Center (or Centre) Cemetery was first designated and used around 1759 when Derryfield's
(later Manchester) first meeting house was built, on the land between the cemetery
and Mammoth Road. It was called "Centre or Center" Cemetery as this
was the "center of town" when Derryfield was incorporated. See below
for additional history of this site. NOTE:
All of the photographs on this web page are the personal property and copyrighted
© by Janice Brown, the webmaster. All rights reserved. These photographs
should not be reused in any manner without the owner's consent except outlined
below. These photographs may NOT be used for any public purposes (including
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be used in any publication or document, electronic or otherwise, that is offered
for sale. They MAY be copied or printed by individuals who have a genealogical
interest, for their own personal use. Doing otherwise violates copyright law.
In 1993 a USGenWeb Volunteer "updated" a list of the tombstones
in this cemetery [click
here to see the TXT file of same]. It is obvious from the photographs below
there are numerous misspellings and errors even in this newer version, so I suggest
you take a look closely at the original stones below, by clicking on the thumbnail
image to see a larger picture.
Cemetery - external view from Mammoth Road
Cemetery - inside cemetery
Cemetery - more views inside cemetery
Cemetery - inside cemetery, and outside facing north
Cemetery - outside, Mammoth Road side, DAR plaque commemorating
Derryfield Meeting House (that stood here)
Died August 28, 1852, AE 69y 8m, wife of Dr. Joseph Andrews
Nathaniel August
30, 1881 Ae 85y 2m 7d [most of stone buried in ground]
Died October 25, 1860 AE 64 Wife of Job Chase
Died January 19, 1841 AE 21 yr's
Died Nov 5, 1842 AE. 46
Clark, Susannah
Died December 24, 1853 61y 8m wife of Aaron Clark
Hannah G.
Died August 11, 1817 AE 50
Deborah S. Died August 23, 18-8
William R.
Died January 22, 1842 AE 5y 2m Son of Calvin & Cyntha
Daniel D.
Died January 3, 1822
AE. 28
Died February 23, 1829 AE. 81
Mrs. Lois
Died August 29, 1799 wife of David Flint, Jr.
NOTE: several small stones are probably Flint family,
inscriptions worn and illegible, and some broken
Mr. James
May 9, 1802 Ae. 20 Son of Daniel & Jane Hall
Hall, Lieut. Daniel
Died November 4, 1815 Ae. 71 years
Hall, Mrs. Jane
Died April 13, 1822 77 Wife of Lieut. Daniel Hall
Died December 17, 1850 Ae. 40 Wife of Joshua J. Hall
Died October 2, 1829
Aged 30 years
Died October 21, 1838 Ae. 52
Harris, Mary
Died October 31, 1853 ae 59y 2m
Wife of Daniel Harris
Baker, Mary J.
February 25, 1818 December 4, 1893
[stone broken, lying against base]
Groves D. Died September -0, 1817 AE 10 mos Son of Jonathan
& Julia Haseltine
Haseltine, Martha Jane
Died September 6, 1841 Ae. 11mos
Dau of Jonathan & Julie I. Haseltine
Ellice Mrs.
who died January 8, 1829 AE 27
Wife of John Haselton Jr.
Jonathan 5/23/1846 AE. 68
Hezzletine, Nancy 10/17/1836 AE. 48
Wife of Jonathan Hezzletine
Capt. Isaac
April 12, 1810
June 17, 1904
Moore, Ursula
June 24, 1812
May 14, 1852
Wife of Capt. Isaac Huse
Hoyt, Hannah P.
Sept 9, 1824
January 11, 1911
wife of Capt. Isaac Huse
Isaac Esq
Died September 1833
AE 74
Huse, Joanna
June 1820 AE 40
Wife of Isaac Huse Esq.
Huse, Jerome
November 1807 AE 2
Son of Isaac & Joanna Huse Esq.
Huse, Infant
July 23, 1855
July 24, 1855 1d
Huse, Abel
July 1807 AE 80
Huse, Lydia
August 15, 1825
Ae. 91(4), wife of Abel Huse
Huse, Josiah
January 1808 Ae. 42
Son of Abel & Lydia Huse
Mrs. Susan December 14, 1819
Died September 21, 1892
Maria November 6, 1837
AE 21
Dau of Samuel & Mary Jackson
David M.
October 25, 1829 AE 2y 7w Son of James Nutt Jr. & Hannah
his wife
Capt. John
Died March 15, 1814
Ae 72
Perham, Mrs. Sarah
Died February 24, 1821 Ae 82 Wife of Capt. John Perham
Mr. Benjamin
Died March 31, 1826 AE 62y 11m
Stevens, Mr. Ezekiel
Died April 11, 1820
AE 84
Died May 8, 1844
AE. 82y 7m
wife of Capt. Ephraim Stevens
[Stone broken, lying flat on ground]
Ephraim Esq. Born August 7, 1782 Died May 5, 1849
AE 66y 9m
Stevens, Susannah
Died February 26, 1815 38 Wife of Ephraim Stevens
Capt. Ephraim
Died February 5, 1846 AE. 87y 10m
A Soldier of the Revolution
Mr. Ezekiel
Died April 11, 1820
AE 84
Capt. Charles
September 21, 1850
AE 87
Died October 1, 1856 59 [or 39]y 5m
Webster, George N. Died Feb 8, 1835 AE. 2y 2m Son
of Joshua & Betsey Webster
Webster, George B. Died January 3, 1863 11y 2m son
of Joshua & Betsy Webster [stone broken, lying on ground]
Webster, Betsey
Died April -, 1864?
Ae 28 yrs -- --
October 28, 185-
Wife of Isreal Webster
Webster, Isreal
March 3 [or 8] 1846
Webster, Rebecca
Died September 1818
AE 41 Wife of Isreal Webster
Died October 1, 1856
Ae 59 [or 39]y 5m
Webster, George N. Died Feb 8, 1835 AE. 2y 2m Son
of Joshua & Betsey Webster
December 25, 1871
AE 68
Died March 11, 1815
in the 17 year of his age son of Hezekiah Young
Young, Eliza
Died March 11, 1815
in the 9 year of her age, dau of Hezekiah Young
Emma J.
Died September 21, 1868
Young ?
[stone illegible]
History of
"The Centre" (aka Derryfield Centre, aka Manchester Center)
On September
5, 1754 (after being incorporated as Derryfield), by vote of its
residents, the location of the prospective meeting-house was fixed
"by the side of the Highway that leads from Londonderry to
Amoscheeg Falls, some place betwixt William McClintock's and James
Meeting House aka the Town Church,
built (completed) about 1760.
Photograph from "The Town Church of Manchester NH"
by Thomas Chalmers; The Jubilee Committee, 1903
location of the meeting house was an issue that split the town politics
in two for many years. August 27, 1758 a petition requesting the
building of a house of worship was signed by Capt. Alexander McMurphy,
John Hall, Robert Anderson, James Riddell, Samuel Boyd, John Dickey,
Benjamin Stevens, John Riddell, James Humphrey, Hugh Stirling, Michael
McClintock, Robert Dickey, John Merrill, James Pitirs, William Petiers,
William Nutt, James Peirse, John Harvey, William Perham Jr. and
Thomas Hall... "voted to build the meetien Houes on John Hall's
land joyening the road leading to Thomas Hall's ferry and the Ammacheag
Falls...Voted to raiese Said meetien Houes forty feet in lenth thirtey
five feet in Bredth..."
By July 15,
1759, the meeting house had been framed and raised, for on that
date it was voted to collect five hundred pounds "toward
Borden and Shingelen of our Meetien Houes..." Finally December
15, 1760 the house was considered near enough complete to order
that the names of the donors be recorded (including Col. John
Goffe, Capt. John Stark). The largest amounts are from Abraham
Miral [Merrill] and John Goffe.
During the
Revolutionary war, nothing more was done to the meeting house.
May 22, 1780, an effort was made to raise money for its repair
by selling the "pew ground." The purchasers (recorded
by John Goffe, town clerk) were Major John Webster, Daniel Davis,
Daniel Hall, Capt. John Perham, James Gorman, John Green, John
Hall, Lieut. David Merrell, John Stark Jr., Jonathan Greeley,
Asa Haseltine, David Webster, Joseph Haseltine, William Nutt,
Dr. John Duston, Abraham Ammy, Israel Young, John Dickey, Capt.
Samuel Moor, Joseph Farmer, Peter Emerson, Archibald Gamble, Joshua
Perse, Samuel Moor, Thomas Griffin and John Goffe.
In 1792 purchasers
of the gallery included William Perham, David Stevens, John Stark,
Able Huse, James Majorey, Samuel Smith, Capt. John Perham, Capt.
Samuel Moor, Green Simons, William Stevens, Daniel Davis, John
Hall, Jr. (but for some reason the gallery pews were never built).
[SEE floor
plan of this church in 1792]
The town voted
in 1800 to build a pound at the south end of the meeting-house
lot at the Centre, which was used till 1830.
On March 8,
1814, by a vote at town meeting, it was voted to dismiss a request
to pay for preaching (in effect disestablishing the town church).
In February
of 1828, Joseph Moor, Daniel Watts, Samuel Hall, and others met
at the old meetinghouse and formed a religious society known as
"the first Presbyterian Religious Society in Manchester,
N.H." Amos Weston Jr. was secretary. The first meeting after
the adoption of the organization's constitution was held there
on March 26, 1828.
In 1834 the
road passing by the meeting house was improved (by court order)
to provide a more direct route from Concord to Lowell, and named
Mammoth Road.
early histories of Manchester indiciate "they assembled at
Manchester Centre until 1840." In 1840 the old meetinghouse
at the Centre was foresaken entirely, the town voting to hold
its meetings at the newly created village by the river. The building
fell into great disrepair.
Thirteen years later (approximately 1853) the old meeting house
was bought by H.T. Wilson and B.H. Cheney, moved a few rods and
coverted into a dwelling house.
and Genealogy of Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
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