Jan 1835; m. 29 July 1860;
d. 31 Oct 1901
3. Marvette "Vettie" Lillis, b 1843 at Plymouth NH;
m. 19 May 1864 to Edmund H. GEORGE. He b. in 1837; They resided
in Pennsylvania, Washington DC and at Whitefield NH. She d 1892
in Whitefield NH. Children [GEORGE]: Carrie Bell, Harry Spaulding.
4. Marvin, twin, b 1843; d. 1843
5. +George Marvin, b. 10 Oct 1845; m. 21 DEC 1871; d.
25 Nov 1882
McQUESTEN (Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 29 Nov 1812 in
Litchfield NH; moved to Nashua NH where he was connected with
the Boston, Lowell & Nashua Railroad for several years,
later going into the flour and grain business with his brother
George. He retired from this 10 years before his death. He married
1st) 24 Aug 1837 to Esther McQuesten. She b. 1809 and d. 12
DEC 1839. He m2) 21 APR 1842 to Mrs. Elizabeth (LUND) Martin,
dau of Stephen & Mary (Hardy) Lund. She b. 18 Nov 1816.
Joseph died 17 APR 1882 and his widow d. 26 Jan 1901 at Milford
NH. Children were b. at Nashua NH.
Children of Joseph & Elizabeth (Lund) McQuesten:
1. George A., b. 1843, d. 1860
2. +John Lund, b. 24 Nov 1845; m. 21 March 1872; d. 8
July 1883
3. Mary Lizzie, d at age 3 yrs
4. Frank, b. 1 DEC 1852; d.
5. Maria Tyler, b. 29 DEC 18-- at Nashua NH; m. 29 Oct 1878
to Capt. Alfred Ephraim HUNT. He b. 31 March 1855 at East Douglas
MA. He died 27 APR 1899. She resided in Pittsburg PA. Child
[HUNT]: Roy Arthur, b. 3 Aug 1881, m. 11 June 1913 to Rachel
McMasters Miller.
McQUESTEN (Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 4 June 1817 in
Litchfield NH; went to Nashua NH at age 12 tending locks on
the canal until he was 21 years of age. Then he went into the
lumber business in Nashua and Concord NH. While in Nashua NH
he held various city government offices. In 1872 he moved to
Boston MA and organized the South Pine Lumber business under
the name of McQuesten & Fogg. After Mr. Fogg died the name
was changed to George McQuesten & Co. He married 1853 to
Theoline Tidden CAMPBELL, dau of James Campbell of Windham NH.
She b. 5 DEC 1829 and d. 23 DEC 1914. He d. 6 June 1892. They
are buried in Edgewood cemetery, Nashua NH.
Children of George & Theoline T. (Campbell) McQuesten:
1. Frank M., b. 22 Feb 1855; d. 17 Aug 1855
2. +Frank Barnet, b. 9 APR 1856; m. 18 Sep 1880
3. +Fred, b. 11 July 1858; m. 2 Oct 1898; d. 28 Sep 1923
4. +George Edward, b. 1 May 1868; m. 2 APR 1896; d. 7
Nov 1916
McQUESTEN (William-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 18 APR 1804
in Litchfield NH; lived in Derry NH and later was a mason at
Amoskeag [Manchester or Goffstown NH]. He was a member of the
first Board of Alderman of Manchester in 1846. He married 9
Nov 1830 to Harriet E. Colby [?Crochett]. She b. 7 Sep 1809
and d. 5 DEC 1869. He d. 15 APR 1880 at Annisquam (Gloucester)
MA. Children were all born at Manchester NH.
US Census > 1850 United States Federal Census > New Hampshire
> Hillsborough > Manchester
Edward McQuestion 44 M Mason 4000 NH
Harriett McQuestion 40 F NH
Ann M. McQuestion 19 F NH
Frances McQuestion 17 F NH
Marcia V. McQuestion 9 F NH
Rachel R. Colby 64 F NH
Children of Edward & Harriet E. (Colby) McQuesten:
1. Anna Maria, b. July 1831; m. 21 Jan 1874 Capt. Gustavus Adolphus
"Augustus" Lane, b. in 1812, d. in 1878. No children.
Buried at Mr. Adnah Cemetery in Annisquam MA. He had been a
grocer there, having previously followed the sea as commander
of vessels in the West Indian trade.
2. Frances Eva., b. May 1833; m1) Henry TILTON who died. She
m2) 22 Sep 1863 to Edson GEORGE, a sutler in the army of the
Civil War. They resided in New York City. She m3) 11 Jan 1877
to John B. NEWTON of Newport RI who was b. in 1827. No children.
3. Marcia Vaness, b. Sep 1840 at Manchester NH; married 1) 24
Sep 1863 to her third cousin, Capt. James F. McQuesten. He b.
7 March 1835, died 19 Sep 1864. His marriage ring, robbed on
the battlefield, was returned one year after his death to her
at Washington DC where she was a clerk in the Treasury Dept.
She m3) 25 25 July 1876 to George Frederick SIMPSON. He b. in
1841 at Sullivan ME, son of Amos B. and Amelia Simpson. He was
a concrete paver in Boston MA. He predeceased her. She d. circa
July 1922 at Newton MA. No children.
4. Josephine "Josie", b. 23 June 1845; d. 8 July 1849
Temple-4 McQUESTEN (William-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 2
June 1808 in Litchfield NH. He married 23 June 1812 to Nancy
J. McPHERSON. She b. 23 June 1812. Some say he had been married
previously to Nancy, and had one child. He died 14 August 1882.
Nancy died 28 Oct 1894. Both are buried at Valley Cemetery,
Manchester NH.
Children of Salah T. & Nancy J. (McPherson) McQuesten:
1. Henrietta, b. 1838; m1) Martin Van Buren; m2) Eugene Dunton.
She and Mr. Dunton are buried in the North Chelmsford Cemetery,
Lowell MA.
2. Asenath Pierce, b. 16 July 1843 probably at Manchester NH;
m. 19 DEC 1865 to Benjamin Franklin CURRIER, son of Oliver Currier.
He b. 20 March 1841. She d. 14 Oct 1893. Children: [CURRIER]:
Grace Florence (b 25 Aug 1867, unmarried.) and Sarah Louise
(b 11 Feb 1875 m. Henry A. Stephens)
3. Sarah D., b. 1845; m. Charles D. BROCKWAY. He b. 17 Oct 1843
and d. 28 APR 1879. She d. 31 Oct 1906. All are buried in Valley
Cemetery, Manchester NH. Child [Brockway]: Charles Hosea, b.
1875, d. 1879]
4. Zilla Louise, b. 26 DEC 1847; m. 22 Nov 1880 in MA to Clark
WATERS. He b. 1835 and d. 1901. She was a "soprano"
and was famous in the American concert field. She d. 24 Sep
1920; no children.
5. Edward Benton, b. 25 Aug 1852; d. 4 Nov 1855
Milton-4 McQUESTEN (James-3, Simon-2, William-1) born 1
March 1808 at Merrimack NH. His father died when he was a child,
and he was raised by his guardian, Deacon John McQuesten at
Bedford NH. He started in mercantile business but soon began
the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1837, and went
to Plymouth NH in 1847, where he continued in the legal profession.
He married 10 May 1835 at Wentworth NH to Louisa PAIGE. She
b. 18 APR 1811 at Wentworth NH and d. 6 Oct 1874 at Plymouth
NH. He died 28 May 1875 in Chicago IL and is buried in Blossom
Hill Cemetery, Concord NH.
Children of James M. & Louisa (Paige) McQuesten:
1. Mary Elizabeth, b. 13 May 1836 at Wentworth NH; m. 22 APR
1873 to Cyrus SARGEANT. He b 24 Aug 1824 at Candia NH, son of
Rufus Sargeant, grandson of Moses, and great-grandson of Capt.
John Sargent, of the war of the Revolution. They lived in the
old James McQuesten Homestead in Plymouth NH [he had been a
life-long friend of her fathers, and was a widower with one
child, Caroline Sargeant, b. 28 Sep 1857 and who m. 1 May 1884
to Dr. Robert Burns]. Cyrus died 24 July 1902 and Mary d. 12
DEC 1902. Children: [SARGEANT]: Cyrus Jr., Louise, Paul and
Phillip. [Additional info on Cyrus Sargeant: "Like so many
of his contemporaries, he left the state [of NH] to engage in
city industries. He remained in Boston [MA] from 1840 until
1862, when he retired from active business. He married Sarah
J. Emerson, of Boston, in 1856, who died after three brief,
happy years, leaving one daughter, Caroline, who was married
to Dr. Robert Burns, of Plymouth in 1883. From 1862 ten years
were passed in gratifying his taste for travel, alternating
between Europe and different portions of our
own country. In 1873 he married for the second time, Mary E.,
the daughter of his lifelong intimate friend, James McQuesten.
Of their four children, two only survive. Mrs. Sargeant's parents
dying while they were in Europe, the old homestead of Mr. McQuesten
came into their possession, which they now occupy. This ancient
roof had the obloquy then, the honor now, of having hospitably
sheltered Mr. George Thompson, of England, for one night, during
his first memorable visit to this county, as guest of N.P. Rogers
its builder. Mr. Sargeant, while an admirer and supporter of
Webster, Sumner and Lincoln, has always deprecated what seems
to him, too much
bondage to party, and true to his conviction of duty voted solid
for Mr. Cleveland in 1884.]
2. James, b. 27 May 1839, d. 28 Aug 1840
3. James Greenough, b. 27 DEC 1842; d. 1844
4. Caroline Louise, b. 5 Aug 1845 at Plymouth NH; m. 17 DEC
1863 to Charles A. DOLE. He b. 20 June 1834 at Lunenburg MA.
They resided at Lebanon NH. She d. 9 Jan 1865. Her husband remarried
Jan 1866 to Helen M. Stevens of Haverhill MA. By her he had
one son, Stevie Dole who died at age five months. Charles A.
died 1 APR 1914. Child [DOLE]: James Stephen (b Jan 1865, d.
Sep 1865)
Isaac-4 McQUESTEN (Robert Henry-3, Simon-2, William-1) b.
18 Oct 1811 in Litchfield NH. Schooling as a child consisted
of eight or ten weeks each year until he was fourteen. He worked
as a farm laborer first. By the time he reached age 21, he had
purchased the homestead in Litchfield, and always lived there.
In 1840 he and Capt. Samuel Chase formed a partnership (lasting
20 years) in the lumber trade, and also as proprietors of a
store in the center of Litchfield NH. Capt. Chase moved to Nashua,
the first dissolved and Isaac continued his business until 1878.
He won his title in the Fifth Regiment of the militia [whose
training ground was the lawn surrounding the old church on the
hill]. He held various offices including representative four
years, elected road commissioner for Hillsborough County in
1849; from 1862 to 68 selectman and town treasurer of Litchfield.
In 1868-69 he was the Democratic candidate for state senator;
From 1887-91 he was justice of the peace and quorum for the
state. He was the principal magistrate of the town, and often
was employed in writing deeds, will and other documents. He
was one of the church members and was clerk from 1851-1896 [Presbyterian].
From 1875 to 1896 was superintendent of the Sabbath School.
He married 29 DEC 1842 to Margaret Ann CHASE, dau of Major Francis
and Dorothy (Bixby) Chase. She b. 14 July 1819. They celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary and at the time of his death,
3 DEC 1896, he was one of the oldest inhabitants in Litchfield
NH. He began to write the history of his family, the data which
his daughter kept and furnished to write other histories.
Children of Capt. Isaac & Margaret A. (Bixby) McQuesten:
1. +Eugene Forrest, b. 11 Oct 1843; m. three times; d.
19 July 1906
2. +Francis Henry, b. 18 APR 1848; m. twice; d. 6 Aug
3. Jennie Florence, b. 1 APR 1855 in Litchfield NH, taught in
country schools of Hudson, Merrimack and Litchfield NH. She
helped to found the free public library in Litchfield, and was
its librarian until her death 9 DEC 1915; She was also the organist
for her church. She, as well as her father gathered information
about the family history. She m. 28 March 1878 to Frederick
Lewis CENTER. He b. 5 Jan 1846 in Litchfield NH, and died 28
Sep 1834. Children [CENTER]: Lizzie Margaret, (b 7 Jan 1881,
m. 11 June 1913 to George Crosby Goffe) and Florence Caroline
(b 26 May 1888, unmarried, librarian)
McQUESTEN (Robert Henry-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 16 Oct
1830 in the cottage on the "Simon Homestead" in Litchfield
NH. He married 17 May 1860 to Emily Pierce BLOOD, dau of Howard
and Rhoda (Pierce) Blood. She b. 6 DEC 1833 at Temple NH. Thomas
was overseer in Souhegan Mills, Milford NH. They moved to Litchfield
8 May 1877. She d. 12 Jan 1884 and he d. 19 Feb 1902.
Child of Thomas & Emily P. (Blood) McQuesten:
1. Walter Thomas, b. 9 Feb 1869 at Milford NH; unmarried. Was
an engineer on the Boston & Maine (B&M) Railroad; lived
in Hudson and Litchfield NH. Had a valuable collection of antique
and handmade bottles.
Frederick Gove-5 McQUESTEN (William-4, David-3, William-2,
William-1) , b. 1 APR 1816 probably in Goffstown NH; m. 30 DEC
1841, Louisa M. Gleason, who was b. 13 Feb 1818; He d. 10 Oct
1873; she d. 16 Oct 1908 [birth, marriage and death records
from Concord NH]. She had the infant are buried in the Unitarian
Cemetery in Nashua NH.
Child of Charles F.G. & Louisa M. (Gleason) McQUESTEN:
1. Infant, b. 1846, d. 14 Jan 1847
Knox-5 McQUESTEN (Samuel-4, David-3, William-2, William-1),
b. 27 May 1842, on his grandfather's farm in Bedford NH; d.
2 June 1920; married 1) 5 Nov 1868, Lucia Cutler, dau of Rev.
Calvin Cutler of Windham NH. She b. 4 May 1839 and d. 28 March
1912. He married 2) 16 May 1916, Mrs. Ella McAfee Walch who
survived him. He was a member of the Common Council and a representative
in the State Legislature. He was also a member of the school
board, and one of the oldest members of Lafayette Lodge of Masons,
Manchester NH. In addition he was a Deacon and attendant of
the South Main Street Congregational Church. No children. His
2nd wife sold the farm and moved to Hartford, CT to live with
a son by her former marriage.
Wirt-5 McQUESTEN (Dr. David-4, David-3, William-2, William-1)
b. 28 DEC 1833 at Washington NH; d. 19 Jan 1905 at Muscatine
Iowa. He lived in Hamilton, Ontario Canada and Lawrence KS before
locating in Muscatine, Iowa, where he was one of the firm of
"McQuesten & Sawyer, Hardware, Stoves & Tinware."
He built a flourishing business. He m. 16 May 1866 at Muscatine,
Iowa to Elizabeth Frances Webb who was b. 20 Feb 1846 in Brooklyn
NY. She d. 4 APR 1919 at Little Falls, Minnesota. They were
members of the Congregational Church.
Children of Dr. David & Elizabeth F. (Webb) McQuesten:
1. Ella, b. 6 Sep 1867, d. abt 1950 in Minneapolis MN; m. 25
Sep 1889 to Elwood John RICHIE, son of William Small & Frances
Ann Johns (Hine) Richie. He b. 20 March 1865 in Little Falls
Minnesota? and d. 1 May 1944 in Little Falls MN, resided Little
Falls, Minn. Had issue. (RICHIE): Fred, Helen, Lovell Elwood,
ELoise Carol and Margaret Wirt.
2. +William, b. 11 Jan 1869; m. 28 Sep 1897; d. 8 DEC
3. Sarah Webb, b. 15 March 1870; m. 27 DEC 1911, John W. STEPHENSON
of Minneapolis
4. Frederick, b. 4 June 1872; d. 2 Nov 1885
5. Harriet Seymore, b. 14 Aug 1879; m. William J. JESCHKA
Quincy Adams-5 McQUESTON (Dr. David-4, David-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 22 Aug 1835 at Washington NH, m. 1 May 1860 to
Louisa Nurse KEYS who was b. 14 May 1836 and d. 21 March 1883.
He d. 5 APR 1919, (both he and his wife died at Manchester NH).
He had resided in Manchester NH for fifty years.
Children of John Q.A. & Louisa N. (Keys) McQueston:
1. Martha Louisa, b. 14 Feb 1861; unmarried. d. 13 Nov 1912
2. Julia Chapin, b. 1 May 1862 in Manchester NH ; m. 1 Jan 1884,
Herbert Howard WILLIAMS, who was b. 30 July 1849 at East Bolton,
Quebec and d. 6 Aug 1926 in Manchester NH. After her husband's
death, Julia moved to California [1927] to live with her daughter.
Children [WILLIAMS]: Guy Herbert, Grace Louise, Dean Keyes and
Howard Amos.
Baldwin-5 McQUESTEN (Dr. Calvin-4, David-3, William-2, William-1)
b. 26 Nov 1847 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; m. 18 June 1873
to Mary
BAKER. She b. 10 Oct 1849 and d. 7 DEC 1934. He predeceased
her 7 March
1888. The family lived in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Children of Isaac B. & Mary (Baker) McQUESTEN:
1. Mary Baldwin, b. 20 March 1874, unmarried; d. SEP 17, 1964
2. Calvin, b. 1 May 1876; graduated from Toronto University
and Knox College, ordained 1909; chaplain to the Hamilton Sanitarium;
unmarried; d. AUG 2, 1968
3. Hilda Belle, b. 15 Oct 1877; unmarried; d. Nov 15, 1967
4. Ruby Baker, b. 3 May 1879; unmarried. d. 9 April 1911
5. Muriel Fletcher, b. 15 Nov 1880; d. 27 Aug 1882
6. Hon. Thomas Baker, b. 30 June 1882; grad from Toronto University
1904 and from Osgoode Hall in 1907; minister of Public Works
Highways in the Government of Ontario Province; unmarried; d.
JAN 13, 1948
7. Margaret Edna, b. 25 Oct 1885; unmarried.; d. 10 Nov 1935
Frederick [James]-5 McQUESTEN (William-4, William-3, William-2,
William-1) was b. 20 Oct 1835 in Londonderry NH; christened
Solon James but substituted Frederick for James in later life.
When the family moved to Saco, ME he learned the trade of machinist;
was for many years master mechanic of the Arlington and Duck
Mills in Lawrence. He married 5 March 1854, Esther Sarah COOK,
dau of William and Sarah Cook. They resided in Lynn, MA where
she d. 9 Nov 1855. He married 2) March 1860, Susanna Martha
GOODWIN, dau of Moses and Annie (Webber) Goodwin of Biddeford
ME. She died, and Solon J. married 3) 25 Feb 1873, Sarah Ann
MORTON, dau of George and Ann (Shackleton) Morton. She was b.
13 DEC 1847 in Keighley, Yorkshire, England, coming to the United
States when about 9 years old. They resided in Lawrence and
North Andover, Massachusetts. He died 4 APR 1905 at North Andover
MA. She died 24 Sep 1933 in Lawrence, MA.
Children of Solon Frederick [James] & Esther S. (Cook)
1. +Frederick Solon, b. 9 Oct 1855; married twice; d.
15 Jan 1910
2. Helen Chase, b. DEC 1860
Children of Solon Frederick [James] & Sarah A. (Morton)
3. William Morton, b. 24 DEC 1873; m. 8 Jan 1900
4. +Frank Herbert, b. 12 Nov 1875; m. 1 June 1897
5. George M. b. 13 May 1879 at Lawrence MA: d. 17 July 1879
6. +Herbert Eugene, b. 17 Sep 1882; m. 8 June 1910
7. Howard Russell, b. 20 Aug 1891 at N. Andover MA; d. 29 Jan
Charles Augustus-5 McQUESTEN (Daniel Potter-4, William-3,
William-2, William-1) born 19 Nov 1841 at Bangor ME; graduated
from Dartmouth College in 1864; served during the Civil War
as a surgeon and was severely wounded at the battle of Antietam;
after recovery he served again as assistant surgeon in the 4th
US Cavalry; was with Gen. Otis in the Philippines and with Dewey
at Manila; resided in Spain and also practiced in Mexico; was
on the first Board of Examining Surgeons, US Pensions, stationed
in San Francisco, California. He married 29 Feb 1896 at Alameda,
California to Laura Scott ROUNTREE. She b. 15 Feb 1866 in California.
They resided in San Francisco and Alameda, California. She d.
7 APR 1934 in Alameda, CA. Their bodies were cremated and the
urns are interred in the Officer's Section, Presidio, California.
In 1910 US Census living in Alameda, Alameda Co., California
with wife, Laura, sister Emma, and son, Robin, and sister-in-law
Louisa K. Rountree.
Child of Dr. Charles & Laura S. (Rountree) McQuesten:
1. +Charles Robin, b. 29 DEC 1898.
Adams-5 McQUESTEN (Capt. John-4, James-3, William-2, William-1)
b. 7 Aug 1834 in New Hampshire; went to Wisconsin and in the
late 1850's to California; established a forwarding business
with a warehouse at the junction of the Feather and Yuba Rivers,
in partnership with R.M. Shackleford. In 1861-62 the high waters
destroyed the warehouse and he went to Washo, Nevada. He married
26 April 1864, in San Francisco, California, Mrs. Zeralda Ruth
(Osborn) Brosius. She b. 7 Aug 1834 at Covinton, Indiana. They
went to Los Gatos where he managed a lumber yard for about 3
years. Finding he had consumption, he closed his businesses
and planned to go to Honolulu with his wife and 15 month old
son, but died 12 DEC 1867 at the home of Mr. Schackleford. He
had been married before, at Plattsville, Wisconsin, to a schoolteacher,
Miss Hammond, a beautiful woman. She died at the birth of a
daughter. He took a dislike to the child because of the loss
of the mother and it was brought up by its grandmother Hammond.
The son died and was buried at Los Gatos but was moved to Mt.
Olivet Cemetery, San Meteo County, near San Francisco. The widow
remarried to John V. Hunter and lived at Santa Cruz, California.
Children of John Adams & -- (Hammond) McQuesten:
1. Anna, b. 1857
Children of John Adams & Zeralda R. (Osborn) McQuesten:
2. John Adams Jr., b. 1 Sep 1866; d. 3 APR 1885
Napoleon-5 "Jack" McQUESTEN (Capt. John-4, James-3,
William-2, William-1) b. 9 July 1836 on a Litchfield NH farm
and moved to Portland ME with his parents when very young. He
joined the gold rush to California, leaving Portland in the
spring. He mined for a few years with his brother Varnum, and
cousins William and Henry W. McQuesten. At 19 he was fighting
the Indians in the "Oregon War;" and reportedly had
several skirmishes with the Walla Wallas tribe. He joined the
army's volunteers under commander Ben Hayden of Salem, Oregon.
He went into the quartermaster's service in the Puget Sound
country. The McQuestion family worked together until 1858, when
Leroy went north with William in the rush to the Fraser River
gold fields. They returned after not having luck. Leroy continued
to live in the northern country, trapping and trading with the
Indians in the area of the Mackenzie River, using dog teams
to travel over the snow for about 40 years.
In 1878 he was prospecting on the Mackenzie
River, crossed the Rocky Mountains to the outposts of the Alaska
Commerical Co., on the Yukon River. He built Fort Reliance in
1879 and was employed by the Hudson Bay Co., then the Alaska
Commercial Company, and used Fort Reliance as a trading post
for about 12 years. While in charge of that Fort he made the
first weather record in 1880-81. (The fort was 7 miles below
Dawson and was the first white settlement on the Yukon). It
was afterwards burned by Indians. As soon as gold was discovered
at Forty Mile Creek (40 miles below), he established a post
there, and kept it until 1894, when he established the post
at Circle City. Then he discovered gold on Stewart Run and amassed
a fortune, panning out dirt estimated upwards of two million
dollars. He was known as "Golden Rule McQuesten,"
but commonly called "Jack McQuesten, the Father of Alaska,"
or the "Father of the Yukon." He went to the Northwest
Territory with Al Mayo, Joe LaDue and a man called Harper. McQuesten
River is named for him. In 1894 Jack became the first president
of the Yukon Order of Pioneers in Dawson Yukon (per John Gould,
historian for the current organizations)
1897 George Dowe McQuesten, then living in Washington DC, read
a magazine article quoting L.N. ("Jack") McQuesten
as authority on the boundary between Canada and the United States,
referring to him as the "Father of Alaska." George
Dowe went this article to his father, Henry W., at Merrimack
NH, who promptly replied with a letter to be sent to L.H. It
took 13 months for the first letter to reach him. He replied,
saying he would take a trip to NH to visit his relatives. The
following fall he visited George Dowe in Washington DC for a
week, thence to NH, after an absence of about half a century,
during 47 years of which his folks had not heard from him. He
found William and Henry W., with whom he had worked half a century
before in the California gold rush, had returned to their New
Hampshire farm homes, married and raised their families, but
no other close relatives were living there. Leroy's father and
mother moved to Wisconsin shortly after he left home, and settled
at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. A brother, Orlando Clinton, was
born there and Leroy saw him for the first time in the mines
near Deer Lodge, Montana, which had belonged to their brother,
Varnum, who had died but a short time before Leroy's visit.
In his first letter to the home folks for forty-seven years
he said: "I don't suppose you boys will think I did very
well, when I tell you I have a full-blooded Alaska Indian wife
(I named her Kate), but I never expected to see a white woman
again, so I took the best the country afforded, and we have
a large family of bright children whom I dearly love."
They had eleven children, who were educated in Berkeley, California,
where their parents settled on Hopkins Street, he having sold
his interests to the Alaska Commerical Co., about the time of
the Klondike gold rush, that his children might receive an education.
Yukon College web site article states that "Kate"
was Satejdenalno (Katherine James) and it follows: was among
the very first Athabascans to marry an American. Kate was born
in 1860 at Kokrines to a Koyukon Athabascan mother and Russian
father. She was educated at Russian Mission and was 18 when
she married 42 year-old trader Leroy Napoleon "Jack"
McQuesten. Over the next 20 years, the couple traveled up and
down the Yukon River opening trading posts. Kate had eleven
children, but the first three died before 1888 (There's a picture
of her and four of her children on the Jack McQuesten page).
(Information on Satejdenalno from James Arthur McQuiston's family
history page, "The Clan Uisdean."
When asked why he was called "Jack" or "Capt.
Jack," he explained that one time in a fierce storm at
sea when the waves were sweeping the deck and the crew were
demoralized and terror-stricken and none of them dared climb
the rigging to relinquish sails necessary to avoid the sinking
of the ship, realizing they were sure to be drowned anyhow,
he made a successful attempt to the masts and saved their lives.
They at once dubbed him, "Capt. Jack" which nickname
followed him till death. The "old timers" of the Klondyke
all knew him as "Jack McQuesten."
David M. McQuesten spent six years in the Yukon country, shortly
after "Capt. Jack" had moved to Berkeley, and found
that nearly everybody there knew and respected "Jack McQuesten."
He organized the society of Alaskan Pioneers, composed of a
host of men who were the first seekers of gold in Alaska. Jack
London, the author, was a friend, and one of his novels is said
to have Jack McQuesten as its hero. The story is woven around
a prospector who married an Indian of the north, deserted her,
but rejoined her again. Leroy N. married an Indian (Kate), 2
Sep 1882, a full-blooded Alaskan, but did not desert her. During
the Alaska-Yukon Exposition at Seattle, he visited George Dowe
McQuesten, at Tacoma, Washington for a week, then returned to
Berkeley, and died 4 Sep 1900, of pneumonia, in a few days.
His widow died at their home in Berkeley 20 July 1918.
Additional info from:
Katherine was one of the first native women to form a bridge
between the Native culture and that of the "white man"
who came to settle Alaska. Katherine was a 14 year old when
she met Jack McQuesten. Jack was an American, and a miner. With
his two partners (Al Mayo and Arthur Harper), he planned to
establish several trading posts on the Yukon river. Kate was
an Athabascan native. As a girl, she attended school at the
Russian Mission school in Ikogmiut. This is where one summer
she met Jack, her husband to be.
Jack's partners, Al Mayo and Arthur Harper married soon after
their arrival in Alaska. Al Mayo married a Native woman named
Margaret, and Arthur Harper married Margaret's cousin Jennie.
When Jack met Katherine he still hadn't found a wife. When he
met Kate he knew she was the girl for him. Four years after
they met, they married. At that time Kate was only 18 and Jack
was 42 years old.
In 1886 the McQuestens, Mayos, and Harpers established Fort
Nelson in Yukon Territory. When the group moved to Forty Mile
Kate became famous for her vegetable gardens. Knowing not only
her Native tongue but Russian and English as well helped her
make many friends. She organized many social events which were
well attended.
Kate and Jack had a large family of eight children. In 1891
Kate gave birth to the first of her children, Crystal, in a
tent outside her home. When Jack died in 1910, Kate began to
manage her husbands considerable estate. She moved with two
of her daughters to Berkeley where she lived until her death
in 1918.
From Kathleen Dalton of Fairbanks--"Crystal,
whom I met and knew, was born in 1891 in the town of Fortymile
which is located at junction of Fortymile River and Yukon River,
about half way between Dawson, Yukon and Eagle, Alaska. Crystal
told me that Jack McQuesten had sent her out of the region in
1897 to go to school in San Jose, CA where her auntie lived
with her husband who was superintendent of schools. Crystal
told me that a sister and a brother already were in the Pacific
northwest where Jack had sent them to school. Crystal also told
me that her father realized that there would be a serious shortage
of food and supplies during the winter of 1897 (because of the
influx of gold seekers). He then packed up his entire family
and moved them out before the Yukon River froze up in the fall
of '97. I visited Crystal several times in California. My meeting
Crystal was an historic highlight for me. She provided a real
tangible link with the days of early exploration and gold stampedes
in the Yukon and Alaska." A photograph of Jack McQuesten's
trading post in 1895 can be found at
[archived version of page]
Children of Leroy Napoleon "Capt Jack" and Kate
(James?) McQuesten [born in Alaska and Berkeley, California]:
1. Albert, b. 21 June 1879; d. 15 Sep 1889
2. Richard, b. 5 APR 1881; d. 7 Aug 1883
3. William, b. 10 APR 1883; d. 7 Aug 1883
4. Mary Louise, b. 20 Aug 1884 in Berkley, Alameda Co. California;
m. 20 July 1903, Robert Berkley FINN, son of John & Eva
Angeline (Chamberlain) Finn. He was b. 8 May 1881 in Berkley
California and d. 14 Nov 1945 in San Francisco, California.
Children [FINN]: Edward John (b 24 Sep 1908 California, d. 4
Dec 1985 Sonoma California) and Robert Berkley Finn II. (b.
25 May 1910 San Francisco California, and d. 26 Jan 1986 in
Marin Co. California)
5. Charles, b. 15 Sep 1886; d. 7 Aug 1888
6. Henry, b. 19 May 1889; in 1920 head of household in Berkeley
California with siblings Julia, Elizabeth, Leroy, Walter and
Crystal living with him, occupation snowmobile mechanic; in
1930 (age 40 and single) living with his sister Crystal Mann,
occupation: Truck Driver and Road Builder. The California death
index shows: Henry McQuesten, b. 19 May 1890 in Alaska, d. 24
Feb 1958 in Alameda California; mother's maiden name JAMES;
father's surname McQUESTEN.
7. Ellen (Crystal) b 21 June 1891 (reportedly
in a tent); m. Earl Mann. Divorced before 1920. She married
2) -- Morgan. Had children [MANN]: Earl R. (b abt 1915) and
Roy R. (b abt 1916). In 1920 living with her sons Earl R. and
Leroy in her brother Henry's home in Berkeley California. In
1930 living in Oakland, Alameda Co. California with children
and two brothers, Leroy and Henry. The California Death Index
shows the following Record: Name-Crystal Helen Morgan; SS#548034549;
Birth Date 21 June 1891 Alaska; Death Date, 8 Sep 1992, Alameda
California; Mother's Maiden Name, JAMES; Father's surname: McQuesten.
From " Historical Newspapers > Fort Wayne Sentinel,
The (Fort Wayne, Indiana) > 1914 > May > 27 "Berkeley,
Cal. May 27. To civilize the Kokrin tribe of Indians in Central
Alaska, is the ambition of Mrs. McQuesten Mann, society girl,
athlete and musician of Berkeley and daughter of Mrs. Kate McQuesten,
a full-blooded Kokrin Indian. In June Mrs. Mann will leave for
the Placer Mines in Alaska, where she will commence her life
work among the Eskimos and Indians, where there are no white
women. She will assist her husband, Earl Mann, in prospecting
the rich mines in that locality. In a little log cabin, this
woman will plan a systematic campaign for the education of the
Indians. First she will instruct them in American modes of dress
and will seek to abolish the old-time braids which for centuries
have characterized the Indian women. This deviation from the
old-time headdress has never before been attempted. She will
also seek to impart a high moral code in which the Indians are
somewhat deficient. Though only twenty, Mrs. Mann does not fear
the Indians as she was born among them and has pledged herself
to remain with her people until she has completed her educational
endeavors. "I have faith in the Indians..." Mrs. Mann
has been called the "Diana of the Chase" as she is
a skillful huntress and sharpshooter. During the winter months
in Alaska she will trap venison for their meals. Like the Eskimos
she will subsist on the mountain wolves and reindeer and will
drive a team of twenty-two dogs through the ice and snow."
In the 1920 US Census also living in Berkeley, California, is
Earl J. Mann, age 37 b NY, a truck driver for an express company;
with wife Miriam B., age 34 b Mass; and dau Geraldine, (b abt
1916 California) and dau Daisy Rae Mann, (b abt 1917 California.
The 1930 census states he was b. in PA. The social security
death index shows a Earl Jay Mann, b. 7 Oct 1882 in PA, who
died 27 Jan 1943 in Contra Costa California.
8. Julia M. (June) b. 26 June 1894/95. She d. 13 Feb 1959 in
Alameda California; She married Roy D. Grady; in 1920 single
and living with her brother Henry in Berkeley California, occupation
stenographer. In 1930 living in Berkeley California with husband.
He age 35 b. California, salesman for building material. The
California death index shows: June Grady, SS#556051691, b. 26
June 1895 Alaska, d. 13 Feb 1959 in Alameda California; mother's
maiden name JAMES, father's surname McQuesten.
9. Elizabeth G., b. 27 March 1896; m. John Charles BENNINGS;
in 1920 still single living with her brother Henry in Berkeley,
10. Leroy Napoleon, Jr., b. 24 DEC 1897; In 1920 single living
with his brother Henry; In 1930 living (age 30) single with
his sister Crystal Mann; occupation: crane man, gold mine.
11. Walter, b. 26 May 1900 in Berkeley, California. In 1920
single and living with his brother Henry in Berkeley California;
In 1930 living in Berkeley, California with his wife Edna (b.
abt 1910 in California). His occupation of mechanic-metal worker.
He died on 23 DEC 1965 in Martinez, California. He married 16
Aug 1929 in Santa Rosa California to Edna Gertrude KAY. They
had the following children [McQuesten]: Catherine Adele, John
Robert, and Walter Jr.
Clinton-5 McQUESTEN (Capt. John-4, James-3, William-2, William-1)
b. 10 Aug 1844 at Galena IL. [Note: this does not check with
George D.'s account above). He married 12 Sep 1869, Louisa Maria
Graham, born 7 Aug 1846; had been mining in the Black Hills
of South Dakota and after the death of his brother, Varnum,
went to Montana and worked the claims for many years, as long
as he was able, then went to Missoula, Montana. He died 31 Jan
1922 at Puyallup, Washington. His widow died there 21 DEC 1936.
The children were all born in Marshall, Lyon County, Minnesota.
Children of Orlando C. & Louisa M. (Graham) McQueston:
1. Lilly Leona, b. 16 DEC 1871 in Marshall, Lyon Co., Minnesota;
She m. C.H. Johnson. Resided at Puyallup, Washington. Children
[JOHNSON]: Fanchon and Clinton Leroy.
2. Florence Adelle, b. 18 July 1874; not married; d. 31 May
3. Pearl, b. 6 APR 1877 in Marshall, Lyon County, Minnesota;
She m 1 March 1899 in Butte, Montana to Irving E. Keith, son
of Samuel C. & Rachel Catherine (Price) Keith. He b. 31
Oct 1866 in Havelock, NB and died 24 May 1935 in Missoula, Montana.
They resided at Anaconda, Montana. Children [KEITH]: Beverly
Clinton (b 8 Oct 1899 in Missoula MT, d. 10 Aug 1968 in Butte
MT, m. Catherine Lucille Cole) and Audrey Jewell (b. 22 Feb
1905 in Missoula MT, d. 22 Nov 1952 in Salt Lake City UT, m.
Owen ZEH)
4. Irene E., b. 14 Oct 1881 in Marshall, Lyon Co. Minnesota;
m. 28 June 1909, Christopher L. TAYLOR. Following his death,
she resided at Tacoma, Washington
5. Ora Louise, b. 14 Sep 1884 at Marshall, Lyon Co. Minnesota;
d. 3 APR 1886
6. Otto Leroy, b. 28 Sep 1888; lived at Mullen, Idaho; In 1917
living in Granite County, Montana, a single rancher (according
to WW1 Draft Registration form). He died 24 July 1937 in Portland,
McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) born 18 Nov 1819 in Litchfield NH; married 20 Sep
1847, Mary E. GOULD of Lyndeborough NH. She b. 4 March 1826
and d. 13 Oct 1898. He died 16 Sep 1890. [Dates are from the
bible mentioned earlier]
Children of Charles & Mary E. (Gould) McQuesten:
1. +Charles Henry, b. 16 Jan 1849; m. 7 APR 1875; d.
3 DEC 1899
2. John Ira, b. 8 Jan 1851; d. 6 July 1852
3. Frank C., b. 27 Oct 1853; d. 28 Feb 1857
4. Isabel, b. 11 APR 1858 in Litchfield NH; m. 31 Aug 1880 in
Boston MA to George Center BAILEY. He b. 26 Aug 1856 at Manchester
NH; She d. 14 March 1895 in Providence RI and is buried at Valley
Cemetery in Manchester NH. He d. 19 march 1919. One ch: George
Walter BAILEY, b. 10 June 1887 in Providence RI and married
28 Jan 1911 to Maude Sanford Brown.
5. +Fred, b. 4 Aug 1859; m. 7 Sep 1889; d. 3 May 1918
6. Walter Elmer, b. 6 March 1864; m. 1 DEC 1909, Ada Lucy SEAVERNS.
She b. 17 Nov 1870, d. 25 APR 1912, buried in Merrimack NH.
He m2) 14 Nov 1916, Mrs. Elva May (Mott) Knight. She b. 18 Nov
1863. Walter E. died 16 July 1922. His widow continued to live
on the farm.
7. Willie D., b. 18 Jan 1867; d. 14 Sep 1869
Bartlett-5 McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) b. 17 June 1827 in Litchfield NH; married 30 Oct
1856 to Adaline H. McKEAN. She b. 5 June 1835 and d. 21 DEC
1879. He died 29 Sep 1885. They are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery
at Nashua NH. Children were born at Nashua NH
Children of Joseph B. & Adaline H. (McKean) McQuesten:
1. +George Bartlett, b. 15 March 1858; m. 12 Jan 1892;
d. 31 Jan 1923
2. Addie Leola, b. 20 March 1861 at Nashua NH; m. 20 March 1894
in MA to William H. WRIGHT. He was b. 2 June 1863 and d. 22
APR 1927 in Oakland California; She d. 5 Nov 1927 in New York
City. Issue [WRIGHT]: Donna Adaline, Xena Leola (an illustrator
of fiction and magazine articles), and William Denzel.
McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) b. 17 July 1832 in Litchfield NH, attended the district
schools and McGaw Institute (in Merrimack NH); was a farmer
on the old homestead; married 18 Jan 1871, Sarah Margaret BRADT,
dau of Daniel & Sarah F. Bradt. She b. 21 APR 1847 and graduated
from Adam's Female Academy of Derry NH, and was a successful
teacher. She d. 21 July 1872 and is buried with her son in Litchfield
Cemetery. He married 2) 22 Oct 1874, Kate Maria Jones, dau of
Archibald and Eunice Carr (Roby) Jones of Salisbury NH. She
b. 22 Oct 1849. He died 14 APR 1915. She d. 20 Sep 1917. They
are buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester NH.
Children of Daniel & Sarah F. (Bradt) McQuesten:
1. Daniel Bradt, b. 23 May 1872 Litchfield NH; d. 19 Aug 1872
2. Grace Louise, b. 10 June 1878 in Litchfield NH; attended
Pinkerton Academy in Derry NH; taught piano there for seven
years; composer using the pen name and her own name; resided
in Newton Center MA. Provided the bible which contained many
date and family records.
3. Margaret Bradt, b. 18 June 1884 in Litchfield NH; attended
the Boston Art Museum four years, received special mention in
drawing in 1906; m. 9 March 1918 Hiram Champney HUGHES. He b.
5 APR 1883. He was the superintendent of wood carving in the
modeling dept. of Irving Casson, A.H. Davenport Co., Cambridge
MA and resided at Newton Center, MA. Child [HUGHES]: Janet,
b. 31 March 1919
McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) b. 17 Oct 1834 in Litchfield NH; brickmaker with
his father, later a farmer and lumberman; married 10 Sep 1856,
Mary Ann CORNING. She b. Londonderry NH 18 Oct 1831, and d.
18 Jan 1858. He married 2) 5 June 1866 Clara A. CHASE of Londonderry
NH. She b. 1 May 1845. He d. 11 Nov 1907 after an illness of
five years. He was a member of the board of trustees of the
James Parker Fund for the support of preaching at the Presbyterian
Church of Litchfield. His widow Clara died 27 Feb 1930. They
are buried in the North Cemetery.
Child of James & Clara A. (Chase) McQuesten:
1. Daniel Moore, b. 15 May 1867; m. 5 Oct 1892
Young-5 McQUESTEN (Gen. James-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) b. 13 July 1821 at Manchester NH; attended local
schools and Pembroke Academy. Worked at his father's brickyard;
taught school in the local school districts, removing to Boston
for four years; returned to accept the position of station agent
at Goff's Falls for the recently built railroad; later bought
a farm on Mammoth Road. In 1866 he became yard master and superintendent
of the wood yard at the Manchester Print Works, and selling
agent for Parker & Co. of Thornton Ferry [Merrimack] NH,
furniture manufacturers. In 1891 he formed a stock company with
his son, Edgar A., in the furniture business in Manchester.
He was a member of the school board, the City Council (1863-64),
delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1876) and Representative
to the State Legislature (1883). He married 12 Nov 1850, Elvira
Calista BROOKS. She b. 27 Jan 1824 at Dalton NH. He died 9 DEC
1901 of Paralysis at his home in Manchester. He was a member
of the Franklin Street Church. His widow died at their home
19 Feb 1903.
Children of Johnathan & Elvira C. (Brooks) McQuesten:
1. +Frank Alvin, b. 21 June 1855; married twice; d. 6
June 1930
2. Edgar Azro, b. 18 May 1857; m. 11 Nov 1890, Emma Sophia Dwinnells.
She b. 5 APR 1862, d. 12 Sep 1917. He lived in the home where
his father died and he died 24 July 1831. He and his wife are
buried in the Valley Cemetery, Manchester NH.
McQUESTEN (Gen. James-4, James-3 McQuesten, William-2, William-1)
b. 10 DEC 1823/1824 in Manchester NH; he married 11 March 1847
to Mary Jane DICKEY. She b. 24 March 1828 and d. 20 May 1903.
He died 25 May 1872. They are buried at Merrill Cemetery, Litchfield
Children of James & Mary J. (Dickey) McQuesten:
1. Henrietta Estella, b. 26 Sep 1849 Manchester NH; m. 5 June
1867 at Newport NH to Henry John HURD. He b. 24 June 1847 at
Newport NH; She d. 7 Nov 1928; he d. 28 May 1933. Issue [HURD]:
Henry W., Fred W., Flora May, and Jennie Ruth
2. William Henry, b. 6 Oct 1851 Manchester NH; m 22 Sep 1875
at Southbridge MA to Jennie Elma Douglass. She b. 20 July 1856
at Brunswick ME; He d. 11 Sep 1920. About 1930 his widow went
to live at Lewiston ME. Child [McQuesten]: Lola Florence, b.
10 Feb 1886 at Auburn ME, d. 13 Aug 1893.
3. +Nelson Alphonso, b. 1 Nov 1858 Manchester NH; m.
13 June 1895; d. 24 Jan 1917
4. Clara Ermina, b. 9 Aug 1864 at Newport NH; m. 22 DEC 1886
to William Jerome TITUS. He b. 1858 in Manchester and d. there
1 July 1924; She d. 24 Nov 1934. Issue [TITUS]: Harold W., Walter
D., Letta Jane, Nelson H., Clara E., and George C.
5. Letta Jane, b. 27 Feb 1867 at Newport NH; m. 18 Se 1895,
Henry R. HALL. He b. 6 July 1853 in Londonderry NH and d. 2
Nov 1904. He had previously married to Ella M. Watts who d.
in 190. Letta Jane afterward lived in La Mesa, California.
Claggett-5, McQUESTON (Gen. James-4, James-3 McQuesten,
William-2, William-1) b. 19 Aug 1825 at Manchester NH; married
27 March 1851 at Lawrence MA to Abby Jane BUZZELL. She b. 28
Jan 1828 at Lee, NH and d. 25 APR 1853. He m2) 20 May 1857 to
Sarah Frances GAMBLE. She b. 1 March 1837. He died 12 Oct 1901.
Sarah F. died 12 Nov 1913. They are buried at Merrill Cemetery,
Litchfield NH.
Children of Clifton C. & Abby J. (Buzzell) McQuesten:
1. Bess Jane, b. 19 Jan 1852 at Lawrence MA; m. 17 Nov 1872
to George E. RICHARDSON. He b. 6 Oct 1847 and d. 9 APR 1929;
She d. 13 Oct 1928. Issue [RICHARDSON]: Ella Belle and Josiah
2. Maybelle Eugene, b. 18 Nov 1857 at Manchester NH; attended
school at Auburn and Pinkerton Academies; taught school at Auburn,
Chester and Weare NH; m. 31 Jan 1884 at Manchester NH to Charles
Henry GREEN of Chester; She d. 23 Jan 1908. Child [GREEN]: Ethel,
b. 25 March 1885, d. 26 DEC 1907 unmarried.
Children of Clifton C. & Sarah F. (Gamble) McQuesten:
3. +Charles Garibaldi, b. 26 July 1859; m. 20 Oct 1910;
d. 11 APR 1933
Bonaparte-5 McQUESTON (Gen. James-4, James-3 McQuesten,
William-2, William-1) b. 23 Jan 1831 in Litchfield NH; married
15 Nov 1854 to Mary Jane CORNING, dau of Joshua and Mary (Hazelton)
Corning. She b. 30 May 1837. He was a member of Co. H of the
3rd NH Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. He enlisted
17 Aug 1861 and was mustered in 23 Aug 1861 as private; appointed
corpora 1 Jan 1862; sergeant 1 Aug 1862; captain 21 Aug 1862,
Pinckney Island S.C.; exchanged; reduced to ranks 1 Nov 1862;
discharged, disabled 20 DEC 1862 Washington DC. Died 19 march
1866 and is probably buried in Merrill Cemetery near Gen. James,
his father. His widow married 2) 19 Oct 1893 Isaac S. Dickey
of North Londonderry NH and she d. 30 Sep 1912 at Manchester
Children of Jerome B. & Mary J. (Corning) McQueston:
1. George C., b. 17 June 1856; d. 7 DEC 1861 of scarlet fever.
2. James Henry, b. 11 Sep 1857; d. 5 DEC 1861 of scarlet fever.
3. Mary Ella, b. 8 Sep 1859; d. 12 Jan 1863
McQUESTEN (Henry-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1)
was b 15 March 1831 in Litchfield NH; attended public schools
of the town; learned brickmaking at age 15, later became a boatman
on the Merrimack River; went to California in 1850 in search
of gold; returned home to NH in 1866; opened a store in Cleveland,
Ohio, conducted this until 1869; disposed of the business and
returned to Merrimack; married 4 Nov 1868 in Londonderry NH,
Lydia Jane REED, dau of William and Judith (Little) REED. She
b. in 1835 in Litchfield NH and d. 22 Aug 1874. He m2) 31 March
1876, Mrs. Caroline A. (Liscomb) Balch who d. 20 Sep 1883, aged
45 years at Egypt, N.J. He married 3) 11 Sep 1884 in Massachusetts
to Elizabeth Kimball Harriman, she b. 19 July 1838 at Haverhill
MA. In 1891 they made a tour of Europe. He was a clerk of the
Congregational Church; he died 19 Nov 1911. His wife died in
Children of William & Lydia J. (Reed) McQuesten:
1. +Frank Dustin, b. 18 DEC 1870; m. 24 APR 1895; d.
27 Feb 1935
2. +Carroll Little, b. 29 June 1874; m. 1 Jan 1896; d.
12 June 1925
Wingate-5 McQUESTEN (Henry-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) b. 7 Jan 1834 in Litchfield NH; attended Manchester
NH Academy; at the age of 14 (about 1848) he went to California
with his brother William and Varnum B., spending fourteen years
digging gold. Upon his return he farmed the homestead which
he inherited at his father's death; later he settled in Merrimack
NH; married 10 DEC 1863, Sarah
Elizabeth JONES, dau of David and Roseanna (Tewksbury)
Jones, [one source calls HER a "direct descendant of Matthew
Thornton who signed the Declaration of Independence," however
I could not find any such connection through either her father
or mother's lines, SEE Jones and Thornton families]and lived
at Thornton's Ferry on the west bank of the Merrimack River.
She was b. 19 DEC 1839 at Thornton's Ferry [Merrimack] NH. She
was educated at McGaw Institute, the Nashua Literary School,
and the Plymouth Normal. Prior to her marriage she taught in
Litchfield, Amherst, Plymouth and Montreal, as well as sixteen
successive terms at New Boston NH. He died 28 July 1902. Politically
he was a Democrat, and he was an attendant of the Congregational
Church. His widow died 3 July 1915 and is buried at Tacoma,
Washington. In 1870 & 1880 living in Litchfield NH.
Children of Henry W. & Sarah E. (Jones) McQuesten:
1. +Henry Wingate McQuesten Jr., b. 20 March 1866; m.
10 Sep 1884; d. 25 Jan 1936
2. Rose "Rosa" Elizabeth McQuestin , b. 4 Feb
1869; d 22 May 1871
3. +George Dowe McQuesten, b. b. 20 March 1871; married
3. +Frank Jones McQuesten, b. 28 Feb 1874; married
three times
4. +David Maurice McQuesten, b. 16 March 1876;
m. 1 Sep 1894
JAMES FRANKLIN-5 McQUESTEN (Henry-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2,
William-1) born 7 March 1835 in Litchfield NH; attended district
schools and also the Derry Academy where he prepared himself
for the US Military School at West Point, entering as a cadet
in 1857, graduating with honor May 1861, as second lieutenant
of the 2d US Cavalry and immediately entered the service at
the outset of the Civil War; was promoted to first lieutenant
and on 13 Feb 1864 to a captaincy in February, 1863, and served
on the staffs of General Buford, Fitz-John Porter and McClellan.
He married 24 Sep 1863 Marcia Vaness McQuesten, daughter of
Edward and Harriet (Colby) McQuesten. She born in 1841. At the
time of his death, 19 Sep 1864 he was assistant adjutant-general
on General Merrell's staff. He was killed by a shot in the forehead,
while on horseback, carrying a message across the battlefield
at the Battle of Opequon, VA [or the Battle of Winchester, depending
on your source]. He was buried in Litchfield NH. From youth
he was fitted, both by nature and his own great
energies, for a soldier. His physical development was faultless;
his height was something more than six feet; with full chest
and ruddy complexion. His presence was commanding and his character
unexceptionable. His widow died Feb 1923 at Newton Center, MA.
No children.
Wells-5 McQUESTEN (Robert/Joseph Wells-4, John-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 15 Sep 1841 in Boston MA; married 15 June 1874
to Elizabeth Copithorne. She b. 25 July 1854 at Pittsburg NH,
dau of Richard and Jane Copithorne. He died 16 Nov 1908.
Children of George W. & Elizabeth (Copithorne) McQuesten:
1. Albert Richard, b. 7 Aug 1874 in Boston MA; unmarried.
2. Frances Jane, b. 6 July 1877 in Boston MA; unmarried. d.
11 Nov 1905
Newton-5 McQUESTEN (Hugh Nahor-4, Hugh Nahor-3, William-2,
William-1) b 15 Feb 1830 at Mont Vernon NH or Merrimack NH.
He married 10 Nov 1858 to Mrs. Harriet Maria (McMin) HUNT. She
b. 29 March 1836 at Reading MA. He enlisted in the 5th NH Regiment
and d. 6 June 1862 at Newport News VA. She died soon after her
husband. One son, reared by Henry's sister, is registered in
the Reading MA records as Josiah Knowles, but the family know
him by the following name:
Child of Henry N. & Harriet M. (McMin) McQuesten:
1. +Alfred L., b. 28 Jan 1860; m. 25 DEC 1881
Hartshorn-5 McQUESTEN (Hugh Nahor-4, Hugh Nahor-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 8 May 1832 in Merrimack NH; married 4 July 1861
to Hannah P. GAGE, dau of Stephen and Hannah Gage of Goffstown
NH. She b. March 1838 and d. 1 July 1919. He d. 26 Aug 1896
at Mont Vernon NH.
Children of Thomas H. & Hannah P. (Gage) McQuesten:
1. +George Augustus, b. 2 DEC 1862; married twice
2. +William Parker, b. 1 Sep 1867; m. 5 Nov 1885
3. Bertha Sophronia, b. 13 DEC 1868; m. 20 Jan 1885 to Truman
PARKER. He b. 1866. She d. 8 Oct 1914 and is buried in Valley
Cemetery, Manchester NH.
4. Mary J., b. 10 June 1876; m. 1 Jan 1897 to James Elkney VEINO.
He b. 9 APR 1874; She d. 21 Feb 1910. Children [VEINO]: Arthur
E., and Addie M.
McQUESTEN (John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 28
March 1830 in Litchfield NH; m. 16 July 1854 by Rev. J. Storer,
to Elmira S. PRATT. She b. 29 June 1834 at Weathersfield VT.
He d. 15 Oct 1892 in Litchfield NH. She went to Washington with
some of her children and died 20 May 1904 in Seattle, Washington.
The dates of all are from the family Bible, in possession of
Mrs. Eaketts.
Children of Robert & Elmira S. (Pratt) McQuesten
1. George, b. 20 Aug 1856; d. 13 DEC 1857
2. +Walter Fred, b. 20 Sep 1858; m. 9 Sep 1882; d.
3. +George Albert, b. 7 Nov 1859 in Litchfield NH; m.
12 DEC 1877; d. 14 DEC 1929
4. Laura A., b. 6 June 1863; d. 11 Aug 1864
5. Laura J., b. 18 Aug 1865; m. 13 June 1885 in Springfield
MA, Rev. Lyman MEVIS. He b. in 1862 and is in missionary work.
Child [MEVIS]: Gertrude A., b 18 June 1888, m. 15 Sep 1914 to
McQUESTEN (John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 2
Jan 1834; married 26 Nov 1857 in Lowell MA to Charlotte Cornelia
MEAD. She b. 27 July 1839 at North Lanesboro MA. John wrote
the following: "I was born in Litchfield NH and came to
Lowell MA nearly fifty years ago. I entered the employ of a
dry goods house, 84 Merrimack St., and remained 12 years. When
the War of the Rebellion [Civil War] broke out I enlisted, August
1862, in the 33 Mass. Vol. Having been 'Loyal' to my country
during the severe test, I was wounded in the battle of Resaca
Station, George, May 15, 1864 under General Sherman--the great
"March to the Sea." I was carried back to Bridgeport
Alabama, until I partially recovered, when I was appointed Military
Postmaster of that Post which I held to the close of the War.
I speak of this to show that the spirit of Loyalty still remains
in the blood of the McQuesten race. As I am the only one left
in our family I hope I shall never dishonor the name. Harry
also was so stirred with the blood of Loyalty to our Country
that he enlisted in the 6th Mass. Reg. in the Spanish War; he
remained till the close. He was in the battle of Puerto Rico
where the bullets flew about his head but did not receive a
scratch. He is as well as before the war. My own health is quite
poorly. I have the heart and head trouble. I was sunstruck in
the Army and I can't quite outgrow it." His wife wrote:
"Agnes was born while her father was in the Civil War and
he did not see her until she was quite a baby." She said
about her husband: "He was a true and faithful Christian
and loved his family and home." She died 31 May 1872 in
Santa Cruz, California. John married 2d) 26 March 1875, also
in Lowell MA, to Mary Helen HADLEY. She b. 17 Sep 1848 in Massachusetts.
He died 1 July 1901. The children were born in Lowell MA:
Children of John & Charlotte C. (Mead) McQuesten:
1. Henry Tyler, b. 21 Jan 1859; d. 22 July 1860 in Lanesboro
2. Agnes, b. 23 March 1863; d. 27 Aug 1867
3. +Luther Eames, b. 22 Feb 1866; m. 21 June 1892; d.
25 Nov 1936
3. +Albert Wallace, b. 5 DEC 1867; m. 28 Sep 1892
Children of John & Mary H. (Hadley) McQuesten:
3. Harry Martin, b. 17 Feb 1877; Spanish War Veteran; m. 23
Nov 1904 in MA to Elizabeth FORSYTH. She b. in 1878 in Ireland.
Children [McQuesten]: Helen Gertrude who m. William Hill and
resided in Boston MA, and Raymond Martin, b. 15 Jan 1908 in
Lowell MA. He lived in NY and d. 11 Feb 1917.
4. Gertrude Malvina, b. 25 July 1881; m. 22 Nov 1911 to George
C. DUNN. Her mother lived with her in Worcester MA [shown in
the 1930 US Census]. No children in the 1930 census.
McQUESTEN (John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 22
March 1836 in Litchfield NH; m. 31 DEC 1863 to Sarah Imogene
PRATT. She b. in VT and was a sister of Elmira S. PRATT. He
died 15 DEC 1885, and she died also at Pelham NH.
Children of Benjamin & Sarah I. (Pratt) McQuesten:
1. Arthur W., b 1867; d. 27 Feb 1879 at Pelham NH
2. Minnie A., b. 13 APR 1871; m. -- Ames who was b. in Maine;
From one source: "divorced; has a son Benjamin AMES a milk
dealer in Lowell MA." Apparently after her divorce, Minnie
went back to using her McQuesten/McQuestion surname,as in the
1930 US census of Haverhill MA, the following are found in the
same household: Benjamin H. Ames, Head, age 41 [b abt 1889 MA
ME NH, married at age 21], Arthur B. Ames, son [age 16 single
MA MA Canada-French], Minnie R. McQuestion, mother [Widow age
57 NH NH VT], Sarah E. McQuestion, grandmother [84 widow VT
MA VT]. Possibly the Benjamin Ames shown in the SS Death Index
as being born 9 May 1888 and dying Oct 1963 with last residence
in NH is this child, Benjamin Ames. FROM: Historical Newspapers
> Lowell Sun (Lowell, Massachusetts) > 1954 > February
> 6: "Nashua NH, Feb 6--Minnie A. McQuestion, 82, died
in her home at 34 Summer street here, yesterday morning after
a brief illness. A native of Pelham NH, she was born there on
April 13, 1872, the daughter of the late Benjamin and Imogene
(Pratt) McQuestion and for many years was employed as a cook
at the Kings Daughters Home for Boys in Nashua. She was an attendant
of the Congregational Church and is survived by a son, Benjamin
Ames of Auburn NH, a grandson, Arthur B. Ames, and five great
Edward-5 McQUESTEN (Simon Oaks-4, John -3, Simon-2, William-1)
born 9 August 1832 at Hudson NH; known as "Ned;" married
1st) 30 Nov 1863 in Boston MA to Delia RAY. She b. 1842 in Surry,
ME. He enlisted in Co. I, 1st MA Infantry in the Civil War.
He married 2d) 14 DEC 1872 to Dana "Dena" P. "Bell"
FLETCHER. She b. 10 Oct 1848 at Nashua NH and d. 21 August 1886.
He married 3) 31 Aug 1889 to Augusta J. DONAHUE. She b. 27 Aug
1843 in NH and d. 27 Aug 1908, dau of George Nutter and Betsey
Smith, born at Pittsfield NH. George E. predeceased her on 23
DEC 1904. All are buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Nashua NH. In
the 1880 census, George and his 2d wife, "Dena P."
are living in Nashua NH, his occupation being bobbin maker and
her dress maker. No children in that census with them. In 1900
George E. and 3d wife, Augusta were living in Nashua NH. The
census states that she had 1 child that was still living at
the time. No children in the household with them at that time,
so probably a child from a previous marriage.
Daniel-5 McQUESTEN (Simon Oaks-4, John -3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. in 1845 in Hudson NH; married 1st) 31 May 1870, Lovice ALLEN,
she b. 1842. He married 2) 7 June 1882 at Nashua NH to Eunice
R. WRIGHT. She b. 13 DEC 1861 in Maine and d. 6 Aug 1899 at
Upton MA. He died 21 June 1924 at Wareham MA.
Children of Charles D. & Eunice R. (Wright) McQUESTEN:
1. Fannybelle "Francis", b. 24 DEC 1883; m1st) 13
Aug 1899, Winslow TEMPLE; she m2d) 30 Sep 1918 to John J. BERGDOLL.
He b. 2 Feb 1881 in MA, and had been previously married. In
the 1910 census of Wrentham MA, I found John J. Bergdoll age
29 married 1x for 3 yrs married to Annie S., wife age 21? married
2x, 1 child, 0 living, she b. CT. In 1920 US Census of Wrentham
MA I find: John J. Bergdoll age 38, b. MA, fa b. Germany, mo
born Canada, a machinist, living with Francis B. wife, age 37
b NH, with a boarder Cullen L. Porter but no children in household.
In 1930 they were living in Norwood MA [census] and no children
in household.
2. George E., b. 16 Aug 1887; m. in 1912 to Marion J. BENNETT
who was b. 22 June 1889
3. +Charles Daniel, b. 6 DEC 1889; m. Jan 1908
4. Edith Helen, b. 20 March 1895 at Norfolk MA
5. Florence Josephine, b. 6 Nov 1898 at Upton MA; m. Harvey
H. YOUNG. Child [YOUNG]: William. b. 1924
McQUESTEN (Robert-4, John -3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 8 Jan
1838. The Merrimack Valley History says he was born on a whaling
voyage. He married 13 March 1865 to Elizabeth McKINNON. She
b. 31 Oct 1847 in Nova Scotia, Canada. He d. 13 Jan 1901. In
the 1870 US Census living in Boston MA: Henry is a letter carrier,
also wife Elizabeth and children Clinton and Alfred. In 1880
US census living in Somerville MA as Henry "McQuestion,"
a letter carrier with wife Elizabeth and sons Clinton and Alfred.
Children of Henry & Elizabeth (McKinnon) McQuesten:
1. Clynton, b. 3 Jan 1866 MA; in 1870 US Census of Boston MA
with his parents, as "Clinton." The 1880 census at
age 14 living with his parents in Boston MA, and that is the
last I see of him.
2. Alfred, b. 15 Nov 1889 MA [should be 1869 and one source
is a typo]; m. 12 Aug 1911 [probably abt 1906 instead] Mrs.
Mary Ellen (Burke) Ford. She b. in New York City. He carried
on a surgical appliance business in Boston at the time of his
death, 21 Jan 1926. His body was cremated and his ashes are
buried in the grave with his father at Newbury MA. His widow
later had a music studio in Boston MA. In the 1910 US Census
of Boston MA, an Alfred McQuesten, age 40, married 4 yrs, a
hospital orthopedist is found with wife, Mary, age 37, she m2x,
no children, b. NY--this is probably the same family.
R.-5 McQUESTEN (Simon-4, Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b.
28 Nov 1831 in Dunstable [Nashua] NH; married 16 Nov 1865 to
Addie E. MERRILL, dau of Enoch & Adaline E. (Parker) Merrill.
She b. 27 May 1835 and d. 15 Jan 1901. He d. 14 Jan 1904. They
are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery Nashua NH.
Children of Charles R. & Addie E. (Merrill) McQuesten:
2. They adopted: Annie B., She b. 16 Oct 1868 in Nashua NH and
m. 7 Oct 1891 in Lowell MA to William L. ROBERTSON.
Danforth-5 McQUESTEN (William Danforth-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 19 Feb 1833 at Wentworth NH; married 3 Oct 1857
to Harriet Edna PIKE, dau of Capt. Nicholas & Sally (Smith)
Pike. She b. 20 DEC 1833 in the old Caleb Pike house on the
Ferry Road, Salisbury MA. In the fall of 1857 she left her father's
home at Seabrook NH and journeyed to Marshall town, Iowa where
they were married. They started overland by wagon for their
future home at Iowa Falls, where he had established a mercantile
business some 3 years before. They returned to Wentworth NH
where he died 14 July 1864. Almost immediately she became a
member of the US Christian Commission, taking up her residence
in Washington DC. She assumed special responsibilities in ministering
to the comfort and welfare of the wounded soldiers in the Columbian
College Hospital. In 1889, she became the wife of Amos C. WHITE,
the elder member of the Globe Iron Works, of New York City.
During the Civil War, he had manufactured marine engines and
equipment for the Government. He died in 1893. She died 20 DEC
1819 at the home of her son in Mt. Vernon NY and she is buried
with her first husband at Wentworth NH.
Child of Charles D. & Harriet E. (Pike) McQuesten:
1. William Danforth, b. 25 Oct 1859 at Seabrook NH. He graduated
from Phillips-Andover Academy in 1879. Attended Yale but left
during his senior year, 1882, to take a position in a machine
shop of Thomas A. Edison Company in New York. In 1883 he was
electrical engineer at the first Edison Lighting Station, Pear
St., New York; 1883-4 was chief electrical engineer of the Adams
Electrical Railway and Motor Co., St. Louis, MO; 1884-7 was
president of the Western Electrical Construction Co., St. Louis
and Kansas City MO; sold his business and opened offices as
Electrical Engineer, New York City, 1887-96; 1896-1902 was Vice
President and general Manager of Metropolitan Construction CO;
1902-10 was manager of the Pittsburgh and New York offices of
the Otis Elevator and its subsidiary companies. After 1896 made
his home at Mt. Vernon NY. As a public official he served the
city as Alderman, then as Commissioner of Public Works, and
in 1923 was elected mayor of the Republican ticket, the first
Mayor to be elected for a four-year term. Unmarried. He died
at his home 9 APR 1932 of hardening of the arteries; was taken
to Wentworth NH for burial. He left a legacy to his home town
and to Phillips-Andover Academy.
Chase-5 McQUESTEN (Alvah-4, Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. 18 May 1835 at Plymouth NH; was a dry goods merchant at Springfield
IL from 1853 to 1869. He married there 5 Sep 1860, Emily R.
MATHENY, dau of Rev. Charles R. & Jemima (Ogle) Matheny.
She b. 16 March 1833 in Springfield IL and d. 22 APR 1922. In
1869 Benjamin C. became cashier of the First National Bank at
Ottawa, Kansas; he was also city treasurer and treasurer of
the board of education. He d. 30 Jan 1921.
Child of Benjamin C. & Emily R. (Matheny) McQuesten:
1. +Benjamin Chase Jr., b. 5 Aug 1861; d. 19 Aug 1885
Greenough-5 McQUESTEN (Greenough-4, Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. 5 June 1829 at Northfield NH; married 17 July 1856 in Boston
MA to Elizabeth FUDGE. She b. 17 Jan 1828 in St. John, New Brunswick
Canada and d. 29 Sep 1875. They resided in New York City, NY
and Brooklyn NY. He d. 29 Jan 1880.
Children of William G. & Elizabeth (Fudge) McQuesten:
1. Harry Greenough, b. 23 Jan 1859; m. 31 July 1891 to H. Jennie
BLAKE; lived at Norwood MA, and d. there 28 Jan 1914
2. William Evarts, b. 13 June 1867; d. 27 Jan 1871
3. Alice Mabel, b. 11 June 1873; m. 18 May 1906 at Concord NH
to Edmond Napoleon LARMOUR of Bow NH. They lived at Pima AZ.
Children [LARMOUR]: Edmond Adolphus (b Feb 1907 at Winchester
MA), Lucile Josephine (b Nov 1909 at Willamina Oregon) and Carl
G. (b Aug 1911 at Ontario, California). [In the 1910 US Census
living in Cucamonga Twp, San Bernadino Co. California: Edmond
N. Larmour, age 34 b NY, one marriage, farmer; wife Alice M.
age 37 m1x for 4 yrs, 2 ch 2 living; children Edmond A, age
3 b MA; dau Lucille J. age 1-2/12 b. Oregon, and mother Josephine
E. Larmour, age 55 a widow, b NY][The 1930 US Census shows them
living in Tucson, Pima CO, Arizona, Edmond N., Alice M., Lucile
A. and Carl G. (son, age 8).] [In 1819 Edmond Napoleon Lamour
registered for the World War I draft in Yolo County California,
stating his birth date as March 26, 1876, next of kin, Alice
M. Larmour, medium slender build, blue eyes brown hair. The
social security death index shows a Carl G. Larmour, b. 2 Aug
1911 and d. 23 Sep 1998 at Tucson, Pima CO, Arizona, along with
a Marjorie E. Larmour, b. 21 March 1915 and d. 18 DEC 1997 in
Tucson AZ. The California Birth Index shows a Carl G. Larmour
b. 2 Aug 1911 at San Bernadino California, mother's maiden name
"McQueste." In 1994 a Carl G. Lamour was living in
Tucson AZ and Pino Ridge in Lakeside AZ.
McQUESTEN (Greenough-4, Peter-3, Simon-2, William-1) b 9
March 1837 at Northfield NH; m. 2/24 Sep 1863 in Cambridge MA
to Mary Elizabeth KNIGHT. She b. 20 Jan 1840 at Booth Bay ME.
They lived in Massachusetts several years, then moved to Concord
NH, where he was a grocer, and dealt in groceries, meat and
provisions. He d. 2 Jan 1906; she d. 20 Jan 1932.[reportedly
they had 6 children, 3 died in infancy, only 5 shown below]:
Children of Evarts & Mary E. (Knight) McQuesten:
1. Carrie Knight, b. 2 Oct 1864; d. 13 March 1868
2. Myra, b. 21 March 1866; d. 27 Sep 1869
3. Sara Elizabeth, b. 6 Feb 1870; unmarried; d. 27 March 1921
4. Flora Isabel, b. 4 March 1872; m. 1 Nov 1894 to George Franklin
SMITH. He b. in Concord NH 14 Oct 1872; In 1910 living in Concord
NH, no children, he is a letter carrier. In 1910 living in Concord
NH, census shows no Flora had no children at that time or before.
In the 1930 US Census living in Concord NH also with Mary E.
McQuesten (Flora's mother) and Mary F. Smith (George F.'s mother).
No children.
5. +Charles Greenough, b. 13 Feb 1874; m. 20 Sep 1899;
d. 10 March 1920
Peter Rockwood-5 MacQUESTEN (Greenough-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 29 Sep 1839 at Plymouth NH; graduated Columbia
College in 1863; Union Theological Seminar 1866. He married
18 May 1866 to Emma Willard SANBORN, youngest dau of Dr. Nathan
and Sara (Lancaster) Sanborn of Henniker NH. She b. 15 Aug 1842.
Rev. MacQuesten graduated from Columbia University NY. He was
licensed in 1866 by the Presbytery of Nassau, Old School, and
the same year by the third Presbytery of New York, New School.
He was commissioned by the Board of Home Missions, to labor
in Minnesota. In 1880 he took charge of the preparatory dept
of Macalester College, and later was pastor of the Fifth Presbyterian
Church of Minneapolis. He was pastor of Westminster Presbyterian
Church in Fall River MA from 1885-88. Jan 1, 1899 he accepted
the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church at Glencove NY where
he was 8 years, when he resigned to take up mission work in
New York. He received Ph.D. from the University of New York,
and reportedly frequently contributed to the religious press
and published several poems. He died 23 March 1914 and is buried
in Blossom Hill Cemetery, in Concord NH. At some point they
resided in Annandale NJ. His widow was living in 1928 in a Presbyterian
Home in New York City.
Children of Rev. Peter R. & Emma W. (Sanborn) MacQuesten:
1. Ada Sanborn, b. 30 Aug 1867 at LeSeur, Minn. unmarried in
2. Alvah Hyde, b. 7 Nov 1868 at LeSeur, Minn; d. 7 DEC 1868
3. Herbert Rockwood, b. 16 July 1871 at LeSeur, Minn; d. 7 Oct
4. George Greenville, b. 5 APR 1873 at Winona, Minn.; d 25 Feb
5. Walter Edwards, b. 24 Oct 1874 at Winona, Minn.; m. June
1890 to Florence Margaret Downing. She b. abt 1877 in NY. He
d. 26 Aug 1912; was in the insurance business. In 1910 living
in Brooklyn (7th Ward) Kings CO NY with wife Florence [census
under name MacQueston]. In 1910 they had no children.
Oliver-5 McQUESTEN (Oliver Spaulding-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) born 7 Oct 1832 at Plymouth NH; lived in California
from 1852-86 making occasional visit to Plymouth until 1898,
when he returned to stay. He married 4 Jan 1860 to Mary Emeline
WARD, dau of Moses WARD. She b. 1833 and d. 21 May 1862. He
married 2) 12 DEC 1872 to Mrs. Almira (Corliss) Sawyer, dau
of Gen. Cyris Corliss and widow of Richard K. Sawyer. She b.
20 DEC 1830 and d. 21 March 1903. Charles died 20 Jan 1907.
Child of Charles O. & Mary E. (Ward) McQuesten:
1. Charlotte Harriet, b. 12 Jan 1861 in NH or CA; m. Harvey
Scott DRAKE, son of James H. & Henrietta (Buckius) Drake.
He b. 3 Jan 1855 in Hansonville, Yuba Co. California--a merchant
in San Francisco, California. One family tree states
he was the proprietor of the motor Park Grocery which he established
in 1923. From 1917 to 1919 he was at Ocean Falls, British Columbia
as a hydraulic engineer on construction of the Crown Willamett
Paper Mills, afterwards returning to California, as a fruit
rancher in Organgevale. He was a justice of the peace and a
Republican ["History of Yuba and Sutter Counties."
She d. 27 APR 1897. Harvey married 2) 27 Sep 1901 in Oroville
CA to Mary Campbell. Child [DRAKE]: Zanita Maria, b. 1889. Zanita
Drake married Jasper S. Connell reportedly a construction engineer
in NY and British Columbia, and had at least one child, Barbara.
Child of Charles O. & Almira (Corliss) McQuesten:
2. Mabel Almira, b. 1 July 1874 at Gibsonville, California,
graduated from Plymouth Normal School in 1894; m. 6 Nov 1895
at Forest, California to Louis Allen SPENCER. He b. 13 Sep 1864,
and was a farmer near Plymouth NH. Children [SPENCER]: Archie
McQuesten (b 24 DEC 1896, m. 21 Oct 1921 to Fannie Louise Young),
Marian Ethel (b 22 Aug 1898), Harvey H. (b 23 July 1900), Leon
Leroy (b 16 Aug 1903), Lillian Mabel (b 4 July 1906), Zanita
Mildred (b 13 July 1911), Charles Louis (b 18 May 1913) and
Arnold Wesley (b 7 Oct 1915).
Hutchison-5 McQUESTEN (Oliver Spaulding-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 25 Jan 1836 at Plymouth NH; married 29 Jan 1860
to Luella Francis SMITH, dau of Andrew and Olive (Randall) Smith.
She b. 30 Nov 1839 at Bath NH. He served as a musician in the
2nd Army Corps 1863-65, and was a jeweler at Plymouth NH. He
died 31 Oct 1901. His widow died 3 Aug 1913.
Children of Henry H. & Luella F. (Smith) McQuesten:
1. Kate Valette, b. 16 March 1861; m. 4 Oct 1881, Edward Warren
WHITE. He b. 12 Jan 1857. She d. 28 June 1890. She was a music
teacher. He was secretary-treasurer of the Reliance Cooperative
Bank of Cambridge MA.
2. Gertrude Isabel, b. 20 Jan 1864; graduated from Plymouth
Normal School in 1883; instructor in the New England Conservatory
of Boston; graduated from Boston School of Oratory while teaching
at Emerson College or Oratory, receiving the degree of B.L.I.
from the college. She died 15 Aug 1831 while on vacation in
the White Mountains of New Hampshire; unmarried.
3. Nettie Marvin, b. 6 DEC 1868; graduated from Plymouth Normal
School in 1887; taught at Quincy MA and at the Banks School
in Waltham MA from 1891 to 1931.; unmarried.
4. Louella Frances, b. 15 Oct 1869; d. 18 Feb 1871
5. Margaret T. May, b. 5 July 1874, d. 19 APR 1875
Marvin-5 McQUESTEN (Oliver Spaulding-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 10 Oct 1845 at Plymouth NH; manufacturer of gloves.
He married 21 DEC 1871 at Haverhill MA to Ella Caroline THOMPSON.
She b. 10 Feb 1851 at Haverhill MA, and d. 9 DEC 1917. He d.
25 Nov 1882.
Children of George M. & Ella C. (Thompson) McQuesten:
1. Nellie Mabel, b. 18 Nov 1872; unmarried in 1926; assistant
treasurer of Bryant & Stratton Commercial School in Boston
MA. In 1930 she and her sister (both unmarried) were living
in Boston, MA, Nellie being "cashier at a school"
at that time.
2. Edith Newell, b. 3 APR 1872; unmarried in 1926.
Lund-5 McQuesten (Joseph-4, Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b 24 Nov 1845 at Nashua NH. He was an engineer on the railroad.
He married 21 March 1872 in MA to Nettie Wealthy BIBBER, dau
of Joel & Wealthy (Wilbur) Bibber. She b. 5 May 1852 at
Portland ME. He died 8 July 1883. She married 2nd) 14 Nov 1894
at Somerville MA to Charles Hammet DEAN. She d 18 Oct 1912.
They are buried in Edgewood Cemetery, Nashua NH.
Children of John Lund & Nettie W. (Bibber) McQuesten:
1. Alfred L., b. 10 Jan 1873, d. 15 Jan 1878
2. Joseph, b. 21 Jan 1874, d. 25 Jan 1874
3. Ralph Herbert, b. 18 DEC 1875, d. 15 May 1876
4. Mary Elizabeth, b. 19 Jan 1879, m. 11 Oct 1899 to Clinton
Tuttle FISHER. He b. 25 July 1872 in Portland ME They resided
in Pittsburg PA. In the 1900 & 1910 US Census living in
Watertown MA, no children; In 1920 living in Edgewater, Bergen
CO NJ, no children. In 1930 living in Pittsburg PA, no children.
Barnet-5 McQUESTEN (George-4, Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. 9 APR 1856 in Nashua NH; studied at Philips Andover Academy
until age 16 when he left to work for his father in the Boston
lumber business, taking over that business. He worked in other
companies as director and was involved with shipping (owning
a fleet of over 14 vessels at one time). As early as 1880 he
had an interest in yachting, owning racing and steam yachts.
He was a member of many social, country and yacht clubs including
the Union Club, the Algonquin Club, Tedesco Country Club, Salem
Country Club, and the Eastern Yacht Club. He was a member of
the Congregational Church and resided on "the old homestead"
at Marblehead Neck. He married 1st) 18 Sep 1880 to Mary A. FINK.
She b. 13 March 1861 and d. 2 June 1914. He m2) 28 Oct 1914
to Josephine A. Page. [A
story about Frank McQuesten can be found here.]
Children of Frank B. & Mary A. (Fink) McQuesten:
1. Frank, b. 23 Sep 1882 d. 27 July 1883
2. George E., b. 11 Aug 1887 at Revere MA; attended Stone's
School in Boston MA preparing for Harvard College where he received
a degree of A.B. with the class of 1912; entered his father's
business after college, remaining there until the beginning
of World War I (in 1917); took a graduate course at Annapolis
and in Nov 1917 left on the "Florida" to operate with
the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow under Admiral Beatty, until the
surrender of the German High Seas, at which he took part. He
went to France and participated in the reception of President
Wilson. He stayed in the Navy until 1919, leaving with the rank
of Senior Lieutenant; unmarried in 1926.
3. Helen Barnet, b. 26 Feb 1889; m. 2 June 1915 at Cambridge
MA to Paul GRING, son of Rev. Ambrose Gring. He b. 22 May 1885
in Tokio Japan, his father being a missionary there at that
time [an Episcopal minister who founded the first girls' school
in Japan and also compiled the first Japanese-English Dictionary.
There has been a minister in the Gring family for seven generation].
Paul Gring held a state position in the taxation dept and they
resided in Cambridge MA. Children [GRING]: Helen Barnet (b 20
Feb 1921) and Frank McQuesten (b 16 July 1924).
McQUESTEN (George-4, Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 11
July 1858 [1857 in one bio] at Nashua NH; attended Phillips-Andover
Academy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; entered the
lumber business with his father [in 1882 with the firm of George
McQuesten Company, gradually rising to the position of Manager]
and assisted in the development of the plant at East Boston;
was interested in shipping, being part owner in many vessels,
and was president of the Atlantic Works of East Boston. He married
2/12 Oct 1898 Mrs. Lucy H. (Warren) Melville, dau of William
H. Warren (a hotel proprietor of Hopkinton MA). She b. 2 Oct
1858. He was a member of several marine and scientific organizations
including the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
He was a member of the Algonquin Club, the Tedesco Country Club,
and the Corinthian Yacht Club. He was director of the First
Ward National Bank of East Boston. He attended St. Mark's Church
in Brookline NH (his residence). He died 28 Sep at his summer
home (called "Questenmere") at Marblehead Neck MA.
No children.
Edward-5 McQUESTEN (George-4, Simon-3, Simon-2, William-1)
b. 1 May 1868 in Nashua NH; graduated from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, electrical engineering course; joined
his brothers in the business his father had founded. His talent
for electrical invention led him to erect on his father's estate
at Marblehead Neck, a windmill which was one of the first aero-generating
plants for supplying electricity built for private use. A few
years later he received favorable attention from the government.
He was one of the pioneers in automobile matters, and was a
charter member of the Massachusetts Automobile Club. He married
2 APR 1896 to Emma Maria SAWYER, dau of John Snow & Sarah
L. SAWYER of Fitchburg NH. She b. 21 June 1865. He d. 7 Nov
1916. Resided Brookline MA.
Children of George & Emma M. (Sawyer) McQuesten:
1. Barbara, b. 7 APR 1905; graduated from Radcliffe, 1926; In
1923 listed as living at 15 Buckingham St. in Cambridge MA,
a student.
2. George, b. 2 DEC 1906, d. 16 Sep 1909
Eugene Forrest-5 McQUESTEN (Capt. Isaac-4, Robert Henry-3,
Simon-2, William-1) b 11 Oct 1843 in Litchfield NH; graduated
from Nashua High School in 1860. He entered Blanchard Academy,
Pembroke and later the Scientific Department of Dartmouth College
(where he studied 2 years). In 1864 he took up the study of
medicine with Dr. Josiah G. Graves of Nashua NH, and attended
one course of lectures at Dartmouth and two years at Jefferson
Medical College, where he received the degree of MD 18 March
1866. He returned there 1872-73 to take a post-graduate course.
His first practice was at Lynn MA, but he removed to Nashua
NH 1 Jan 1867.
He married 1st) 25 July 1868 at Nashua NH to Mary Elizabeth
"Lizzie" SPAULDING, dau of Solomon Spaulding of Nashua
NH. She b. 31 May 1847 and d. 26 Nov 1877. He married 2d) 18
June 1879 to Mary Abby HOWARD, dau of Joseph Howard of Nashua
NH. She b. 5 Sep 1855 and d. 3 APR 1885 at San Antonio TX. He
m3rd) 26 May 1887 to Anna Elizabeth SPAULDING, dau of William
R. and Mary Abby (Ham) Spaulding. She b. 8 Oct 1856 at Lawrence
Dr. E.F. McQuesten continued to practice, and live in Nashua
NH until his death 19 July 1906 at Squirrel Island, Maine. He
was then the oldest "practicing" physician in Nashua.
He was preeminent in surgery for abdominal sections and frequently
called upon to act as expert witness in court claims of NH and
MA. He had a pleasing personality. He was a member of the American
Medical Association of Railroad Surgeons, the NH Medical Society
(president in 1895), the Nashua and New York Medico-Legal Societies.
He took all the Masonic degrees. He was a Democrat. He traveled
extensively. His widow died 11 Feb 1921.
Children of Dr. Eugene F. & Anna E. (Spaulding) McQuesten:
1. Dr. Philip, b. 27 DEC 1888 at Nashua NH; graduated from Philip
Exeter Academy 1907, Dartmouth College 1911, Harvard Medical
School 1915. Was 2 years house surgeon at Peter Bent Brigham
Hospital, served in World War I as 1st Lieut of a Medical Corp
July 1717-19. He married 27 Sep 1917 to Elizabeth SWART, dau
of William D. Swart. She b. 31 March 1892. He practiced medicine
in Nashua NH. No children as of 1930's.
2. Josephine, b. 7 Feb 1890 in Nashua NH; m. 7 Oct 1919 to Philip
Edward MORRIS, son of George K. & Nellie Morris. He was
a bookseller and stationary seller in Nashua NH. Children [MORRIS]:
Robert McQuesten (b 1920), Anna Elizabeth (b 1922), Margaret
(b 1923) and Ruth (b 1926). In the July 3 1948 edition of the
Nashua Telegraph (newspaper) a notice of a wedding of Miss Margaret
Morris (dau of M/M Phillip E of 39 Berkeley St) to Mr. William
A. Roska, son of Mr. & Mrs. Gustav A. Roska of Port Washington,
Wisconsin. It was held at the First Unitarian Church in Nashua
3. +Eugene Forest II, b. 21 APR 1892; m. 21 June 1924
Henry-5 McQUESTEN (Capt. Isaac-4, Robert Henry-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 18 APR 1848 in Litchfield NH; associated with
his father in cutting and rafting big timber down the Merrimack
River to Lowell MA, until the method of using portable mills
was adopted. He was partner with his uncle, Samuel Chase, in
operating a ferry across the Merrimack River at Hudson NH during
the building of the "Hudson Bridge" in 1881. Later
he ran a wood and ice business, and also was a surveyor of lumber.
He was a Democrat and held several town officers, including
a representative to the legislature. He married 1st) 1 Jan 1874
to Addie M. Woodward. She b. 1848 and d. 17 March 1877. [Warren
R. Cheever provided the following: The Addie M. Woodward, first
wife of Francis Henry-5 McQuesten, was Adda Marsella Woodward
born February 11, 1848 in Landgrove, Vermont. She was the daughter
of Ambrose Woodward and Hannah Lund Bixby Woodward. Francis'
maternal grandmother, Dorothy Bixby was a sister to Hannah Lund
Bixby Woodward's father, Simeon Bixby.] Francis H. McQuesten
married 2d) 27 March 1889 to Katherine Ingalls Frye. She b.
23 APR 1858 and d. 19 Feb 1937. He died 6 Aug 1924, on the old
"Simon Homestead" after a 10 year illness.
Child of Francis H. & Addie M. (Woodward) McQuesten:
1. Harry Forrest, b. 31 DEC 1876; unmarried, d. 8 Oct 1901
Child of Francis H. & Katherine I. (Frye) McQuesten:
2. Donald Frye, b. 9 Feb 1892; m. 7 DEC 1921 to Bernice Nellie
Esther (Bailey) Abbott. Donald F. had charge of the department
of office furniture at A.E. Cole Stationers, Lawrence MA. His
wife Bernice may be the Bernice mcQuesten in the SS Death index,
b. 4 Aug 1893, d. Nov 1984 in/near Nashua NH
McQUESTEN (William Wirt-5, Dr. David-4, David-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 11 Jan 1869 at Muscatine, Iowa; m. 28 Sep 1897
Muscatine Iowa to Bertha KULP. She b. 8 June 1872 in Iowa, and
died after 1930. He d. 8 DEC 1925 in Muscatine Iowa. From newspaper
"The Davenport Democrat and Leader (Davenport, Iowa)",
DEC 11, 1925: "The funeral of William McQuesten, well known
hardware dealer, whose death occurred Tuesday was held at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon from the family home, 308 Cherry
Street. The Rev. William Hainsworth of the First Congregational
Church officiated. The pallbearers were J.H. Kendig, Fred Beach,
John Robbins, George Wells, M.L. Thompson and Fred Ziegler.
Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.
Child of William & Bertha (Kulp) McQuesten:
1. Joseph William, b. 4 Nov 1904 Iowa; In 1910 census of Muscatine
Iowa living with parents, age 5. In 1930 living with widowed
mother, (age 25 and single) in Muscatine Iowa.
Solon-6 McQUESTEN (Solon Frederick [James]-5, William-4,
William-3, William-2, William-1) born 9 Oct 1855 at Lynn MA;
married 18 Feb 1880 by Rev. E.A. White at Lawrence MA to Isa
L. GEROW, dau of Isaac and Martha Gerow. Isa L. was b. 15 Aug
1853 at Houlton, ME and died 28 July 1883 at North Brookfield
MA. He married 2d) at North Brookfield MA 8 Aug 1885, Mrs. Emma
Frances (Taylor) Crabtree, who was b. 24 June 1862. Frederick
died 15 Jan 1910 at Winchendon MA. Emma died 11 Feb 1927.
Children of Frederick S. & Isa L. (Gerow) McQuesten:
1. Frederick William, b. 20 May 1881; d. 14 Aug 1881
2. Esther Isabel, b. 17 July 1882 at N. Brookfield Mass; m.
26 Oct 1904 to Charles Royal VARNEY. He b. 30 Oct 1882 at E.
Brookfield MA. Her mother died when she was an infant, and she
was legally adopted 4 Sep 1883 by her mother's friend, Mrs.
Daniel W. Knight of North Brookfield MA. Her marriage certificate
lists her name as Emma I. KNIGHT. Had issue [VARNEY]: Carroll
Francis and Charles Royal Jr. This family is found in the 1920
census of North Brookfield, Worcester CO MA. Charles R. Varney
(age 36), Esther Varney (age 36), and sons Carroll (age 14)
and Charles R. Jr. (age 8)
Children of Frederich & Emma F. (Taylor) McQuesten:
3. +Frank Solon, b. 2 June 1886; m. 26 March 1910
4. George Frederick, b. 23 DEC 1887; m. 28 May 1910
5. +Herbert Spencer, b. 16 Aug 1889; m. 3 Sep 1912; d.
13 Jan 1929
6. Florence Bertha, b. 6 Jan 1892 at Winchendon MA; m. 11 Feb
1915 George Milford BROWN who was b. 9 July 1889. Had issue
[BROWN]: Dorothy Esther, Eleanor Ruth and Verna Mae
7. +Fred Solon, b. 24 May 1893; m. 1 March 1919
8. +Arthur James, b. 6 May 1895; m. 2 APR 1918
9. Emma Estabelle, b 19 Nov 1896 at Winchendon MA; m. 7 DEC
1914 Arnold D. SAWYER, son of Joseph A. & Lorie E. SAWYER.
In 1920 living in Winchendon MA, great uncle Benjamin F. (age
83 widow) living with him. In 1930 living in Jaffrey, Cheshire
CO NH, occupation: merchant, match factory. Issue [SAWYER, may
be more]: Gerald David (b 17 March 1925 MA, d. May 1985 in Jaffrey
10. +William Morton, b. 4 Sep 1898; m. 24 DEC 1920
11. Harry Albert, b. 21 June 1900; d. 19 APR 1901
12. Harry Albert (2d), b. 22 Jan 1902; m. 26 May 1922, Mabel
Lavender Cashin. She b. 2 Sep 1903
Herbert-6 McQUESTEN (Solon Frederick [James]-5, William-4,
William-3, William-2, William-1) born 12 Nov 1875 at North Andover
MA; married 1 June 1897 in MA to Jennie GLEDHILL who was b.
in Halifax, England. They resided in Detroit, Michigan. In the
1930 US Census living in Detroit Michigan including children
"Russell", William and his wife Mary, and great-aunt,
Maria Jackson [b. England].
Children of Frank H. & Jennie (Gledhill) McQuesten:
1. +William Gledhill, b. 4 DEC 1898; married twice
2. +George Harold, b. 25 DEC 1899; m. 20 APR 1927
3. Helen Mildred, b. 9 Jan 1901 in South Lawrence MA; m. 17
June 1924 in Detroit, Michigan to Zell THOMPSON. He b. 15 July
1898 at South Haven, Michigan; In 1936 they had 2 ch (THOMPSON):
Barbara Ann and Helen Margaret.
3. Herbert Russell, b. 16 Feb 1907 at Ipswich MA
Eugene-6 McQUESTEN (Solon Frederick [James]-5, William-4,
William-3, William-2, William-1) born 17 Sep 1882 at Lawrence
MA; proprietor of Central Market, North Andover; married in
N. Lawrence MA 8 June 1910 by Rev. H. Usher Monroe of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church to Carolynn Lenora WHITE, dau of Henry and
Myrtilla (Wardwell) White. She was b. 13 DEC 1885 at Oxford,
ME and graduated from the Massachusetts State Normal School
at Lowell in 1905. She taught at Berlin NH and North Andover
MA prior to her marriage.
Child of Herbert E. & Carolyn L. (White) McQuesten:
1. Harriet White,, b. 3 Jan 1922 at Hale Hospital, Haverhill
Robin-6 McQUESTEN (Dr. Charles Augustus-5, Daniel Potter-4,
William-3, William-2, William-1) born 29 DEC 1898 in Alameda
California; an orchestra player; married 1) 23 May 1920, Margaret
Elizabeth Kirby; he m2) 18 APR 1925 in San Francisco CA to Thelma
Frances WATHER. They divorced and she taught in San Francisco.
He removed to Hawaii. According to the SS Death Index, he d.
July 1972 in Honolulu Hawaii.
Children of Charles R. & Thelma F. (Walther) McQuesten:
1. Mardis Jean, b. 2 Feb 1926 in San Francisco CA
2. Shelley Lou, b. 13 March 1931 in Honolulu, Hawaii
Henry-6 "Chick" McQUESTEN (Charles-5 McQUESTEN
(Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1) b.
16 Jan 1849 in Litchfield NH; was known to his family as "Little
Chick"; married 7 APR 1875 to Esther LEACH. She b. 3 Oct
1847 in Goffstown NH; He died 3 DEC 1899. She spent her last
years with her daughter in Nashua, and she died 6 DEC 1932.
Children of Charles H. & Esther (Leach) McQUesten:
1. Alice Leach, b. 27 Sep 1876 in Nashua NH; m. 24 Aug 1900
to Arthur Dinsmore RAMSDELL. He b. 2 Aug 1863 at Peterborough
NH, son of George A. & Eliza D. (Wilson) Ramsdell of Nashua
[ George was former governor of NH 1897-99], and died 8 March
1922 at Nashua NH. In 1900 and earlier when living with his
parents, the census states he was a retail merchant, dealing
in horses. Children [RAMSDELL]: George A. (b abt 1903), and
Alice Scott (b abt 1908)
2. +Everett Scott, b. 26 Aug 1883; m. 23 Jan 1909
McQUESTEN (Charles-5 McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten
(William-2, William-1) born 4 Aug 1859 in Litchfield NH; married
7 Sep 1889, Eveline LeFAVOR. She b. 17 Oct 1867. He died 3 May
1918 on his farm in Litchfield NH. She lived there after his
Children of Fred & Eveline (LeFavor) McQuesten:
1. Lizzie Belle, b. 6 July 1890 in Litchfield NH; m. 25 DEC
1910 to Clinton E. LEACH. He b. 16 June 1874, a carpenter in
Litchfield NH. Issue [LEACH]; Clinton, Marguerite Eleanor, Richard
Curtis and Clesson White.
2. Mary Ellen, b. 23 Feb 1897 in Litchfield NH, graduated from
Keene NH Normal School in 1918; m. 24 Aug 1921 to Cyrus Edgar
WILSON who was b. 5 March 1899. Resided in Litchfield NH. Issue
[WILSON: Phyllis Evelyne, Mary Lucille, Rosalyn Elaine.
3. Ruth White, b. 10 March 1899 in Litchfield NH; graduated
from the State Normal School at Keene in 1923; m. 11 Oct 1926,
to James Patrick SHEA who was b. 29 APR 1895; resided at Keene
NH. Issue [SHEA]: James, John Dana and Robert Paul
4. +Fred Jr., b. 9 July 1904; m. 28 June 1933
Bartlett-6 McQUESTEN (Joseph Bartlett-5, Daniel Moor-4,
James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1) born 15 March 1858
in Litchfield NH; married 12 Jan 1892 to Mabel J. FISKE. She
was b. 4 APR 1869 at Nashua NH. He was a grocer at Somerville
MA where he died 31 Jan 1923. She afterward his death lived
with her son Ray, at Malden MA. In 1920 US census of Malden
(Ward 1), Middlesex Co. MA shows George McQueston, Head age
61 b NH; Mabel wife 50 b NH; son Ralph 26 single b NH, son Ray
23 single b NH, dau Mabel 14 single b NH. In 1930 US census
of Malden MA, Mabel J. McQuesten (now a widow, age 60 and head
of household) and son Ralph F (age 32 married at age 32 [but
no wife showing in household], son Ray b. age 32 single, and
dau Mabel age 25 single.
Children of George B. & Mabel J. (Fiske) McQuesten:
1. Ralph Fiske, b. 27 Oct 1893 at Nashua NH; WWI Draft Registration
card dated June 5, 1917 states he was living in Malden MA, born
27 Oct 1893 in Nashua NH; single, medium build and height, blue
eyes and brown hair.
2. Ray Bartlett, b. 11 Dec 1896 at Nashua NH, His WWI Draft
Card states he was b Dec 11, 1896 in Nashua NH, was at that
time employed by Andrews Paper Company in Boston MA. NOK was
his father, George B. McQuesten, 75 COnverse Ave, Malden MA.
He had blue eyes and light brown hair.
3. Mabel, b. 12 March 1905 at Somerville MA
Moore-6 McQUESTEN (James-5, Daniel Moor-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 15 May 1867 in Litchfield NH on the original homestead;
owned and ran a chain of groceries ["McQuesten & Lewis"]
in Manchester NH, the largest of which was on Massabesic Street
in Manchester NH; he married 5 Oct 1892, Mary Eastman CROWELL.
She was b. 13 Nov 1869 in Londonderry NH, dau of William H.
& Almira Alden (Parker) Crowell. [She was a DAR member (#83250)
and a descendant of Amos Eastman Jr. & Ruth Flagg. Amos
Eastman, Jr. (1751-1832), served as private, 1775, in Capt.
Reuben Dow's New Hampshire regiment. He was born in Concord;
died in Hollis, N. H.]
Children of Daniel M. & Mary E. (Crowell) McQuesten:
1. James Crowell, b. 18 Jan 1894 in Manchester NH; ran a general
store at Pittsfield NH; m. 31 Dec 1917 Lura F. BUFFUM. She b.
24 Apr 1891. Children [McQuesten]: Virginia Hazel (b 7 May 1920;
m. George Dunn, deceased) and Ruth Mae (b 26 Jan 1923; m. Gordon
2. Imogene McQuesten [M. Imogene], b. 15 June 1896 at Manchester
NH, d. 16 June 1955 in Los Angeles California; graduated from
Wellesley College in 1919; m. 27 Sep 1919, Charles W. ARTHUR.
He b. 11 Jan 1896/97 in NH, son of John T. & Lottie Bertha
(McCoy) Arthur, and died 19 Jun 1965 in Los Angeles, California.
He was city bacteriologist in Pasadena California; Children
(surname ARTHUR, b. in California): Jean Maxwell (b 11 Nov 1920;
married, had 3 ch, is deceased) and Elizabeth Eastman (b 14
Oct 1922; m. -- O'Connor, had 4 ch, ?res California).
3. +Ruth Carolyn, b. 21 Jan 1898 at Manchester NH; graduated
from the NH University; m. 28 June 1924 to Arthur Eastman TWADDLE.
4. Marion Gertrude, b. 14 Sep 1906; graduated from Radcliffe
in 1928, d. 17 Jan 2000; not married, no children. Buried in
Manchester NH.
Alvin-6 McQUESTEN (Johnathan Young-5, Gen. James-4, James-3,
William-2, William-1) born 21 June 1855 at Manchester NH; married
25 March 1891 to Amanda Frances GOULD. She born 22 July 1861
and died 10 June 1919. They divorced in May 1899 Hillsborough
Co NH. He married 2) 24 Dec 1907 to Ella Belle Richardson. She
b. 15 Sep 1873 in New Hampshire. Frank A. died 16 June 1930
in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His death was the result of an accident
which happened several months earlier.
Child of Frank A. & Amanda F. (Gould) McQuesten
1. Ruth Myrtle, b. 8 Nov 1891; m. 7 Sep 1914, Arthur Chapin
HINES and resided in Springfield MA. He was born 15 Jul 1889
in Springfield MA, son of Henry L. & Anna B. Hines, and
grandson of Samuel L (of PA) and Eliza J. Hines. Arthur C. died
Sep 1968 in Springfield MA.
Child of Frank A. & Ella B. (Richardson) McQuesten
2. Lahomi Bess, b. 17 Oct 1909 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; resided
with her mother in East Candia NH after her father's death in
Alphonso-6 McQUESTEN (James-5, Gen. James-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) b. 1 Nov 1858 at Manchester NH; married 13 June 1895
at Shadron, Nebraska to Laura Lydia HOBSON. She b. 22 Nov 1872,
a first cousin to Mr. Hobson of Spanish War fame. Nelson A.
graduated from the Kansas City Dental College and practiced
at Mansfield, Ohio. At the time of his death, 24 Jan 1917, he
was a member of the General Assembly of Ohio from Richland County.
His wife, Laura, had an M.D. degree.
Child of Nelson A. & Laura L. (Hobson) McQuesten:
1. Lambert Hobson, b. 1 Feb 1897 at Mansfield Ohio; was assigned
to the 329th Infantry, 83rd Division, at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe,
Ohio at the beginning of World War I and organized the Regimental
Band of forty-two men. He was sent to Paris where his band served
under the Board of Examination appointed by Gen. Pershing to
examine the band leaders of the A.E.F. for commissions. He m.
16 Feb 1926, Ethyl Clara ROACH. She b. 27 Apr 1898 at Elkhorn,
Wisconsin. CHILD [McQUESTEN]: Jack Edward, b. 11 Nov 1927 at
Jamaica, NY
Garibaldi-6 McQUESTEN (Clifton Claggett-5, Gen. James-4,
James-3, William-2, William-1) b. 26 July 1859 at Manchester
NH; married 20 Oct 1910 to Mrs. Laura (Fish) Shaw. She b. 25
July 1876 in Canada and d. 15 Feb 1919 in Manchester NH. She
is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery. He d. 11 Apr 1933 and is buried
in Valley Cemetery, Manchester NH.
Child of Charles C. & Laura (Fish) McQuesten:
1. Mabel Naomi, b. 17 Jan 1912 at Manchester NH; m. 26 Apr 1933
to Albert Ernest RINGENWALD. He b. 20 May 1911, son of Martha
and Ernest Ringenwald of Manchester. According to the social
security death index, Albert died 3 Feb 1992 in Lynn MA, and
Mabel N. died 14 Jan 2000 probably in Hudson NH. The 1994 Phone
and Address Directory of Saugus MA showed an Albert E. Ringenwald
living at 8 Jefferson Avenue in that city.
Dustin-6 McQUESTEN (William-5, Henry-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) was b. 18 December 1870 at Reeds Ferry [Merrimack]
New Hampshire; he recieved the "Dustin" in his name
after Hannah Dustin, the heroine of Colonial times; he attended
Dartmouth college 1889-92; Yale 1896-7; married 24 Apr 1895
at Inchester [?Winchester] MA, Amanda Martin DRISCOLL. She b.
26 Oct 1870 at Quincy MA. In 1923 he gave to Yale University
Library a copy of 'De Summo Bono' by Isidore, Bishop of Seville.
The Bishop who died in 636 was the last of the great Latin Fathers,
and the most learned men of his time. His 'De Summo Bono' is
a compendium of moral and dogmatic theology. This copy was printed
by de Marnef in Paris in 1493, and had the initials rubbed or
rubricated by hand, and is apparently the only copy of the edition
in this county. Frank D. died 27 Feb 1935; resided in Brooklyn
NY; had been a government official since 1906; since 1920 had
been appraising works for art for the customs.
Children of Frank D. & Amanda M. (Driscoll) McQuesten:
1. Marian Ada., b. 15 Dec 1896; m. 23 March 1918, Charles L.
WOOD. He b. 19 Dec 1895. They adopted a child, Marilyn Louse,
b. in 1921.
2. Ralph William, b. 20 March 1901; m. September 1923 to Evelyn
Dixey; in 1930 living in Brooklyn NY, working in the office
of a Tea company. The social security death index shows that
he died March 1986 probably in Lakewood, Ocean Co. NJ. From
the same source, Evelyn McQuesten was b. 8 March 1904 and d.
Sep 1976 in Lakewood, NJ.
Little-6 McQUESTEN (William-5, Henry-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) was born 29 June 1874 at Reeds Ferry [Merrimack]
NH; married 1 Jan 1896 to Bertha Fletcher BEAL. She b. 14 Oct
1876 at Bedford NH and they resided in Merrimack NH. They were
divorced in 1906. She died 12 Feb 1920 at her sister's residence
in Middlebury VT. He married 27 June 1908 in Pawtucket RI [registered
at Keene NH] to Florence Little PEART of Keene NH [a second
marriage for both of them], dau of Franklin Sprague and Laurella
M. Skiff. She b. abt 1859/1861. They went to California where
he died 12 June 1925, in Berkeley. He was a butcher by trade.
Children of Carroll L. & Bertha F. (Beal) McQuesten:
1. Charles Bradford, b. 2 Sep 1898 at Merrimack NH; kept a store
at Randolph VT; in 1918 his WWI Draft registration states he
was living in Addison/Middlebury VT, and that he was at the
time a shipping clerk for Chas. H. Dudley Inc. in Hanover, Grafton
Co NH. His NOK was shown as Mrs. H.A. Prescott of Middlebury
Addison Vt. He was tall with slender build, brown eyes and black
2. Fred R., b. 26 June 1904 at Bedford NH; d. at Manchester
NH, buried in Bedford.
Wingate Jr.-6 McQUESTEN (Henry Wingate-5, Henry-4, James-3,
William-2, William-1) was b. 20 March 1866 in Merrimack NH;
married 10 Sep 1884 in Massachusetts to Emma S. SARGENT. She
b. in 1866 at Lynn MA and d. in 1924 at Lynn MA; resided in
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he died 25 Jan 1936. In the 1900 US
Census Henry is shown living in Cincinnati Ohio, with wife "Kate"
b Sep 1877 in VA, married 18 yrs, and sons Howard and Forrest
(b. born in Ohio); in 1910 & 1920 living in Cincinnati Ohio
with wife Catherine b. W. VA, 1910 census states 2 ch 2 living.
No children living with them that year.
Children of Henry Wingate Jr. & Emma S. (Sargent) McQuesten:
1. Albert Pearley, b 19 July 1885; d. 28 Jan 1886
2. Howard Wingate, b. 22 March 1884/87; d. in 1915; was married,
his wife died during the flu epidemic, leaving a four-year-old
boy who was reared and educated by his grandfather. The boy
joined the navy and his whereabouts are unknown.
3. For(r)est Dowe, b. 17 Sep 1888 in Ohio or NH; m. Mabel M.
; d. 7 Sep 1928/9 in Seattle, Washington; He was buried in Forest
Lawn Cemetery, Seattle Washington. Since then his wife and child
have died.
Dowe-6 McQUESTEN (Henry Wingate-5, Henry-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) b 20 March 1871 in Litchfield NH on the family homestead;
went to Buffalo NY in 1886; worked in a lumber yard for nine
cents a day and board, for thirteen months; waking 8 miles to
and from work. Meantime he mastered stenography; received an
LOA to visit California for three months, but never returned.
Stopped at Denver Colorado to see the country and answered an
advertisement "Stenographer Wanted," got the job and
stayed two years. An old mining engineer induced him to quit
and go to Cripple Creek when gold was first discovered there.
He tried mining near Leadville and Aspen Colorado for a few
months, then bought a half interest in a steam laundry in Aspen,
Colorado and bought a full interest in a steam laundry in Aspen;
sold in a few months with a good profit and sent to San Francisco,
again entered the steam laundry business for 2-1/2 yrs; sold
out and went to Salt Lake City as a stenographer, soon became
a clerk of the Board of Education; took a civil service examination
and was appointed stenographer in the Interior Department, Washington
DC. There he began the study of law at night, recieivng his
degree LL.B. from President Cleveland in 1897; took a post graduate
course and received the degree LL.M. from President McKinley
and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court both in 1898.
Soon after arriving in Washington DC he was placed in charge
of Indian depredations in the Indian office; asked to transfer
to the State of Washington and was sent to Puyallup Consolidated
Agencies the same year; served at Puyallup and Yakima agencies
7-1/2 years; quit and entered the practice of law in Tacoma.
After eleven year, in 1916, Governor Ernest Lister appointed
him chairman of the State Board of Control, in charge of state
institutions--three soldier's homes, three insane hospitals,
state penitentiary, state reformatory, school for feebleminder,
for deaf and for blind, boy's training school (Chehalis) girls'
training school (Grand Mound) and women's industrial home and
clinic. He was also a member of the state prison board and of
the state reformatory board, and continued to hold the appointment
as long as Governor Lister lived, and for eight months more,
when he quit and located permanently at Yakima.
During his law practice he served in the state legislature three
terms--was chairman of the committee on education and introduced
the first teachers' retirement fund bill. He was a member of
the Tacoma Board of Education for three years, and for fourteen
years a member of the board of trustees of the Masonic Home
of Washington, then located on his farm at Puyallup. He accumulated
several farms and orchards and much livestock, and was "well
to do." He was a 32d degree Mason, and Master of Nob Hill
Grange No. 671; was for 3 yrs secretary-manager of the Washington
State Fair--and at all times active in Republican politics.
He married 12 Feb 1893 at San Francisco, California, to Ida
Oxenford of Lake City, Iowa. They were divorced in September
1918. He married 2nd) 1 Sep 1919 Mabel LaPlante, the only daughter
of Joseph Lafayette and Emily (Lundberg) LaPlante. She was b.
at Puyallup 14 May 1893 and was a graduate nurse of the Tacoma
General Hospital. Mrs. LaPlane died when Mabel was a child.
Mr. LaPlante was city clerk of Puyallup thirteen successive
terms, until his death, which occurred about 1926 at the home
of his daughter at Yakima; her parents are buried at Puyallup,
Children of George D. & Mabel (LaPlante) McQuesten:
1. George Dowe Jr., b. 13 Oct 1895 in Washington DC; d. 27 Sep
1896; buried in Merrimack NH
2. Malcolm Wallace, b. 21 July 1897 in Washington DC; d. 14
Jan 1898, buried in Merrimack NH.
3. Rosemary, b. 4 Jan 1921 at Yakima Washington
4. Emily Louise, b. 13 August 1924 at Yakima Washington; m.
14 Feb 1948 to Franklin Howard TERRALL.
5. Joseph Wingate, b. 8 May 1926 at Yakima Washington
Jones-6 McQUESTEN (Henry Wingate-5, Henry-4, James-3, William-2,
William-1) born 28 Feb 1874 in Litchfield NH; married 25 Oct
1893 in W. Medford MA to Marie Antonette KIRKPATRICK. She b.
in 1873 in Philadelphia. They divorced in 1902. He married 2)
16 May 1902 to Jennie THOMPSON. She b. in 1877 Ohio and died
in Cincinnati Ohio. He married 3rd) Emma --. She b. abt 1874
in Kentucky. He was an engineer, and resided in Montgomery,
Alabama. The 1920 US census shows them living in Montgomery
Children of Frank J. & Marie A. (Kirkpatrick) McQuesten:
[NOTE: The SS Death Index shows a Howard E. McQuesten, b 1 Dec
1917 and d. 12 June 1995 at North Reading MA. I believe he blongs
to someone in this family]
1. +Maurice Wingate, b. 13 Aug 1894 at Reading MA, prob
[Note one source shows the first Maurice dying young then a
2d Maurice Maurice Wingate, b. 15 June 1895 at Reading MA, however
the World War I Draft registration card of 1917 shows the August
date for his birth]
2. Frederick Elmer, b. 18 Nov 1896 at Ludlow MA. The social
Security Death index shows him dying October 1971 in/near Reading
3. Gertrude Janice Cecele, b. Oct 1899 at Ludlow MA
4. Rose Elizabeth, b abt 1903 Ohio. In 1930 a lodger in Dayton,
Ohio, the operator of a Beauty Parlor.
5. George, b. 24 Jun 1903 in Ohio; He died Nov 1971 in/near
South Portsmouth, Greenup Co, Kentucky. In 1920 US Census living
in Middletown, Butler Co. Ohio, working in paper mill; boarding
with Ruby Trowbridge. In 1930 living in Fullerton, Greenup Co
KY with his family (Mary wife age 25 married at age 18 [abt
1913] she b. Ohio; son George Jr. age 6 b Kentucky, dau Marylan
age 4 b Kentucky, and son Joseph age 1 b. Kentucky. Birth and
death dates from SS Death Index.
Children of Frank J. & Emma (--) McQuesten:
6. David, b. 8 Jan 1905 in Ohio, d. Feb 1984 at Blanchester,
Clinton Co. Ohio [A Tillie McQuesten b 30 Jan 1906 and d. May
1878 at Blanchester, Clinco Co Iowa also]
7. Richard J., b. 8 Aug 1908 in Ohio; In 1930 US census, a soldier
in the US Army, stationed Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Hawaii.
According to SS Death Index, he died 25 May 1976 in Los Angeles
8. Ada, b abt 1912 in Alabama
Maurice-6 McQUESTION (Henry Wingate-5, Henry-4, James-3,
William-2, William-1) b. 16 March 1876 in Litchfield NH; married
1 Sep 1894 in San Francisco California to Ardelle S. Burleigh
of Plymouth NH. They were divorced. He married 2) Hettie A.
Brackett who d. in August 1925; He married 3d) Mrs. Gladys Schramm;
he had a garage business in Seattle Washington and was state
sales collector. The social security death index shows he d.
9 Sep 1953 in Los Angeles, California.
Children of David M. & ?
1. Roseanna, b. 12 June 1900; a notary public in Washington,
L.-6 McQUESTEN aka Josiah Knowles (Henry Newton-5, Hugh
Nahor-4, Hugh Nahor-3, William-2, William-1), b. 28 Jan 1860
in Reading MA; m. 25 Dec 1881 to Hattie --, she b. 1860 in New
York. He died by 1930. She died after 1930.
Children of Alfred & --:
1.infant dy
2.infant dy
3. Alfred L. Jr., b. about 1882 in New York City; m. Henrietta
Cozens. Children: Virginia and Lucile. In 1930, Henrietta is
widowed living in Bronx, New York with her daughters Virginia
and Lucille, mother-in-law, "Hattie," and brother
William Cozens.
Augustus-6 McQUESTEN (Thomas Hartshorn-5, Hugh Nahor-4,
Hugh Nahor-3, William-2, William-1) b. 2 Dec 1862 at Mont Vernon
NH; married 28 Apr 1891, Addie S. GRANT. She b. 5 Jan 1862 and
d. 30 Apr 1897. He married 2d) 28 Nov 1900 to Carrie A. RICHARDS.
She b. 3 Aug 1867. He was a carpenter. They resided at Long
Beach, California.
Children of George A. & Addie S. (Grant) McQuesten:
1. Ruth E., b. 16 Nov 1892 in NH; m. 18 June 1921 to Sidney
I. BACON; resided in Long Beach, California. Issue [BACON]:
Phyllis, Judith Louise and Robert Sidney.
2. Bertha Marian, b. 26 Apr 1897; d. 8 May 1897
Parker-6 McQUESTEN (Thomas Hartshorn-5, Hugh Nahor-4, Hugh
Nahor-3, William-2, William-1) b. 1 Sep 1867 at Mont Vernon
NH; was road commissioner; married 5 Nov 1885 to Edith E. RICHARDS.
She b. 29 June 1867 at New Boston NH and d. 3 Oct 1935.
Children of William P. & Edith E. (Richards) McQuesten:
1. Ethel May, b. 21 Oct 1886; m. 30 Dec 1914 to James L. McDONALD
who d. in 1933. She d. 30 Dec 1914. Child [McDONALD]: William
2. George Rodney, b. 18 Aug 1890; m. 24 Nov 1914 to Mabel Lena
F. CROSS who was b. 4 Feb 1896.
Fred-6 McQUESTEN (Robert-5, John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b.20 Sep 1858 in Litchfield NH; married 9 Sep 1882
to Katrina A. STEIGLEDER. She b. 8 March 1848 in Germany. He
was a merchant in Montague, MA and later at Taylor's Falls MA.
He went to the state of Washington and became a buyer for a
fruit and vegetable commission house, traveling all over the
state, and the last that was known of him was in March 1908.
She died 22 Jan 1908 in Seattle, Washington.
Child of Walter F. & Katrina A. (Steigleder) McQuesten:
1. Albert Henry, b. 8 March 1885 at Montague, MA; enlisted at
San Francisco, April 30, 1917; called to active duty 9 July
1917. Received intensive training at San Pedro, California;
shipped to Pelham Bay NY; at Pelham Bay transferred to Air Service
as Aerial Photgrapher; shipped to Philadelphia PA for overseas
service arriving in France, 10 July 1918; arrived at Pauillac
15 July 1918; remained there until October and then was sent
to Eastligh, England; discharged 13 March 1919; lived in Los
Angeles. In the 1930 US Census living in Los Angeles California
with wife, Sue M., age 38, b. IL. No children in this census.
According to the California Death Index. He died 4 Nov 1946
in Los Angeles California. His wife, Sue Mary Packard [who was
b. 31 Oct 1883 in IL] died 6 March 1949 in Los Angeles California.
Sue's mother's maiden name was HALL.
Albert-6 McQUESTEN (Robert-5, John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 7 Nov 1859 in Litchfield NH; d. 14 Dec 1929 in
Litchfield NH; cabinet maker; married 12 Dec 1877 to Clarinda
Hannah JEWELL. She b. 16 Sep 1859 at Manchester NH, dau of Jacob
F. & Mary Jane (Linnell) Jewell. She d. 1 Apr 1908. He d.
14 Dec 1929 in Manchester NH.
Children of George A. & Clarinda H. (Jewell) McQuesten:
1. +Charles Milton, b. 21 Nov 1878 in Manchester NH;
m. 20 Oct 1899; d. 3 June 1942 in Arlington, Washington DC;
m. Ethel Maude Bacheldor/Batchelder. She b 24 August 1882 and
d. 13 Feb 1956
2. Mildred May, b. 22 Oct 1880; d. 4 Oct 1896
3. Laura Pearl, b. 13 March 1884; m. 23 Oct 1899 to Albert H.
EAKETTS. He b. 3 Jan 1876. Both died at Manchester NH. Child
[EAKETTS] Ada L., b. 31 Dec 1900; m. 1920 to Fred M. Simon.
4. +Leroy Lafayette, b. 15 March 1885; m. 7 May 1913
5. Myra L., b. 21 June 1890; m. 7 July 1908 to Fred E. MILLER.
He b. in 1888. Children [MILLER]: Robert P., Clarence V. and
Jay B.
6. Rodney Linwood, b. 4 Aug 1894; d. 27 Aug 1904; killed by
a train
7. Luther Albert, b. 23 May 1897; unm. d. 6 Dec 1916
8. Walter Fred, b. 31 July 1899; d. 25 Aug 1900
Eames-6 McQUESTEN (John-5, John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 22 Feb 1866; married 21 June 1892 Margaret B.
DEY. She b. 9 Aug 1871 in Houston, Minn. THey were divorced
betw 1910-1920, and he married 2d) Charlotte --, who d. 24 Nov
1935 [Note below that the 1930 census shows him as "married"
however no wife, i.e. Charlotte is shown living with him. Possibly
they married 2d around or just after the 1930 US census]. The
Social Security Death index shows a Margaret B. McQuesten, b.
9 Aug 1871 in Minnesota, who d. 20 Dec 1969 in Santa Cruz California.
That source shows her mother's maiden name was Lamphere.
DEATH NOTICE: "Early Day Coast Printer Succumbs"--
Santa Cruz, Nov. 25, 1936 (AP)--Luther E. McQuesten, 69, who
printed the Boulder Creek "Mountain Echo" on tree
leaves when he was unable to find paper for his journal, is
dead. Gold miner, fisherman and nature lover, McQuesten was
a printer in the days of the old Santa Cruz "Surf,"
where he learned his trade before coming the editor of the Boulder
Creek paper--From the San Franciso Examiner, Thursday, November
26, 1936."
The 1910 US Census of Santa Cruz California, has his surname
indexed as "Luther E Mcqunton"--in it he is shown
as being born Feb 1867, and married 7 years. His 1st wife Margaret
is shown as being born Aug 1871 in Minnesota [her parents from
NY and Wisconsin, respectively], aged 28 married 7 yrs, 2 children,
2 living. Their two children are also in the census, i.e., Helen
M. daughter b Feb 1894 in California, age 6 and Leavitt M. (son)
b. Apr 1895 in California, age 5.
1920 US Census of Santa Cruz California, shows Luther E. age
52 divorced and living alone. In 1930 US Census of Santa Cruz,
CA, he is shown as married for 27 yrs but no wife in household,
his occupation being hotel caretaker. Accordig to one source,
after his death, his widow and children were living in Berkeley,
Children of Luther E. and Margaret B. (Dey) McQuesten:
1. Helen Margaret, b. 17 Feb 1894 Santa Cruz, California; she
married about 1929 to Joseph BARTON. He b. abt 1892 in Louisianna.
In 1930 living in San Pablo, Contra Costa Co. California. Helen
died September 1986 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Co. California.
2. Leavitt Mead, b. 22 Apr 1895 in Santa Cruz, California; he
married about 1923 to Grace SHERMAN. She b. abt 1895 in California.
They had at least one child, Margaret, b. 1925 in California
[they are shown in the 1930 US census all living in Davis, Yolo
Co., California. At that time Leavitt is a college instructor.
Leavitt M. (according to the California Death Index) died 17
May 1973 in Santa Cruz, California. According to the same Index,
Grace Sherman McQuesten (b. 25 Dec 1894 in California) died
20 March 1988 in Santa Cruz California, her father's surname
was SHERMAN, and her mother's maiden name was STARK.
Wallace-6 McQUESTEN (John-5, John Jr.-4, John-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 5 Dec 1867 in Lowell MA; married 28 Sep 1892,
Anna Luella MEAD. She b. 26 July 1870 in Lowell MA, dau of Anna
G. Mead [who was b June 1833 in Canada of English origin]. He
disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown. Albert W., wife
and family are shown in the 1900 US census of Lowell MA, living
in Ward 8. In the 1890 city directory of Lowell MA, Albert W.
is shown as clerk at 312 Central street with a house at 118
D Street in Lowell. In 1920 Anna L. McQuesten is shown living
in Lowell MA, as a "widow" with daughters, A. Mildred,
Alberta M, and sons John T and Wallace W.
Children of Albert W. & Anna L. (Mead) McQuesten:
1. Annetta Mildred, b. 19 July 1893 in Lowell MA
2. Alberta Mead, b. 19 Sep 1894 in Lowell MA; taught in Lowell
MA; according to the social security death index, she died Nov
1981 in/near Lowell MA, probably never married as her surname
was McQuesten at that time. In Nov 3, 1955 shown in the "Lowell
Sun" newspaper as a member of the Morey PTA.
3. John Theodore, b. 6 Aug 1897 in Lowell MA; disabled in the
war; he died (according to the Social Security Death Index)
in February 1976 in/near Agawan, Hampden Co. MA. Historical
Newspapers > Berkshire Evening Eagle, The (Pittsfield, Berkshire,
Massachusetts) > 1947 > September > 17 "Mr. &
Mrs. John McQuesten of Agawan were guests last week of Mrs.
McQuesten's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall." Berkshire
Evening Eagle, The (Pittsfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts) >
1948 > June > 17 "Mr. and Mrs. George Hall had as
their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. John McQuesten and son,
Jack.... The 1955 city directory of Agawam MA shows: "McQuesten,
John T. (Gladys H.) refrigeration mech Gen Ice Cream Corp h70
Elm, and below, John T. Jr. USN r70 Elm.
4. Wallace Worthen, b. 30 June 1902 in Lowell MA; he married
abt 1924 to Minnie M --. She b abt 1903 in MA. They had children
[McQuesten]: Roy W. (b abt 1925 in MA) and Dorothy A. (b. abt
1928 in MA). They are shown in Lowell MA in the 1930 US Census.
Daniel-6 McQUESTON Jr.(Charles Daniel-5, Simon Oaks-4, John
-3, Simon-2, William-1) b 6 Dec 1889 at Hudson NH, died 1942;
married January 1908 to Agnes Ceclia CALLAHAN, daughter of John
J. & Ellen M. (Wallace) Callahan. She b. 30 May 1889, and
d. 1950. His World War I Draft card, dated June 5, 1917 indicates
he was living at 19 Dedham St. in Wrentham MA and was born in
Nashua NH, was a laborer for Louis Roby on the State Highway,
was married with 3 children (at that time), was tall, medium
build, grey hair and dark brown eyes, with one leg disabled
"cords cut." In 1920 [indexed as "McQueston"]
he and wife Agnes C., and children Helena F, Edna E. and Wallace
H. are living in Wrentham MA. They are buried at Wrentham Center
Cemetery, Wrentham MA.
Children of Charles D. & Agnes C. (Callahan) McQuesten:
1. Helen Frances "Helena F." McQuesten, b. 15 May
1908 Worcester MA
2. Edna Eunice McQuesten, b. 26 Oct 1909, d. 2002; m. Enoch
Beals. Resided Wrentham MA, had issue.
3. Charles Daniel McQuesten Jr. b 11 Apr 1911, d. 1911
4. Wallace Harland McQuesten, b. 10 July 1914 in Wrentham MA;
d. 18 Sep 1997 in Wrentham MA; m. Luella M. ORDWAY. She was
b. 12 Jan 1925, and d. 4 May 1998. They had a daughter who m.
Francis William Sprague. ALso a son Wallace James "Wally"
McQuesten b. 24 March 1948 in Attleboro MA and d. 5 March 2015
age 66 (he married and had 5 children).
5. Lillian Agnes McQuesten, b. 18 July 1922 Wrentham MA, d.
23 Sep 1998 in Providence RI; m. Raymond E. Adams. She also
married -- Ashworth. Issue: 2 daughters, Joan L. (?) Collins
of Fall Branch TN, Ann-Marie (?) Cash of Marstons Mill RI, and
two sons, Daniel Ashworth and Davis S. Ashworth. One daughter
Jean (?) Marshall pre-deceased her.
6. Florence Josephine McQuesten, b. 10 Dec 1924; m. -- Contois,
resided Pawtucket RI.
7. George Edward McQuesten, b. Jan 1928, d. 2002
8. Richard Arthur McQuesten, b. 19 Aug 1930
Benjamin Chase-6 McQUESTEN (Benjamin Chase-5, Alvah-4, Peter-3,
Simon-2, William-1) b. 5 Aug 1861 at Springfield IL; married
19 Aug 1885 at Ottawa, Kansas to Mary Eleanor JOHNSON. She b.
7 Aug 1862. He wrote a booklet, "Apart With the Master,"
published at Ottawa, Kansas. He was pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church of Humboldt, Kansas. He severed his connection with that
church, going to the First Presbyterian Church of El Dorado,
Kansas, and later was not in the active work of the ministry,
though he was still enrolled as a Presbyterian minister, his
name appearing on "The Minutes of the General Assembly."
Child of Rev. Benjamin C. & Mary E. (Johnson) MCQuesten:
1. Ruth Chase, b. 23 Jan 1893 at Ottawa, Kansas. She m. 10 June
1915 to John L. BRACKEN, superintendent of schools of Clayton
MO. He b. abt 1892 in Kansas. She wrote short stories. Children
[BRACKEN]: John McQuesten (b 23 Jan 1916 Idaho attended school
at Oberlin Ohio) and Ruth Eleanore (b 25 Feb 1918 Idaho, attended
Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio). In 1930 all living
in Clayton, St. Louis Co MO. According to the social security
death index, the elder (mother) Ruth died 6 April 1978 in/near
Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co., California.
Greenough-6 McQUESTEN (Evarts-5, Greenough-4, Peter-3, Simon-2,
William-1) b. 13 Feb 1874 at Woburn MA; was a compositor for
the "Boston Transcript." He married 20 Sep 1899 to
Harriet Susan DUNN. She b. 12 Jan 1877 at Middlebury VT. They
moved to Phoenix, Arizona where he d. 10 March 1920. They family
continued to live there.
Children of Charles G. & Harriet S. (Dunn) McQuesten:
1. Donald Evarts, b. 2 Jan 1901 in MA; m. 22 Feb 1924 to Ida
Emerson and divorced May 1928; manager of banking company. He
is in the 1923 Phoenix City Director, as an auto opr, residing
at 21 Lexington Ave. His mother, Susan D. McQuesten a widow
was living at the same address. According to the social security
death index, he d. June 1972 in/near Corvallis, Benton Co. Oregon.
2. Isabella Franklin, b. 4 May 1910 in Phoenix AZ
3. Gara Elizabeth, b 22 Apr 1919 in Phoenix AZ
Forest II-6 McQUESTEN (Dr. Eugene Forrest-5, Capt. Isaac-4,
Robert Henry-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 21 Apr 1892 at Nashua
NH; graduated from high school in 1910, Dartmouth College in
1915 and the Tuck School of Business and Finance in 1916. He
served during World War I as Ordinance Sergeant, Ordinance Corps,
April 1917 to July 1919. He married 21 June 1924 to Marjorie
Ruth HUNT, dau of Albert Hunt of Nashua NH. He became connected
with the Nashua Manufacturing Company. According to the March
19, 1947 edition of the Nashua Telegraph (newspaper), he was
named a member of the Nashua Police Commission by the Governor
and Council, to serve for a three year term. Ub 1949 the newspaper
notes his is the Nashua Police Commission "chairman. He
and his wife were often in newspaper notices as belonging to
a bridge (card game) club. In January of 1948 elected second
vice president of the Nashua Country Club.
Children of Eugene F. & Marjorie R. (Hunt) McQuesten:
1. Eugene Forest III, b. 25 July 1925. In June 1949 the newspaper
indicated he was a student at Monmouth College, Monmouth IL.
In Nov 1950 the newspaper indicated he was home from being a
student at New England College [they were living at 15 Berkeley
2. Virginia, b. 9 July 1927. In June 1949 the newspaper indicates
she is employed at the U.S. Navy Department in Washington DC
Solon-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) , b. 2 June 1886
in Massachusetts; m. 26 March 1910 at Winchendon MA to Helen
Marion PIERCE. She b. 23 May 1894.
Children of Frank S. & Helen M. (Pierce) McQueston:
1. Roger Franklin, b. 18 Aug 1911
2. Gertrude Inez, b. 26 Dec 1912
3. Dorothy Esther, b. 23 Oct 1915
4. Howard Eliot, b. 9 Apr 1918
5. Frank Solon Jr., b. 13 Sep 1921
Frederick-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick
[James]-5, William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) b. 23
Dec 1887 in Massachusetts; married 28 May 1910, Ida R. DENNISON.
She b. 29 Dec 1893. They resided at Winchendon MA.
Children of George F. & Ida R. (Dennison) McQueston:
1. Francis William, b. 13 Sep 1911
2. Ruth Mabel, b. 27 Sep 1918
3. Richard George, b. 13 Sep 1921
Spencer-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick
[James]-5, William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) born
16 Aug 1889 at North Brookfield MA; married 30 Sep 1912, Euphemia
BROWN. He was drowned 13 Jan 1929 while crossing a pond in a
sedan, on the way to join his brothers who were fishing. He
resided at Winchendon, MA.
1930 US Census > Massachusetts > Worcester > Winchendon
> District 305 > 24
McQuestion, Phemia Head 2800 F W 37 widow MA Canada-Eng Can-Eng
forewoman knitting mill
McQuestion, Everett S. son M W 17 single MA MA MA
McQuestion, Myrtle B. dau F W 15 single MA MA MA
McQuestion, Leonard R. son M W 14 single MA MA MA
McQuestion, Dexter T son M W 10 single MA MA MA
McQuestion, Elizabeth dau F W 8 single MA MA MA
Children of Herbert S. & Euphemia (Brown) McQueston:
1. Everett Spicer, b. 21 Apr 1913
2. Myrtle Brown, b. 22 Oct 1914
3. Leonard Rollo, b. 23 Oct 1914
4. Dexter Henry, b. 18 Oct 1919
5. Elizabeth, b. 22 Sep 1921
Solon-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) born 24 May 1893
at Winchendon MA; married 1 March 1919, Svea Albertina ANDERSON.
She b. 17 Jan 1897; resided at Plymouth, Michigan.
Children of Fred S. & Svea A. (Anderson) McQueston:
1. Emma Albertina, b. 10 Feb 1920
2. Ruth Marie, b. 26 Sep 1921
3. Sylvia May, b. 2 March 1930 in Ferndale, Michigan
James-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) born 6 May 1895
at Winchendon MA; married 2 Apr 1918, Eva Agnes WILSON. She
b. 9 March 1899.
Children of Arthur J. & Eva A. (Wilson) McQueston:
1. Donald Francis, b. 19 Feb 1919
2. Shirley Ruth, b. 3 Feb 1924
Morton-7 McQUESTON (Frederick Solon-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) was born 4 Sept
1898 in Fitzwilliam NH, and d. 7 January 1947 in Winchendon
MA. He married m. 24 DEC 1920 to Marijona Michus aka Mary Elizabeth
Mitchell, daughter of Joseph & Morta/Martha (Busaite/Bush)
Michus/Mitchell. She was b. 8 Aug 1902 in Butrimonys, Alytaus,
Lithuania and d. 3 Aug 1966 in Winchendon MA. [my thanks to
Gary McQueston a descendant of this line for providing a correction].
1930 US Census > Massachusetts > Worcester > Winchendon
> District 305 > 24
McQueston, William M. Head M W 31 married at age 21 NH MA MA
machinist machine shop
McQueston, Mary E. wife F W 27 married at age 17 Russia Russia
Russia, Russian, immigrated 1908 naturalized
McQueston, Earl W. son M W 8 single MA NH RUssia
McQueston, Vernon J. son M W 5 single MA NH Russia
McQueston, Clarance E. son M W 1 single MA NH Russia
Children of William M. & Mary E. (Mitchell) McQueston:
1. Earl William McQueston, b abt 1921 MA. He married Madeleine
E. Niall, dau of John M. & Mary L. (Guy) Niall. She was
b 6 June 1924 at Winchendon, Worcester Co MA and d. 14 March
1966 at Heywood Hospital, Gardner, Worcester Co MA. She is buried
at Riverside Cemetery, Winchendon MA. They had 2 sons, Earl
William Jr. and John E. McQuenston.
2. Vernon Theodore MacQueston, b 5 May 1924 in Winchendon MA,
and d. 15 jan 1967 in MA; resided Springfield MA, married, had
3 children, including Gary McQueston.
3. Clarence Carroll McQueston, b.16 Feb 1929 in Winchendon MA,
d. 14 July 1998 in Altha, Calhoun Co. FL; m. Rachel E. Beaumier;
res. Winchendon MA & Florida.
Gledhill-7 McQUESTEN (Frank Herbert-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1), b. 4 Dec 1898 in
Lawrence MA; served in the Naval Reserve Force 1917-19; married
23 June 1920 in Detroit Michigan to Maud Ellen RYAN, who d.
11 Apr 1923. He married 2) 23 Aug 1924 to Mary Agnes RADE. She
b. 22 Feb 1901 in Fiume, Austria. They resided in Detroit, Michigan.
In the 1930 US census living with wife in the home of his parents
in Detroit Michigan. No children with them in that census. The
social security death index shows that William McQuesten, SS#
378-30-0270 died September 1973 prob. in Dearborn Heights, Wayne
Co., Michigan
Child of William G. & Mary A. (Rade) McQuesten:
1. William Raymond, b. 2 June 1925
Harold-7 McQUESTEN (Frank Herbert-6, Solon Frederick [James]-5,
William-4, William-3, William-2, William-1) born 25 Dec 1899
in Lawrence MA: served in the Aviation Corps during the World
War; married 20 Apr 1927 in Detroit Michigan, Irene Mary TRUDELL.
She b. 31 March 1905 at Bay City, Michigan; they resided in
Child of George H. & Irene M. (Trudell) McQuesten:
1. Richard "Richmond" Trudell, b. 25 June 1928. The
social security death index lists his name as Richard T., and
that he died 6 May 2003 in/near Livonia, Wayne Co., Michigan.
2. Irene, b. 17 Dec 1929 [The social security death index shows
an Irene McQuesten, SS#377-28-8233 born 17 Dec 1929 and died
April 1971 in Plymouth, Wayne Co Michigan. This may be another
child of George H. & Irene]. Apparently remained single
as her name was McQuesten at death.
Scott-7 McQUESTEN (Charles Henry-6 "Chick", Charles-5,
Daniel Moor-4, James-3 McQuesten (William-2, William-1) born
26 August 1883 in Litchfield NH; was a merchant in Nashua NH;
married 23 Jan 1909 to Anna Nilda HOLDEN. She b. 24 May 1887.FROM:
Nashua Telegraph (Nashua, New Hampshire) > 1948 > January
> 2: "Everett Scott McQuesten died at his home on Lowell
road Thursday morning following an illness of short duration.
Born in Litchfield, the son of Charles H. and Esther (Leach)
McQuesten, he came to Nashua when a young man and resided here
for over 43 years. He was a prominent merchant and grocer for
over 35 years and had last owned the store at 1 Main Street.
Formerly state bowling champion he was known to hundreds of
New Hampshire residents and had always been deeply interested
in athletics. The surviving relatives include his wife Mrs.
Anna H. McQuesten, three daughters, Mrs. B. Franklin Trull of
Lowell, MA; Mrs. George M. Hambleton and Mrs. Roger Poirier;
nine grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Alice L. Ramsdell; a niece
Mrs. Duane H. Clarridge and a nephew, George A. Ramsdell; and
several cousins. Friends may call at the Davis Funeral Home,
1 Lock Street this evening during the house of 7 until 9.
Children of Everett S. & Anna N. (Holden) McQuesten:
1. Bernece Scott, b. 28 Dec 1909 in Nashua NH; an advanced pianist;
m. 24 Oct 1931 to Benjamin F. "B. Franklin" TRULL.
He b. 23 May 1903. In 1936 had one child, Meridith A. TRULL,
b. 31 July 1934.
2. Barbara Nilda, b. 10 July 1914 in Nashua NH; married George
M. Hambleton who d. 1975. She d. 10 Jan 2001. She was the secretary
for Improved Paper Machinery and officer manager for Carter
& Woodruff. She resided at 203 Lowell Road in Hudson NH.
Children [HAMBLETON]: David P., Mark W., Peter H., Tom, and
Lauris S [who m. -- Latvis].
3. Ruth, b. 3 Sep 1919; married Roger Poirier.
Jr.-7 McQUESTON (Fred-6, Charles-5 McQUESTEN (Daniel Moor-4,
James-3, William-2, William-1) born 9 July 1904; married at
Morrisville VT 28 June 1933 to Ena Marie DENTON, dau of Mr.
and Mrs. A.R. Denton.
Children of Fred Jr. & Ena M. (Denton) McQUESTON:
1. Beverly Agnes, b. 10 July 1935
2. Fred Denton, b. 7 Nov 1936
Ruth Carolyn-7 McQUESTEN, (Daniel Moore-6, James-5,
Daniel Moor-4, James-3, William-2, William-1) b. 21 Jan 1898
at Manchester NH and d. April 1990 in Fall River, MA; graduated
from the NH University; m. 24/28 June 1924 at Manchester NH
to Arthur Eastman TWADDLE. He b. 2 Aug 1897 in Manchester NH,
son of William F & Jennie E. Twaddle. He too was a graduate
of NH College. Arthur died Dec 1975 prob at Providence, Rhode
Island. In 1930 living in Manchester NH where Arthur was an
Industrial Engineer. Both buried in Manchester NH. [My thanks
to James McQuesten Twaddle
of this McQuesten line for providing this family information]
Children of Arthur E. & Ruth C. (McQuesten) TWADDLE:
1. Joan Botham Twaddle, b 9 Aug 1927 NH; now residing in Tiverton,
RI. Rec'd BA and MA from Wellesley College. Retired school administrator.
Not married; no children.
2. William Moore Twadell (sp), b. 5 May 1930; d. 26 Feb 1998
in Marblehead, MA. Received BA and MBA from Harvard. He m. Carol
Herrling in 1961. Carol d. Feb of 2000(?). 3 children, 1 deceased.
3. James McQuesten Twaddle was born 20 May 1936 in Manchester
NH and grew up in Fall River, MA. Graduated University of New
Hampshire in 1958 with a BS in Business Administration and earned
a MBA degree from URI in 1966. m. Anne (Miller) in 1960 in Concord,
NH. Children: (1) John Phillips, married with one ch; (2) Andrew
McQuesten, b. 22 Dec 1963 in Providence RI and d. 27 Jan 1964;
(3) Stephen McQuesten, married with 3 ch.
Milton-7 McQUESTON (George Albert-6, Robert-5, John Jr.-4,
John-3, Simon-2, William-1) b. 21 Nov 1878 in Manchester NH
and d. 3 June 1942 at Arlington, Washington; He m. 20 Oct 1899
to Ethel Maude Bacheldor/Batchelder; She b 24 August 1882 and
d. 13 Feb 1956. He was a manager of a lumber yard at Arlington,
Washington. Children were born in Washington.
Children of Charles M. & Ethel M. (Batchelder) McQueston:
1. Blanch I., b. 25 Nov 1900; unm. d. 4 June 1919
2. Milton G. McQuesten, b. 17 Feb 1906, d. Jan 1964 Washington
(state). He married abt 1929 to Carrie --. She b. abt 1911 in
Washington. In 1930 they were living in Arlington, Snohomish
Co, Washington. Children: Karen Ann (who m. -- Penka); William
"Bill" who resides with his wife Collette in central
France; George M. (who d. 2000).
3. Lynn E., b. 17 Aug 1908
4. Earl D. McQuesten, b. 7 Aug 1910 Washington, d. 27 Aug 2003
Washington (state). He resided in Arlington, Snohomish Co.,
5. Arline U., b. 23 March 1913
6. Jennie Louise "Jeanne" "Genie," b. 1
Nov 1914 Snohomish, Washington. In 1945 m. -- Hovland; in 1959
m. -- Farr.
Lafayette-7 McQUESTON (George Albert-6, Robert-5, John Jr.-4,
John-3, Simon-2, William-1) b.
15 March 1885 in Manchester NH; d.
4 Sep 1951 in Bath, Grafton Co., NH; m.
7 May 1913 in Woodsville NH to Gladys "Gladdies"
M. HOBBS. She b. 22 Sep 1888 in N. Haverhill NH, dau of John
& Bessie (Nason) Hobbs. In 1930 this family was living in
Bath, Grafton Co. NH.
Children of Leroy L. & Gladys (Hobbs) McQuestion:
1. Clara E., b. 17 March 1914
2. Florence B., b. 24 Sep 1915 NH;
married 4 Sep 1937 in Lisbon NH to Roland F. CLOUGH, son
of Frederick L. & Eva M. (Wells) Clough.
3. Archie B., b. 2 Apr 1917, d. Aug 1968 VT; The 1951 Montpelier
VT directory shows: "McQuesten, Archie B. (Helen C.) eng.
State Highway Dept. and prop Archie's Radio Service h267 Main.
4. Samuel Nason, b. 24 Apr 1920; d. 6 June 1920
5. Dora Rachel, b. 10 Apr 1922; In 1941 was in the nursing class
at Heaton Hospital, Montpelier VT.
6. Marjorie Ella/Ellen, b. 18 Oct 1926 NH; died 15 Nov 1983
in Berlin VT. m 31 Dec 1944 in Groton VT to Waldo Zane HEATH,
son of Waldo Hazen & Lemira (Fellows) Heath. He was b. 28
August 1926 in Groton VT, and d. 2 January 1994.
7. Louise Veda, b. 8 Jan 1928 in Bath, NH, d. August 1983 in
Cambridge, New York;
She married James Ellsworth SPEAR; had issue
Wingate-7 McQUESTEN (Frank Jones-6,Henry Wingate-5, Henry-4,
James-3, William-2, William-1) McQUESTEN, b.
13 Aug 1894 at Reading MA; died 27 May 1967; photo engraver
for Boston MA printing co. He married
14 February 1919 in Saugus MA to Ada Gertrude Mathewson,
dau of William A. & Celinda E. (Hunt) Mathewson. She was
born 25 July 1887 in Milford MA and died June 1980. His World
War I Draft Registration card shows Maurice Wingate McQuesten,
residing at 625 Fremont St. Boston MA, DOB: 13 Aug 1894; a machinist;
Single in 1917, tall with blue eyes and brown hair. In 1920
US Census living in Saugus MA with his wife, and in-laws, William
A. Matthewson (age 69 b Rhode Island) and Celinda (58 b Rhode
Island), and their granddau, Ruth Mathewson, (age 15, b Mass).
In 1930 living in Saugus MA, no children at that time. He
is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Saugus MA.