If you know of any local stories about Manchester NH that you
would like for me to add to this page, please contact me by email
using the webmaster's email link below.
Stories about Manchester New Hampshire Women
Biographies and Family Trees of Notable Manchester
2006 - I've started a blog, called "Cow
Hampshire" which will cover history and genealogy stories
throughout the state of NH, and will include brief on "famous
and infamous" sons and daughters of New Hampshire.
29, 2006 - see article, Manchester
New Hampshire Entrepreneur, Alma M. (Cavagnaro) Truesdale (1881-1973)
on my blog, Cow Hampshire.
June 5, 2006 - added Captain
Joseph Freschl: An Immigrant's Story (PDF file, 6 pages),
a wonderful genealogy of the Freschl family of Manchester New
Hampshire, written by Judith Berlowitz, a descendant.