
Local Reference | Books | Magazines
- Manchester
NH History
- Willey's
semi-centennial books of Manchester, 1846-1896
- Willey, George Franklyn, 1869- [from old catalog] -- Internet
- Manchester
up to date: story of the city, 1846-1896
- Perkins, David Lane, 1896, George F. Willey, Publisher --
Internet Archive (2nd version)
- Manchester.
A brief record of its past and a picture of its present -
[Clarke, Maurice D.], 1875 (Includes Early History 1622-1751,
Derryfield 1751-1810, Manchester A Town 1810-1846, Manchester
a City 1846-1875, City of Today (1875), Schools, Benevolent
Societies, Misc. Societies, Post Offices, Banks and Insurance
Companies, Manufactures, Newspapers, Manchester in the Rebellion
(Civil War), Residences, Representative Men, Index) -- Internet
- Manchester
Historic Association Collections, Volume IV Part I, 1908
(includes info on the Snow-Shoe Scouts, The Indian Wars in
NH, The McClary Family, Amoskeag's Old Fishing Rocks, Early
Days of 'Squog, A Discourse at Amoskeag Falls 1739 by Rev.
Joseph Secombe, Art and Artists in Manchester, Early Days
of Amoskeag, Phinehas Adams // Vol 4, Part II, Amoskeag in
Early Pioneer Days, Major John Moor, The Battle of Bennington,
Stark's Independent Commant at Bennington, Reminiscense of
General John Stark, General John Stark, Notes from an Old-Time
History, Henry W. Herrick, Joseph H. Potter, Walter Cody,
Francis B. Eaton, Lucretia Lane Eaton, Sallie Sophronia Harvey,
Jon. James F. Briggs, I Clarence Whittemore, Daniel J. Daley,
William F. Hubbard, George Byron Chandler, Horace F. Simpson,
Ezra Huntington, Charles W. Eager, Joseph W. Fellows, Henry
W. Herrick, Frank W. Fitts, Roland Rowell, George H. Tanswell,
Capt. John A. Barker, Dr. James F. Brown, Walter S. Noyes,
George Emerson, Rt. Rev. John B. Delany, Arthur L. Walker,
Henry H. Morgan, Adoniram J. Lane, Alonzo Elliott, George
S. Eastman, George F. Laird, Orrin E. Kimball, George F. Perry,
William E. Buck, Harrison D. Lord, Edwin S. Foster, Frank
S. Bodwell, Sylvester C. Gould, Gillis Stark, M.D., Robert
D. Gay, Charles H. Bodwell -- Internet Archive
- Manchester
NH Historic Collections, Vol 1, Part 1, 1896, Manchester NH
by John B. Clarke Co. (Reminiscenses of Manchester 1841-1896,
NH Men at Louisburg and Bunker Hill, Derryfield Men at Bunker
Hill, Boating on the Merrimack, Derryfield Social Library,
Castle William and Mary, New Hampshire Branch of the Society
of Cincinati, Grace Fletcher, The Sweet by and by, Old Derryfield
and Young Manchester, Election Sermons of New Hampshire. --
Internet Archive
- Historical
Association Collections, in two Parts, Part I - Historic Quarterly,
Part II, Contributions to History of Derryfield, Vol 11
1900-1901 by Manchester NH Historic Association, 1901 (Contributions
to the history of Old Derryfield, Description of Landmarks,
Rivers and Brooks, Geological, Concerning Early Floods, Botanical
Sketch, Wild Animals of Derryfield, Indians (Native Peoples),
Early Occupation and Settlement, Home Life, Churches and Schools,
Derryfield Social Library)-- Internet Archive
- Manchester
Historic Association Collections, Vol 3,
1902-1903, Manchester NH (includes Gen. James Wilson, Old
Bridge Street Pound, Sketch of Dunbarton NH, Asiatic Choera
in Manchester, Rock Rimmon, Narrative of James Johnson, Early
Recollections of Manchester, Water Supply of Manchester, Story
of a Private Soldier in the Revolution, The Two James Rogers,
Josiah H. Drummond, Derryfield in the Revolution, Major John
Webster, The Story of Lake Massabesic, George W. Morrison,
Then and Now, The Old Times Muster, Gen. John Stark's Home
Farm, Smallpox Epidemic of 1834, Manchester as a Village,
Preserving Places of Historic Interest // Plus Historic Quarterly
Supplements) -- Internet Archive
- 1846
semi-centennial compendium of historical facts
: business and political index of Manchester, N.H. - Challis,
Frank H (includes advertising B & M Railroad schedule,
Historical Compendium i.e., event dates and some death dates)
1896 -- Internet Archive
- Manchester
A brief record of its past and a picture of its present,
including an account of its settlement and of its growth as
a town and city; a history of its schools, churches, societies,
banks - Clarke, Maurice D, 1875 -- Internet Archive
- The
Manchester, New Hampshire City Directory, 1866 - Google
- Progressive
- a long article with photographs about the city history,
buildings, people, and businesses of the time; found in The
Granite Monthly, March-May 1916 (Internet Archive)
- Manchester:
The Mills and Immigrant Experience,
Gary Samson
- Manchester,
by Robert B. Perrault
- Manchester
NH (Derryfield, Tyng Town) RECORDS
- Early
Records of Londonderry, Windham and Derry NH 1719-1745
Vol II, ed by George Waldo Browne, Manchester NH 1911
- Vital
Records of Londonderry NH, Vol II, to the end of 1910,
compiled by Daniel Gage Annis, Ed by George Waldo Browne,
Manchester NH, 1914, Vol 7 -- Internet Archive
- Vital
Records of Londonderry NH,
by Daniel Gage Annis, ed George Waldo Browne, Manchester NH,
Vol. 7, The Granite State Publishing Co., 1914 (Gen George
Reid, Certificates of Town Clerk, Coat of Arms of Campbell,
Duke of Argyle; Daniel Gage Annis, Gen. George Reid, The Romance
of "Ocean Mary", Ancestors of the Colonists of Londonderry
(NH), Vital Records (Births, Marriage Intentions, Marriages,
Deaths). -- Internet Archive
- Proprietors'
records of Tyng Township, 1735-1741,
with notes and sketches, by George Waldo Browne, 1901, Manchester
NH - Internet Archive
- Early
Records of Derryfield NH, now Manchester NH, 1751-1782;
Vol 8, ed by George Waldo Browne, 1906 (Old Meeting House,
Plan of Derryfield, Early Records of the Town of Derryfield,
Assorted Early Documents, First Representatives to the General
Court, Derryfield Soldiers in the Revolution, Petition of
Hadley and Kidder, Letter of Colonel JohN Goffe, Alewive Fishery
of 1776) -- Internet Archive
- Early
Records of the town of Derryfield now Manchester NH 1782-1800,
Vol 9, ed by George Waldo Browne, 1906 (includes Starks Fort,
Early Records of the Town, Muster Roll of Soldiers 1748, Plan
of Pews of Meeting House, Plan of Gallery Pews) -- Internet
- Early
Records Town of Manchester, Derryfield NH, Vol 11, 1817-1828,
ed George Waldo Browne, Manchester NH, 1909 - Internet Archive
(includes Gen. John Stark, Early Records) -- Internet Archive
- Early
Records of the Town of Manchester NH, formerly Derryfield NH,
1829-1835; Vol 12, ed George Waldo Brown, Manchester NH 1906
- Internet Archive
- Report
of the selectmen of the Town of Manchester) - Manchester
(N.H.) 1842-1974 (MULTIPLE BOOKS) -- Internet Archive
- Municipal
Archives and Record Center, Manchester NH (from City of
Manchester's Official Website) - includes, Board of Mayor and
Alderman, City Clerk Records, City Poor Farm and House of Corrections,
Civil War Account Records, Common Council, Early Manchester
Records, Election Records, Genealogy, Manchester Industrial
Council: Grenier Field; Mayoral Papers, Miscellaneous Records,
Naturalization Papers, Office of the Treasurer, Other Genealogy
Sites, Police Records, Records of Corporations, School Committee
Records, Tax Collector, Vital Records, Ward Records (Election)
World War I Veterans Cards (Revised), 1847 Tax Book, 1864 Tax
Book, 1869 City Directory and 1879 Map of Manchester, 1890 City
Directory, 1918 City Directory).
- Celebrations
& Dedications
- Ceremonies
of the Dedication of the Monument Erected by the City
of Manchester to The Men Who Periled Their Lives to Save the
Union in the Late Civil War, September 11, 1879, Manchester
NH; Mirror Steam Printing Press, 1880 - Internet Archive
- Dedication
of Stark Park by the City of Manchester, Oration by Gen.
Chas. H. Bartlett, June 17, 1893, Manchester NH printed by
the John B. Clarke Company, 1893 -- Internet Archive
- Centennial
Celebration of Manchester NH June 13, 1810-1910 by the
Manchester Historic Association, Published by Authority of
the City Government 1910 -- Internet Archive
- Semi-centennial
of the city of Manchester, New Hampshire, September 6, 7,
8, 9, 1896,
compiled by Herbert W. Eastman (Lots of biographies and photographs)
- Internet Archives
- The
Londonderry celebration.
Exercises on the 150th anniversary of the settlement of old
Nutfield, comprising the towns of Londonderry, Derry, Windham,
and parts of Manchester, Hudson and Salem, N.H., June 10,
1869. - Mack, Robert C. -- Internet Archive
- Individual
or Group Biographies
- Gen.
John Stark's home farm :
a paper read before the Manchester Historic Association October
7, 1903 - Rowell, Roland, b. 1849
Early Records of Derryfield NH, now Manchester NH 1801-1816,
VOl 10, ed by George Waldo Brown, 1908 (Hon. Samuel Blodget,
Early Records of the Town, Miscellany) -- Internet Archive
- Manchester
and Its Leading Business Men Embracing Those of Goffstown,
NH, by George F. Bacon, Boston, Mercantile Publishing Company,
1891 - Internet Archive
- The
life and writings of the Right Reverend John Bernard Delany,
second bishop of Manchester, NH - Delany, John Bernard, Bishop,
1864-1906 - Internet Archive
- The
customs and minor regulations of the Sisters of Mercy
in the Motherhouse, Manchester, N.H. and its branch houses
- Sisters of Mercy (Manchester, N.H.) -- Internet Archive
- Memoir
of Mother Mary Gonzaga OBrien
/ by a Sister of Mercy, Convent of Mercy, Manchester, N.H.
1920 [i.e., Mary Catherine Garety] ; with a preface by George
Albert Guertin - Garety, Mary Catherine, Sister -- Internet
One hundred years of New Hampshire surgery : a brief sketch
of the life and work of New Hampshire surgeons from 1800-1900,
read before the New Hampshire surgical club at Plymouth, N.H.,
September 18, 1907 - Blaisdell, Frank, 1852-1919 (including
stories of Amos Twitchell, Reuben Dimond Mussey, Nathan Ryno
Smith, Josiah Crosby, Dixi Crosby, Willard Parker, Gilman
Kimball, Edmund Randolph Peaslee, William Heberden Mussey,
George Brooks Twitchell, David W. Cheever, Alpheus Benning
Crosby, Joseph Edward Janvrin, George W. Gay, John Wheelock
Elliott, George Haven, Fred B. Lund, - Internet Archive
- Business
Books & Institutions
- Pocket
business directory and industrial and social statistics of
the city of Manchester, N.H., 1879
-- Internet Archive
- Pocket
business directory and industrial and social statistics of
the city of Manchester, N.H., 1884
-- Internet Archive
- Souvenir.
A brief history of Ridgely lodge, no. 74, I.
O. O. F., Manchester, N.H. Including the first anniversary
address, delivered February 17, 1888 and Higher life, a poem
.. - Odd-fellows, Independent order of. Manchester, N.H. Ridgely
lodge, no. 74. [ODDFELLOWS] -- Internet Archive
- Proceedings
of the Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences (Volume
v.1-5 incomplete) - Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences,
- Proceedings
of the Manchester institute of arts and sciences
- Manchester institute of arts and sciences, Manchester, N.H.
[from old catalog], 1900
- Proceedings
of the Manchester institute of arts and sciences - Manchester
institute of arts and sciences, Manchester, N.H. [from old
catalog], 1906
- Proceedings
of the Manchester institute of arts and sciences
(Volume 4, pt. 1) - Manchester institute of arts and sciences,
Manchester, N.H. [from old catalog] 1903 - Internet Archive
- Memoirs
and Proceedings - Manchester
Literary and Philosophical Society - Manchester Literary
and Philosophical Society, 1883, by R. Angus Smith -- Internet
- Wars
and Genealogy of Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
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